The Corporation of \ the Township of Schreiber. Notice of Public Meeting The steering committee will be conduct- ing a public meeting to discuss and review the draft of the Recreation Centre Feasibility Study. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 21st at 7:30 p.m. in Meeting Room #3 of the Recreation Centre. A copy of the report and drawings are | available at the Recreation Office. You are tnutted to: THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT OFFICE 5 Wadsworth Avenue, Nipigon for an OPEN HOUSE Following the Official Opening Thursday, August 29, 1991 Opening Ceremonies start at 1:30 p.m. Open House through to 4:00 p.m. Thank You thanks to all who came to my bridal shower and gave such wonderful gifts. Special thanks to Kerri, Pam, and Lesley for getting it together. Ursula Conseil Régional de Sante de x % Thunder Bay DEMANDE D'APPLICATION Le Conseil régional de santé de Thunder Bay est_un organ- isme bénévole représenté par diverses personnes 4 I'échelon régional et dont le rdle est de conseiller la ministre de la Sante de l'Ontario relativement a la planification des services de santé. Les membres du Conseil sont des benévoles, nommés par la ministre, parmi lesquels on trouve des citoyens, des prestateurs de soins de santé et des représentants munici- paux du district ainsi que de la Ville de Thunder Bay. Les personnes intéressées & l'amélioration de la santé de leur communanté par le moyen de la planification de soins de santé efficaces et de services connexes sont recherchées par le Conseil ou par l'un de ses comités. La participation au sein du systeme de soins de santé n'est pas une condition préal- able. Les dépenses engagées par suite d'affaires relevant du Conseil sont remboursées aux membres. Si la planification de services de santé a I'échelon regional vous intéresse, communiquez votre nom et votre adresse au directeur genéral du Conseil régional de santé de Thunder Bay 516, avenue Victoria est, bureau 8 Thunder Bay (Ontario) P7C 1A7 ou téléphonez au 623-6131 et nous vous ferons parvenir une || demande. d'adhésion.. : Sand art is one the many activities of the day for the Terrace Bay summer playground groups. Schreiber swimmers brave the cool waters for their lessons in White Sand Lake. || THE CORPORATION OF ve set THE TOWNSHIP OF ees TERRACE BAY e Shy NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC You are invited to attend the Official Opening of the Terrace Bay Tourist Information Centre August 30, 1991 twelve-thirty in the afternoon | [/g\ The War Amps Hi | Ji - of Canada Many summer Activities are still going strong By Kelly Moore The News The Recreation Centre's summer activity program has begun and judging by the number of children registered, it is on its way to a very suc- cessful summer. The three groups are super- vised by Jeff Mikus, Cindy Sopel, and Stacy Wallwin, all of whom are returning staff from last summer. Ernie & Bert is a morning program for 3 and 4 year olds. Tot Lot, for kids aged 5 and 6, and Summer Day Camp for 7 to 12 year old kids meet in the afternoon. "The number of kids partici- pating has doubled from last year," said Mikus. "Attendance has been really good." The children are kept very busy with a wide variety of activities. Some of the events include swimming, bowling, nature walks, and library visits. Theme days such as the Teddy Bear Picnic have also been very popular. The staff encourages the older groups to suggest activities that interest them. "They are always busy. In fact, we usually run out of time for the activity," Mikus said. The groups hope to get together with playgrounds from other communities sometime in the near future. The Schreiber swim pro- gram is into its second session of the summer. All of the swimming lessons take place at White Sand Lake. The lessons are based on the Red Cross cur- riculum and cover the levels from Yellow to White. There are about 40 kids enrolled in this session, as compared to almost 80 in July. Nicole Gauthier, program supervisor, explained the dis- crepancy. "The lake just gets too cold now," she said. "Also, it seems that many people take holidays in August." Gauthier claims that there are definite advantages to learning to swim in a lake as opposed to a pool. "Most water accidents hap- pen at lakes while boating," she said. "All we have are lakes around here - the kids are better off learning to swim in the lake." She said that most of the kids are not afraid of the lake, but they don't like the cold.