ig siuz | TERRACE BAY -- .<CHREIBER | #3 yy Realty Ltd. M2 SUPERIOR "ae SHORELINE- Terrace Bay INSURANCE Ontario LTD.. Ae * POT 2wo 825-9492 Lyn Hodder 825-9646 Sales Representative The North Shore 1-807-824-3429 Insurance Specialists! Vol. 42, No.46 Wednesday, November 18, 1987 HERRACE BAY PUBLIC TIBRARY 35¢ By Ken Lusk The News The arrival of the Olympic Torch in Terrace Bay is not too far off, and in fact, so soon that the Olympic Torch organizing com- mittee is moving very fast. The committee met last Thursday night. The meeting was well-attended and ideas flew around the room so fast it was hard to keep track of them all. But the group urgently needs the assistance of the community if the evént is to succeed. Weekend celebration The organizers of the Olympic torch ceremony want the event to planned that are presently sched- uled to take place, but there are many ideas in the air that need organization to be realized. Events already planned include the Games of Winter Show put on by the Entertainment Series and the actual Olympic Torch Ceremony itself. Events discussed at the meet- ing last Thursday included having a visit by the Olympic mascots Hidy and Howdy. These two cute creatures will hopefully be able to visit Birchwood Terrace, McCausland Hospital and area schools on the day the torch arrives (Monday, January 11, 1988). The committee also discussed having one of the local bands a It's a bird, it's a plane... be one that will be remembered play before the torch ceremony. The Lk. Superior High School Senior Beefeaters (as Kevin Roberts, Kenton Klassen, Neil 'Zwaresh, and for along time to come. they are nicknamed) set themselves to receive a Nip- Shawn Madore. The beefeaters defeated Nip-Rock to win "There are several events see page 13 Rock serve. Pictured here are (left to right) Henry Kaari, the NSSSAA West title. (More inside). Chapman's -- Resigns By Ken Lusk HENRI Ramsay Appointed Terrace Bay Reeve