BELLUZ Realty Ltd. Simcoe Plaza Box 715 Terrace Bay Ontario POT 2WO Office - 825-9393 Home - 824-2933 JURIS ZDANOVSKIS BROKER THIS SPACE available for $12 per week on a 52 week contract basis V Volume 44 No. 11 Terrace Bay Public Library Box 369 Terrace Bay Ont PoT 2WO Tuesday March 13, 1990 The Terrace Bay-Schreiber a 825-9492 825-9646 SUPERIOR-SHORELINE INSURANCE LTD. Special Rates: Discounts on . | New Homes (10 years or less) discount \ /; Renovated Older Homes ly * Senior Citizen * Claims Free Terrace Bay Approves -- for New Tourist Information Centre By Angie Saunders Town Council approved the application to the Northern Ontario Travel Information Centres Enhancement Program for funding of a travel informa- tion centre in Terrace Bay. It is to be located adjacent to and on the west side of the Curling Club parking lot. The Centre will be owned and operated by the Township of Terrace Bay. TOWNSHIP WILL CONTRIBUTE The Township will contribute an estimated $182,025.00 towards the capital cost of the centre and an. estimated $10,000.00 to the first year oper- Snowmobile Accident Claims Life By Angie Saunders At approximately 3:20 a.m. Sunday morning a west-bound freight train claimed the life of 18 year old Rebecca Gilbert and injured 19 year old Clint Ward, both of Thunder Bay. The cou- ple had apparently been drinking. The couple was snowmachin- ing outside Rossport and were travelling about 40 km/h along- side the train which was also going 40 km/h. The snowma- chine missed the trail turn-off and went straight over a snow-cov- ered ramp colliding with the train going the same direction. Gilbert was thrown underneath the train. The employees on the train had not noticed the accident at all. Ten minutes later another west-bound train came along and hit the skidoo. A message was relayed to the dispatcher of the accident. The first train knew nothing of the accident until they reached Thunder Bay. It had been mentioned that had there been a caboose someone on the train might have noticed. ating cost of the centre. It was expressed at the meet- ing that a Tourist Information Centre would be a benefit to the area due to its many tourist attrac- tions. Among these are: Fishing , boating, hiking, swimming, hunting, and golfing in summer as well as downhill and cross- country skiing, snowmobiling, and ice-fishing in the winter months. There are also 2 provin- cial parks, a wilderness waterway park and a national wilderness park (Pukaskwa). Concerns were brought up about the cost of construction. Wawa and White River put up similar centres and found they were way over cost. GST also seemed to be a fac- tor against the completion of the Centre. Tourists are likely to spend less due to the increased cost of all goods and services. Overall, the Tourist Information Centre was support- ed by almost everyone as an excellent idea. Recent upgrading of the beach and golf club house are sure to attract tourists. People in the community will benefit from increased tourism that brings money to the community and local businesses. Erosion...still an issue By Angie Saunders The back lawn of the property located at 230 MacDonald Ave. in Terrace Bay has created many problems for surrounding neigh- bors. 2 The previous owner (now deceased) was told by the town inspector to build retaining walls along the back and sides of his house to keep it from sliding. After the small cement walls were built the man had his whole lawn covered with mounds of sand which totally covered every- thing including the walls. The once flat yard was made to look like a ski slope of sand. Railway ties were placed on either Sides and back corners of the lawn to help contain the sand. One affected resident explained that the city has no by- law governing retaining walls. The Township of Terrace Bay should have put a stop work per- mit on the construction until it conformed to the Ontario continued on page 2 Patrick Dingwell, President of Crimestoppers, Schreiber - Terrace Bay and Sgt. A. Templer of the Schreiber O.P.P. present Mr. Paul Chapell, Assistant Superintendant of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Algoma Division, with a plaque in appreciation for the Railway's generous donation of $500.00. Photo by Angie Saunders (- A COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE COMPETITIVE RATES FOR QUALITY COVERAGE TERRACE BAY INSURANCE LTD. * Home * Business * Auto * Cottages * Recreational Vehicles * Etc. SIMCOE PLAZA TERRACE BAY 825 - 3246 ~