Page 12 TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS Wednesday, November 8, 1989 Why shop in Thunder Bay? When you see the prices and selection of many of our local merchants advertised in this newspaper, you will realize that this Christmas and through the year, there is no better bargain than local shopping. If you wish to see more retail sales advertised in the Terrace Bay/Schreiber News call us and tell us. $25-3747 1989 Ontario Farm Tax Rebate Program i zt Seis ys eS FACTS ABOUT THE e Reduced benefits are avail- 1989 FARM TAX sbledioninskes-trem $4,000 OC ononcli p it Y REBATE PROGRAM to $60,000 from sources other than farming. This level is increased to $80,000 where there are two or more owners e Ontario farmers will receive some $140 million in farm tax rebates in 1989. e Some changes have been incorporated into this year's program. The changes to the Gardens man one | FULLY LICENCED DINING LOUNGE e Custom work is not counted as off-farm income if it is part of program apply for 1989 only. . _ Hope torm og se: VS Asteering committee isadvis- ° If you are a retired farmer, ing the ministry on the future spouse of a deceased farmer or direction of the program. if you have reduced production e The 1989 Ontario Farm Tax because of illness or age you Pisboadasd econ Shai al are exempted from the require- so eee clientes aceon 5 ee ment to personally farm your GOURMET MEN y pO farmers and reduce or eliminate Zemeres: Enj h an tiherealt benefits to property owners e Sharecropping arrangements njoy our changing tuncn an with significant off-farm income. qualify for rebates. dinner specials The 1989 FOR MORE INFORMATION ll' Friday evening CATERING 100 per eniiane epee CALL (416) 326-9900 PRIME RIB eveimbia tbe larger your own land, are sole owner on Minist f SE LOEORRSE parties or in your tile and make less than $40,000 ian he home: from sources other than farming. Agriculture BRUNCH SPECTACULAR This level is increased to $60,000 | Saturday and Sunda : : and Food y y where there are two or more owners on title. Ontario David Ramsay, Minister SERVING FROM 11 A.M.