Page 16, News, Tuesday, October 23, 1990 The Secret is out Rod, everyone "nose" you're 40! The Royal Canadian Legion Terrace Bay Branch 223 Remembrance Day Service Cenotaph, Terrace Bay 11:00 a.m. Saturday November 10, 1990 Formation will be at the Curling Club Parking Lot at 10:45 a.m. Plan to Attend! Notice Highview Animal Clinic - Dr. Benz and Dr. Peterson will be in men Terrace Bay at the Community Church basement, on Wednesday and Thursday Nov. 14th and 15th. For Appointments please call Cathi at 825-3330 Terrace Bay's 3rd Annual Skate-a-thon Saturday November 3rd 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm Sponsored by Terrace Bay's Figure Skating, Hockey and Ringette Clubs Everyone welcome to participate. Pick up your registration forms from Linda Speziale, Cheryl Cosman, Shelby Hurley, Nancy McWatters or the Rec. Office. Come out and have fun! NOTICE The deadline for TENDERS for the supply of fuel oil to The McCausland Hospital has been extended to November 30, 1990. | Please submit to: Chief Executive Officer The McCausland Hospital 2 Cartier Drive Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2W0 Dear Editor As you are aware by now our Prime Minister has stacked the Senate against the will of the peo- ple, he now has 54 senators to the people's 51, but there are also six independent senators. They are: Senator Hartland Molson, Senator Daniel Lang, Senator P.M. Pitifield, Senator Douglas Everet, Senator Stan Waters and Senator Edward Lawson. In their hands lie the fate of fair taxation and democracy as we know it today. These are indeed troubled times for Canada when the Prime Minister refuses to listen to 80 per cent of the people. When we select a Prime Minster, we give that person one right and one right only - to serve the people of this nation. Whatever other rights Brian Mulroney thinks he has they are at best insignificant when com- pared to the democratic rights of the people: you see. the rights of the people are written in blood. Over 100,000 ~. young Canadians have fought and died for the rights that you and I now have. For us to let Brian Mulroney destroy what so many have given their lives to protect without a fight would be the greatest insult we could bestow upon our veter- ans and our war dead. We must never forget these words: "...if you break faith with -- us who die we shall not sleep..." If we ignore these six senators we will deserve the G.S.T. and the dictatorship of Brian Mulroney. John Welham Peterborough,Ont. ~NOTICE~ John MacDonald a singing evangelist from Toronto will be at Grace Baptist Church, Schreiber on Wednesday Oct. 24 at '7:00 pm Everybody Welcome! Thank-you Words cannot express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the suprise birthday party in my honor on Saturday. Surprised? Yes, I was overwhelmed! Many thanks to the organizers and for the cards, gifts and contributions. Such friends . are more precious than gold. \ God bless you all. Ww Beth Macadam ( LLABGP te LBL \ S Your Help is Important! The McCausland Hospital's primary purpose is to give YOU - the Public - quality care. In this regard, a new x-ray machine would greatly improve existing diagnostic services. Total cost of the new x-ray equipment is $350, 000. Donations toward this worthy cause will be greatly appreciated!! HALL, Samantha May Lee after a lengthy strug- gle with Dystrophy at_ the McCausland Hospital in Terrace Bay, on Saturday October 13, 1990, in her second year of life. Sammy Hall, beloved daughter of David and Cynthia Hall of Terrace Bay, dear granddaughter of Alvin and Alberta Hall of Sundridge, Mrs. Clarisa Wong of Toronto and the late Dudley Lee. Fondly remembered by many relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at the Moore's Funeral Chapel, Sundridge on Tues. Oct. th . 4b. Thad. Interment t Chapman Cemetery. A memorial service will be held at the St. Martin Roman Catholic Church in Terrace Bay on Monday evening Oct. 29th at 7:00 If desired, .memorial donations to Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. would be sincerely appreciated by the family. Muscular] 'e > Ringette Free Ringette at the Terrace Bay Arena for the month of October. What is Ringette? A non-contact team sport for girls 5 years and up. Skating and team play taught. Registration enquiries and information contact: T. Gemmil 9588 ° J. Gray 9526 R. Jowitt 3240 Final registration October 30 -at the arena 6-8 pm Coaches and volunteers needed. 4 \ Ke 'ie Should Not be Missed! FOR SALE BUSINESS AND INCOME PROPERTY If you have always wanted to be your own boss, this business could be your answer. A thriving business in downtown Schreiber is available for purchase. The current owner is willing to stay on and train a new owner. You may buy all, or any of the following : assets: 1. FLOURISHING FLOWER & GIFT SHOP (business and/or the commercial property) 2. a COMMERCIAL BUILDING (currently used to warehouse goods) along with 4 RESIDENTIAL UNITS currently rent -ed out furnished and equipped with all necessities. SERIOUS inquiries to: box 790 Schreiber, Ont. PoT 2So \ ; 7 y,