Schreiber Recreation Department Afternoon Art Sessions An interest has been shown in Starting an afternoon art club. This would be open to anyone wishing to get together with other artists to work on their projects or to share ideas and techniques. If enough interest is shown arrangements may be made for some instruction. If you are interested please contact the recreation office at 824-2317. Fall Programs Anyone who has an idea or wishes to see a specific program offered please contact the recre- ation office. We will advertise any program or offer any course where suffi- cient interest is shown. Children's Christmas Crafts Once again this year we will be offering the Children's Christmas Crafts Workshop under the instruction of Donna Mikeluk. It has been scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 5'from 1-3 p.m. in the recreation office. Space is limited-so register early. Arena Schedule 1987-88 The regular arena 'schedule was slated to commence Tuesday, Oct. 13. We are presently working on the special events calendar. Anyone with special events they wish to schedule into the arena should get their request into the recreation office as soon as possi- ble. Torch Relay Medals and Certificates Anyone wishing to nominate names for the Celebration '88 medals and certificates can do so by calling the recreation office at 824-2317. Categories are as follows: One on Friday, October 23. Your card is the key The Terrace Bay Public Library would like to invite everyone to visit during Ontario Public Library Week, October 19-25. The theme this year is "Your Card is the Key" and we hope to attract many new library patrons. Many activities have been planned including our annual Library Book Sale, Friday, October 23 and Saturday October 24. There will be games and contests for young people to partici- pate in when they visit us. The prize winners will be announced Plan to visit us this week and see what we have for you. "YOUR CARD IS THE KEY" SNOWMOBILE CLUB ANYONE? | Anyone interested in forming a snowmobile club in Terrace. Bay? There will be a general meeting in the Multi-purpose room at the Rec Centre, Terrace Bay at = 7:30p.m. es November 3, 1987 male and female athlete, and one in each of the following: sponsor, referee, volunteer, and coach. Medals and certificates will be presented when the Olympic Torch stops in Schreiber in January of 1988. Names of the recipients of the "Celebration '88 medals and cer- _lificates 'must be in to the recre- ation department by Friday, October 23 at 5 p.m. Fall programs - The recreation department is looking for persons to do instruc- tion in the following areas: Corn Husk Doll Making, Kids' Crafts, Drawing, Knitting, Neédlepoint, Quilting, Rice paper Lampshades, Stained Glass, Paper Tole, Wreathmaking, Upholstery and other areas. If you are interested in any of these or have skills in other activ- ities that you would be willing to share, please contact the recre- ation office at 824-2317, Learn to skate The recreation department will be offering a Learn to Skate pro- gram in November. Classes will be held Monday and Thursdays in both the morning- 10-11 a.m.- and afternoon- 1:30-2:30 p.m. If you are interested in regis- tering your youngster please con- KIIMBERLEY-CLARK ANNUAL MIXED BONSPIEL Saturday, November 7, 1987 entry fee: $10.00/person limit 4 teams four-end games Information: Phone B. Hopper at 825-3412 Open to anyone wishing to curl. Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, October 28, 1987, page 7 tact the recreation oitice. Theory Coaching Clinic The recreation department will be offering a Level 1 & 2 Theory Coaching Clinic in late October or early November. If you wish to attend this clinic please contact the recreation office. 15 participants are required before the course can be held. Children's Christmas Crafts This workshop will be held on Saturday, December 5 from 1-3 p.m. at the recreation compiex. Register your child now to learn some exciting Christmas crafts. Computer Course The recreation department will be offering a Basic Introductory Computer 'Course in micro-com- puters. The course will be held on Wednesday evenings at the Schreiber high school. Mr. Bill Houston will be giving basic instruction on the use of the Tandy computer. A maximum of 15 participants will be allowed in the course. If interested, phone 4-2317. Aerobics Registrations are now being accepted at the recreation office for the second session