Page 10, News, Tuesday, October 8 1991 FULL TIME POSITION AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Hours: 9:00 a.m. to §:00 p.m. Job Description: Pump Gas, change tires, etc. Requirements: Applicant must be people oriented, courteous and enthusiastic - Male or Female - Wages negotiable Application available at: Terrace Bay Shell Hwy. 17, Terrace Bay, Ontario | Competitiveness of Ontario truckers at disadvantage Ontario truckers in the | transborder freight market are at a competitive disadvantage relative to their U.S. counter- parts, according to a consul- tant's report released by Transportation Minister Gilles Pouliot. The report, entitled "The the Ontario Transborder Trucking Industry," was released Friday for discussion. The report, which includ- ed a survey of about 190 ship- pers and more than 90 truck- | ing firms in both Ontario and the United States, examines long-term requirements to restructure the transborder trucking industry, which employs between 10,000 and 20,000 Ontarians. According to the report, costs of repair, maintenance, fuel and overhead are lower in the U.S., while Canadian car- riers have a marginal advan- tage in the area of taxes and tax equivalents, such as health care costs. As a result, the larger American carriers are better able to accommodate the growing demand for north- south trade. To counter these trends, the report identified 23 options for industry and gov- ernment, which include: « reducing costs through driv- er education programs emodernizing equipment to take advantage of energy effi- cient innovations *forming "buyer groups", comprising of a number of small firms that purchase goods jointly, taking advan- tage of bulk discounts to reduce unit costs of new or replacement equipment The government is also studying the productivity and licensing of owner-operators. I, HENRY SCHREODER, am not responsible for any debts or bills without my written consent as of October 2, 1991. SAVINGS BONDS A Wonderful Place ' 7 -- investment that never falls in value. any time, so your money is never locked in. Savings Bonds are sold. Don't Be Late! Remember, November 1 is the last day you can buy the new bonds at face value. But the bonds may be withdrawn from sale at any time. Canada § For Your Savings To Grow. You've worked hard to set aside your savings. Now it's time to look for a great place to invest those savings. Canada Savings Bonds. This year, you can buy your bonds at face value wherever you bank or invest from October 17 to November 1. fg You may date your payment November 1, " the day the new bonds start earning interest. Safe and Secure. Canada Savings Bonds are fully guaranteed by the Government of Canada. They're a safe, secure Cashable Anytime. Canada Savings Bonds can be cashed at Guaranteed Interest Rate. Canada Savings Bonds offer an attractive interest rate that's guaranteed for a full year. This year's interest rate and purchase limit will be announced in mid-October. Details will be available wherever Canada 9m Oct. 17 to Nov. 1 Yy & 7500 to 5, 000 INSTANT CREDIT 0.A.C. 6 MONTHS NO INTEREST" 5-Jack Monitor Panel, S-Video. Mod. F26051EM/STA9102. a MASTER FRGAL Quality is even more affordable now. Wait no longer for that great T.V. your foamy wanted. You can buy it today! Broadcast stereo reception, Master Touch Universal Remote, Commercial Skip, On screen menu system, Alarm/Sleep Timer, Connector. Complete with stand. a Res offers you a | _ complete line Electronics MONITOR RECEIVER "i CAMCORERS TELEVISIONS 10" to 37" VCRS INTEREST FREE ane: % SHOPPING SPREE Capes One. 2691 * Check in store for details bas with confidence from a name you trust TELEVISION VIDEO & STEREO