Letters to th E editor Senior gardener fails to understand senseless act Dear editor, Last Wednesday I spent the whole day weeding and tying up my cauliflower, etc.,. Thursday morning, I went out the garden and found my cauliflower and carrots pulled up and thrown in the lane. These veg- etables were not used, but just destroyed. I also found that they raided the garden of Mr. Tom Webb and did the same thing -- just thrown away. I don't know what kick a person gets in destroying the efforts of oth- ers, especially Senior Citizens who try to keep their homes and yards looking clean and presentable. I hope the person or persons who visited our gardens read this and asks himself why I should want to hurt this old man by destroying his garden. This old man is. 83 years-old with a heart condition who still loves to work in his garden. By the size of the footprints, they were not children. Fred Harness Smokers' group trying to stop billowing anti-smoking by-laws Dear editor, We are a newly formed organi- zation attempting to secure amend- mvuts to many of the recent by- laws concerning smoking. We are considerate, responsible, taxpaying citizens who feel the pre- sent by-laws contravene all demo- cratic rights and principles. We do not wish to offend non- smokers who are truly bothered by second-hand smoke, nor do we wish to argue that smoking is good for you. We would point out that smok- ing is recognized as an addiction by the World Health Organization, and as long as smoking continues to be a legal product smokers must be given consideration. 'Toronto has recently passed a "Smoking in the Workplace" by- law; smoking has been banned on buses and on airline flights of less than two hours. Hospitals are mak- ing patients stand outside, regard- less of weather, in order to smoke. many government offices, where we are forced to wait for hours on end, have banned smoking. We feel that there are many other factors contributing to many of today's ills, including automo- bile emissions, toxic waste dump- ing, acid rain, and general pollu- tion. However, these things are ignored by the government. Since smokers are a largely unorganized, unrepresented group in the government, they have quiet- ly decided to place all the ills of the world on our shoulders. It is time for smokers and sym- pathetic non-smokers to show their leaders that they do object to what is going on. We are presently collecting names on petitions in order to pre- sent them to our politicians, and if you would be interested in signing or having a petition sent to you, we would ask that you drop us a line. Don't forget to include your name and address. We would also like to point out, just because these laws may not have affected your area yet, don't feel too secure. Many municipali- ties and cities are awaiting the effects before deciding if they will follow suit. Katherine Mellon Citizens for Smokers Rights Box 225, Depot A Toronto, Ontario High school reunion planned for those who attended Tech Dear editor, Hillcrest High School, Thunder Bay, Ontario (formerly known as the Port Arthur Technical and Commercial High School or "The Tech"), is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee on Thanksgiving weekend (Oct. 7-9, 1988). . From 1928 to 1958 we were "The Tech", and for the next 30 years (1958-88) we have been known as Hillcrest. The Schedule of Activities include a Welcome Back Evening on Friday night, a Diamond Jubilee Dinner Dance Saturday night and an Ecumenical Service Sunday morning in the Hillcrest High School auditorium, followed by a Homecoming Pancake Brunch and Farewell. If you are a _ former Tech/Hillcrest student or staff, we invite you to attend. If you are unable to come to Thunder Bay, we invite you to send along your per- sonal greetings and information. If you wish further information or plan to attend, contact the Diamond Jubilee Committee, Hillcrest High School, 96 North High Street, Thunder Bay, P7A 5R3 and we will send you our brochure and application form. As well, you might make this known this event to your "high school friends." We look forward to our Diamond Jubilee Celebration with you. Burt Sellick, Ph. D. Hillcrest High School Page 5, News, Wednesday, August 10, 1988 Don't think you have what it takes? Let us back you up Writing for others can be intimidating sometimes. But it also can be a very exciting and rewarding experience. Some say that inside all of us there is a book just waiting to be written. We'll happily settle for an entertaining column or interesting article. If you have any ideas for, or would like to write,: columns news ( sports and light) features or other articles highlighting local people and local events, drop in and let's talk. Writing for the News may be the beginning of a new hobby, talent or -- who knows? -- a career! We'll give you the direction you need and get you on the write track. © So you can write for the Terrace Bay/Schreiber News Call us today at 825-3747 Letters to th itor Address letters to the editor: P.O. Box 579, Terrace Bay. POT 2W0O 'yale ee NORTHERN CONCRETE Hairscene Unisex Salon will be CLOSED from August 15 to September 5 Thanks....Dominic Major Appliance | Repairs Servicing done in your own home to ranges , washers, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, electric hot water tanks and electric heating units. Parts on hand for most makes and models. BILL CAMPBELL ELECTRIC 824-2743 or 824-2574 Servicing Jackfish, Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and Pays Plat. 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