of aerobics. Classes will commence on Tuesday, November 10 and con- clude on Thursday, December 17. Again, classes will be offered in the afternoon from 1:30-2:30 p.m. and in the evening from 8-9 p.m. Space is limited so register early. The recreation department is seeking instructors to offer cours- es in the following areas: Weight Training and Fitness Courses, Corn Husk Doll Making, Kids' Crafts, Drawing, Knitting, Needlepoint, Quilting, Rice Paper Lampshades, Stained Glass, Paper Tole and Wreathmaking. If you are interested in teach- ing any of these programs or have skills in any other activities please contact the recreation office at 824-2317. David C. Fulton Box 40 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO Phone 807-825-3315 |=] BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 2 Cr TERRACE BAY Ay @), RECREATION CENTRE SY Restaurant Concession The municipality will receive applications for operation of the Restaurant Concession in the Community Centre until. 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 6, 1987. The restaurant is part of a major recreational complex including the arena, curling club, squash and racquetball courts, library and other facilities. Major equipment for the operation of the restaurant is provided by the municipality. Further information is available from Dean Main, Recreation Co-ordinator, at 825-3542, or the undersigned. Clerk-Treasurer Administrator AS] DKA Hiking and Camping. be involved in Contact: or GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA WANTED- Girls ages 15 - 17+ interested in Health and Fitness, Art, Women's Concerns, These are just a few activities a RANGER can Jennifer Gatz 825-9477 Gerri Turner 825-9467 for more information AWARD and community. . Sportsmanship. THE TERRACE BAY OLYMPIC TOR ORGANIZING COMMITTEE NEEDS YOUR HELP!! To recognize those Terrace Bay Residents who have made outstanding con- tributions to our community, the Government of Canada is proud to-announce the "Celebration 88" Awards Program. This program honours those among us who have demonstrated characteris- tics which are in keeping with the admirable ideals of the Olympic Spirit: hard work, determination, moral character and dedication to community. The "Celebration 88" Awards Program has two parts. The "Celebration 88" Awards MEDALS honour individuals who have made outstanding contributions to-amateur sports. The "Celebration 88" CERTIFICATES recognize those who have contributed to the quality of life in your community. Please feel free to award these certificates to people in any field of endeavour. ATAGORIES FOR "CELEBRATION 1. ATHLETE - Choose one male and one female for their outstanding contribution to their sport 2. VOLUNTEER - Choose an individual for devoting his or her time to encouragement of fair play and sportsmanship and for bringing out the best in the athletes under his or her guidance. 3. COACH - Choose an individual for devoting his or her time to the encouragement of fair play and sportsmanship and for bringing out the best in the athletes under his or her guidance. 4. OFFICIAL - Choose an individual for devoting his or her time to the promotion of fair play and 5. SPONSOR - Choose a business that has contributed monetarily, or with services in kind, towards the development of amateur sport in your community. HOW TO SELECT TERRA JEN T! IF I- CATES " MEDALS: EREMONY NOTICE The Terrace Bay Cleaners will be closing as of Monday Nov. 31, 1987. We will not be accept- ing any drycleaning after Mon. Nov. 16th. All drycleaning must be picked up by Friday Nov. ec. We will not be responsible for any cleaning after this date. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers & staff for their patronage in our fourteen years of operation. Thank You Myrtle, Walter & Family. The Terrace Bay Celebration Committee is asking you to identify those who deserve recognition for their unselfish contribution to Terrace Bay. This contribution can be of any inspirational nature and recipients can be recognized for demonstration the Olympic Spirit in business, edu- He eee ea eee Os ia ins a ee eS a® Si ch se aesi l CLIP AND SEND CELEBRATION 88 MEDALS CELEBRATION 88 CERTIFICATES Athlete (M) (F) soa Volunteer. ominee (s) Coach Official Sponsor SS Eee Deadline to nominate in Thur November 12th, 1 : Drop off ballots at local businesses or mail to: Terrace Bay Recreation Office Box 460, Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO