AE CLASSIFIED ADS...NEWS 825-3747 Ee page 15, News, Tuesday, October 30, 1990 FOR RENT BABYSITTING SERVICES HOUSEHOLD ITEMS PERSONAL 1 chesterfield, 1 chair and 2 lamps for sale. Asking $150.00 for all. Ideal for camp. Phone before 4 p.m. 824-2826. 11/06/90 2 Bedroom apartment for rent. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone 824-2619. 10/30/90 1 Bedroom apt. in Terrace Bay for rent with fridge & stove included. For more information call 824- 3288 after 5 p.m. 10/30/90 New house for rent. 2 bedroom, balcony, deck. 30 minutes west of Schreiber, on Lake Superior. Call 887-5623 after 7:00 p.m. 11/13/90 3 Bedroom apartment for rent (heat paid by landlord). Includes stove & fridge. Phone after 5 p.m. 824-2844. 11/13/90 Bachelor apartment for rent - fur- nished. Call anytime 824-2844. 11/20/90 For Rent - Newly renovated, 1 bedroom apt. in Terrace Bay. Util- ities, fridge, stove and laundry facilities are included. Call 825- 9715 after 6 p.m. 11/06/90 For Sale: 1988 Formula MXLT. New last year; still under warran- ty. All 89-90 up dates. New cover, carbides, 2 belts. $4,200.00 or best offer. 824-3364. 10/30/90 Very responsible mother wishes to babysit and care for children from 7 months to three years of age. -Lunch and snacks provided. Please call Mrs. McDonald at 825-3392. 10/30/90 BOATS & MOTORS For Sale: 1984 9.9 H.P. Mariner outboard motor. Call 824-2605 after 4:30 p.m. 11/06/90 SERVICES Neutrals A Soft Touch - Mary Kay introduces the fall glamour _ collection, The New Neutrals. Rich yet subtle shades to create better-than-bare glamour looks that complement all your fall fashions! Phone Judy at 825- 9246. 11/06/90 PRIVATE SALE - 93 Terrace Heights 29" x 44' bi-level, 4 bedroom home. Newly reno- vated upstairs bath, downstairs bath with Jacuzzi whirlpool. Fully landscaped, detached 30" x 30' garage with separate 100 amp service. for information call 825-9114 Subscription Order Form PLEASE SEND ME A COPY OF TERRACE BAY- SCHREIBER NEWS EACH WEEK Enclosed is my cheque...........:. Bill me later...... NEWS Box 579 Terrace Bay, Ontarlo. POT 2Wo Within 40 miles... 16 Outside 40 miles...$ 27 USA...$ 35 Seniors...$10...inSide 40 mile radius only en GRRS GRD ON ON GE SN OE GET os GO ee Ge Gs) a j Please make cheque payable to the Terrace Bay Schreiber News I Vive La French Manicure. More women are opting for natural looking nails. Learn how easy it is to apply with Mary Kay Sheers that will work with everything you wear. Please call Cathy Riley 824-2001. 12/11/90 Johnny On The Spot Cleaning - carpets, upholstery, ducting, exte- rior walls. Phone 824-3197. 11/06/90 Gardeners - It's time to replace used up nutrients and adjust the PH in garden soil. Also to power compost garden scraps to build humus. For more information call 824-3038. 10/30/90 Ninja Turtles Super Mario Care Bears CAKES up to 16 designs to choose from! 825-9180 Electrolux - Sales, Service and Repairs of vacuum cleaners and shampooers. Also used vacuum cleariers available. Phone Jacques Roy at 825-9182. 11/20/90 SKATE SHARPENING drop off skates anytime to Frank Figliomeni at 306 Newman Street SCHREIBER | phone 824-2023 VEHICLES For Sale: 1989 GMC 1/2 ton - Sierra "SLX", 305 auto, gold paint & black trim, stereo cas- sette, tilt steering, sliding rear window, aluminum rims and remainder of GM warranty. Ask- ing $14,000 - 824-3264. 11/6/90 For Sale: 1984 GMC S-15. V-6 auto, AM/FM cassette. New brakes, safety checked. Call 825- 9333 after 5:00 pm. 11/06/90 ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale: Collector Items - Great for Christmas. 1 early 1800's gramaphone with large silver horn. 1 late 1800's table top gramphone, 2 large bibles from the 1800's; antique mantle clock, Royal Daulton figurines and col- lector plates, still in boxes and more - all in excellent condition. Phone 825-9608 after 5 pm. 10/30/90 3 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Interested person to clear snow from the entrances of St. Andrew's United Church in Schreiber on Sundays and when needed for special occasions. Payment nego- tiable. Contact Jack Handel 824-2510. FLEA MARKET One man's junk is anoth- er man's treasure.Any one with "junk" in their closet or basement they would like to sell, bring it along and join us at an indoor flea market. 1 -80 items, everyone wel- come! Pick up available. You do not have to be there to sell. We are hop- ing to set up a weekly market starting Nov. 3rd. Call 825- 9524. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED Get your Class "AZ" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance, no experi- ence required. MERV ORR'S - TRANSPORT CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-265-3559 OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Former Avco office space available for lease Nov. 1st (approximately 650 sq. ft.) | For more information, or 7 to view, please call 824-2043 and ask for Audrey or 824-2549 and ask for Lola. ee Secretaries: Four essentials of a High Performance Secretary workshop sponsored by Thunder Bay Chapter of Professional Sec- retaries International. Prime Learning of Canada will leave you positively motivated and ready to meet each new challenge with enthusiasm and confidence. Friday, November 30 at Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay. 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Fee $90 includes lunch. Mail cheque payable to PSI to Janet Tackney c/o 316 N. May St., Thunder Bay. P7C 3P9. Dead- line November 23. 10/30/90 REAL ESTATE For Sale: A large modern back split house in Schreiber. All brick and landscaped, 4 bedrooms, large bathroom and 2 1/2 bath- rooms, with large kitchen, living room, dining room and family room with bar and fireplace. Fin- ished basement. Phone 824-2360. 11/20/90 All brick bungalow priced to fit your budget for your growing family of the 90's 3+1 bed- rooms, 1 1/2 baths. Newly fin- ished basement with rec room, laundry room, spare room, and utility room. Lots of storage space and a car port. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call 825-9001. 11/20/90 4 REALTY LIMITED . REALTOR BRANCH OFFICE Simcoe Plaza- P.O. Box 715 Terrace Bay, Ont. POT 2WO Office - 825-9393 or 825-3221 PRICED TO SELL This 3 bedroom bungalow has a pic- turesque view from the front window. Rec rvom, bedroom, laundry room in the basement. New modern redone bathroom. Tool shed included. Come and See!! Reduced. $87,200.00 : BE THE ENVY Of all your friends in this spacious 5 year old 3 bedroom bi-level. Bedroom, laundry room and bath in the basement with plenty of room to add a Jacuzzi. Walk out basement. Call to view!! Asking $95,000.00 Call Juris for more information on these and other listings in the Terrace Bay area. RELOCATION CENTRE JURIS ZDANOVSKIS 824-2933 BROKER Monique Gauthier, Marathon 229-0491 Gail MacGillivray, Manitouwadge 826-4598 Nancy Kyro, Manitouwadge 826-4760 } Shelley Gauthier, Longlac 876-2512 |