Se ee ee Se Hints to make your summer super Take care when in the sun, proper care Sunlight has been the target of a great deal of negative publicity for the last sev- eral years. As a result, most of us are more than aware of the hazards of the sun--hazards such as sunburn. prema- ture aging of the skin and especially skin cancer. : We also know that the most effective way to protect ourselves from the sun's is only skin deep But the sun should not always receive depression, stimulate the circulation of a bad rap. There are several therapeutic blood and produce vitamin D. It can also benefits that it provides. and they should increase alertness. and perhaps even not be underestimated. According to Avon vice president of research and development, Gary Dugan. newer research has shown that psycho- logical and physiological processes are stimulate sexual reproduction." Looking forward Scientists are projecting that, by the more affected by the sun than we ever re- mid 1990s, there will be light therapies rays is to use a sunscreen with a high Sun alized. for autoimmune system diseases and re- Protection Factor (SPF). "Sunlight," says Dugan. "can alleviate jection of transplanted organs, Dugan says. Light is already being used in the treatment of certain skin disorders, in- cluding acne and psoriasis. If we are going to expose ourselves to the sun, and try to reap at least some of its therapeutic effects, where do we draw the line? How much sun is considered too much and dangerous? A myriad of creative options for enjoying summertime pleasures 'Almost everyone can recall a favorite childhood memory that Is intimately linked ¢reehouse. pool deck or greenhouse), a A family play is another, often hilari- with the arrival of summer. Whether it was the moment you realized school was OUt garden project, family walks in the ous option. Family members can eX- for three whole months, or that the family vacation was finally under way, it some- change roles (father playing son or how epitomized the pleasurable times and fun adventures that are synonymous with daughter playing mother) and write a summer. : = new script of some outrageous family sit And, while the leisure hours of a six-year-old are long past most of our grasps, uation, or use an already established summertime still means longer hours of jeisure after a day's work is done. The stretched-out days and evenings allow a slow-motion effect to pervade actions and events otherwise rushed through. Family dinners move outside, into scented evenings on porches and patios; friends linger around the barbecue, reliving a sports event of which they were the stars, not simply armchair spectators. Summer is the long-awaited-for sea- son action Aged --- ; Another fun way to bring the family F and giggling of children playing In 4 moderation and appropriate protection) together during the summer is to have a Most of all, summer is a time of infi- swimming pool or Jawn sprinkler, Or 4 and to play in the water. opealant refreshment session, where nite possibilities, 4 time to capture and heated match of volleyball = It is a time to enjoy the fruits and la- every member of the family mixes fruit keep all that is important to one's imagi- the oceatt OF:ONE = favorite lake. bors of this lushest time of year. and to. juices and soft drinks to create a new nation and heart, and even perhaps to re- It is a season when months of pent-up share those bounties with loved ones and -- drink. capture, at least for a moment, that -- can = pone = e€X- 'friends. feeling of eee cee eg comes _ pended in a way OF W ich only Amer- oar a ; amily. C2 se six-year-olds. W en the prospect Oo! a icans are capable. Summer also is the Pere er tee _Thie family Ca Oe usoches a Hol ane full of adventure is laid out be- ebrate and reinforce a sense of family, by : 3 : 3xercis >is cise -- : : : : er thirs "awards C ~ fore them, unfettered, without bound- Exercise, exercise, exercise --out come concentrating On doing projects together, summer. thirst. An "awards ceremony the racquets, the clubs, the assorted balls whether it's a family construction project. cameven cap the contest. aries. and the boats, and off we go to the moun- -- tains, valleys and plains to live life to the fullest. They come in all kinds of forms -- Moderation the key Explains Dugan. moderation is the key. since absorption of the sun's rays into the skin can be both beneficial and detrimental. "If you are going to the beach during the summer months, you should protect yourself fully from the sun's harmful rays. Avon's Sun Seekers line, for exam- ple, includes the new Super Block. SPF 24 for ultra sunburn protection, and Sun Seekers Children's Formula. It carries an SPF of 15." However, "for everyday exposure, you could probably use a product that pro- vides slightly less protection from the sun, such as Sun Seekers Sunsafe Tan- ning Lotion (SPF 8), oF Tanning Lotion (SPF 4). "By using a lower level SPF you would still allow enough sun to penetrate your skin to provide some therapeutic bene- fits, while also protecting it from sun damage." woods or a camping trip. Capturing the progression of a family project or camping trip on film or video- tape is an excellent way to create a family play. album. Viewing the slides or tape later Cool summer evenings are perfect for will be fun, and will help automatically. aj] kinds of games. anything from hide- to shape a "living" sense of family his- and-go-seek, to flashlight shadow dra- tory. mas. Robinson's Prices Effective (While these delicious summer activities of liv- Quantities Last From ing life to its fullest -- including eating TERRACE BAY Wed. June = Til such delights as ice cream, milkshakes Sat. June '5th, 1988 and fresh summer fruit. Yes. not all aspects of summer lifestyle mean steaming with sweat and being out of breath, because part of summer is re- laxation too: Like lying in a hammock under a canopy of leaves, lazily swinging back and forth, reading all those maga- zines, newspapers and books you've been meaning to get to all this time, or not even bothering to read at all,.and simply swinging in the gentle breeze. However, if you are a home improve- ment enthusiast. or happen to live with : . one. those blissful moments of inactivity Men's Assorted 1/2 Price Girls & "a, probably won't come without first mow- 0 a Sport Shirts Ladies Skirt Suits 4-6X Short ets ing the lawn or accomplishing some do- 0 off Asst. summer styles. Summer essentials. it-yourself tasks. such as insulating the : ay stag. 2899 Reg. 34.95 Reg. 11.95 attic or an exposed wall, or caulking or Our Entire : went $ weatherstripping around windows and Selection a , $ $ doors to make your home more economi- Summer Sandats set : Off our reg. prices. ea. set eal and efficient for your air condition- er(s), as well as for the furnace next winter. That seems:to be the balance for a Ladies Infants And ereat summer lifestyle: Working hard Infants And infants And Embroidered Toddlers Rompers : and playing hard. or working hard and Toddlers 2-Pc. Toddlers 2-Pc. White Blouses And Sun-Suits playing easy _-whichever suits your style Shorts & Tank Tops Shorts & T-Shirts j eae ; S-M-L. Reg: 19.95 Boys & Girls. Reg. 5.99-6.99 Boys & girls. Reg. 8.97 Boys & girls. Reg. 7.98 and taste. Summer is also a time to enjoy new fashions with their jazzy graphics and cool fabrics to match the liveliness of the season, It is a time to soak up the abun- dant sunshina' (although' at's» wise: to: use $42.