TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS Wednesday, May 24,1989 TEBRACE Bay = Ww POLICE "WE ARE VERY PLEASED WITH THE SERVICE HERE." Alma Area Councillor, Margaret Rickert, is one of a growing number of endorse Retail Postal Outlets. Over ninety percent of our customers say se In many rural communities across Canada, business, community leaders appreciate t Overall the change from a corporately- Longer hours of service, More outlets. Over the next few OPP warn of boating hazards associated with drinking Statistics show that one out of two Ontarians will be involved with boating this year. With that in mind, the Ontario Provincial Police have prepared information designed to alert the public to dangers related to boating. Last year, fatalitics were up, with 64 killed compared to 43 in 1987. Approximately half of fatal accidents are alcohol related. "Alcohol consumption is more hazardous on a small boat than on shore," said Staff Sergeant Larry Smith. "It throws off coordination, balance and judgement, which are very important factors in safe boating." A total of 85 per cent of those killed were not wearing life jack- ets. "Life jackets won't work if you don't wear them," said Smith. "It is difficult even for a good swim- mer to locate a jacket and put it on after capsizing." Hypothermia is another dan- gerous factor that should be con- sidered. Most lakes have an aver- age temperature of 2 degrees Celsius in May, and at that tem- perature, life expectancy can be measured in seconds. Margaret Rickert, Area Councillor, Alma, Ontario Outlets is as good as or better than the former post office. where postal services have been converted to a local he benefits the town receives from increased access to postal products and services. operated post office to a Retail Postal Outlet run by local business means: often including weekends and evenings. years the number of outlets will grow from 5,000 to 7,000 across rural Canada. More business. Retail outlets, operate help strengthen the business base of the community. Canada Post Corporation is delivering on its promise. We're in rural Canada to stay. municipal leaders to rvice at Retail Postal das part of a local business, "Cold water chills 25 times faster than cold air. If your boat capsizes, you should try to get as much of your body out of the water and onto the boat as you can. Of course, you should also dress warmly for this kind of weather. Even though the air may feel warm, the water isn't," said Smith. More than 3/4 of the fatal acci- dents that occurred last ycar could have ben prevented if boaters had respected basic safcty rules and used proper safety cquipment, according to Smith. MAIL SPOSTE Canada Post Corporation / Société canadienne des postes ogg. LA Attar cariroe {nr VOI! R.LD.E. program in effect Victoria Day weckend will kick off the first of long weekend RIDE. blitzes this summer. For the first time, the Ministry of the Solicitor General, in con- junction with the Ontario Provincial Police, regional and municipal forces, is sponsoring a cooperative R.I.D.E. program, to take place on the long weckends during the summcr. The concept, initiated by a coordinated traffic management group looking at ways to solve common accident-causing prob- loms affecting forces throughout the province, will continue through until Thanksgiving Day weckend. R.LD.E. teams will be out in full force in towns and cities and on roads Icading to collage coun- try, beaches and resort arcas. The goal is to reduce drink- ing/driving motor vehicle acci- dents by increasing the risk of apprehension, The program has already proved effective in influ- encing driver behaviour during the Festive Scason. Long weck- ends in the summer are tradition- ally a time when accidents duc to impaired driving occur. For more information, contact your local police force. Lordy, Lordy Guess who's 40? _ Happy Birthday Guess Who's 30? Happy Birthday Sweetheart! Some may say the trick is dirty. We don't care, We know he's thirty! Happy Birthday SLUGGO