Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 23, 1987, page 3 Local girl going to school in France By Ken Lusk The News Some people go elsewhere for educational insight and that is exactly what Terrace Bay girl Julie Kenney is doing now. As part of the Foundation for Foreign Studies, Kenney is spending this school year in Europe- France to be more specif- ic. She is staying with a young couple and their children. Kenney said many Europeans stay in Canada as part of the same program. \ To be accepted, Kenney said, she had to go through a rigorous selection process; a large part was based on high school marks. The process also involved get- ting letters of recommendation, filling out a four-page application form, writing a autobiography in French,and having a telephone interview. She had to get a VISA from the French Consulate to travel there. Kenney is not allowed to work, drive or marry; she can do things like babysit or tutor. While in France, she is attend- ing a secondary school which is called a lycee or college. Fluent in French Kenney said one reason she wanted to experience education in another country was because "there is a different perspective on education in a different place. "For example, other countries have a different view of wars. I also want to become fluent in French again," she said. "It was also be exciting to go to Europe to see it." Kenney left Terrace Bay in August and she will return in June of 1988 after her school year. Culture camp For the first three weeks of her experience Kenney was to stay at- a culture camp (in a castle one hour from Paris)- sort of a youth hostel. - There she took French train- ing and learned about French cul- ture. Culture camp is intended to ensure a smooth transition and a successful exchange year. Each day of the camp-is filled with intensive language instruc- tion, lectures, discussions, and group activities. * During this period, Kenney. learned about the school system, socicty, religion, and family life, just to get started. In Taiwan Kenney has done this type of thing before when she stayed in Taiwan in 1985 for two months. She stayed the summer as part of an exchange program. Kenney said she had classes there in Mandarin and Chinese. Become a UNICEF Volunteer ™ Andrea Martin Unicef Volunteer Ma Hla Hla, Burma Foreign Study. The foundation is a non-profit organization sponsoring academic homestay programmes for young people. Since 1979, over 10,000 stu- The foundation EF Services (Educational Foundation) promote the High School Year in Europe pro- gramme in Canada _ for Educational Foundation for fa Parlez-vous francais? Julic Kenney, above, is now attending school in France as part of an exchange program. One reason she wanted to do that was to become more fluent in French. Another reason was to see the world from a different country's perspective. round to provide participants with the guidance they need to. make the most of their exchange experi- ence. dents trom 18 nations have partic- ipated in the foundation's youth exchange programmes. Experienced EF staff, together with a worldwide network of over 1,500 volunteers, work year- 824-3213 ~ROSSPORT INN Est. 1884 _ = oe eis "Overlooking Liisa . Rossport rrp Harbour" a/@uebko yt AS er < J : Open 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. daily. Licenced dining in the charming atmosphere of a 100 year old Railroad Inn Comfortable overnight accomodations Dining Room closing Sunday October 18, 1987. Rossport, Ont, LAW OFFICES OF EDWIN W. 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Pour ceux quis n'ont pas ete rejoints ou pour plus d'information, veuillez telephoner a ' 825-9580, 825-9140 oua 825-3397 Ny ; Les Compagnons "| ZAITZEFF ARNONE SOMERLEIGH Barristers & Solicitors 291 South Court Street Thunder Bay, Ontario SPECIALIZING IN FAMILY MATTERS; WILLS and ESTATES: CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LITIGATION; REAL ESTATE and CORPORATE COMMERCIAL LAW. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-465-3912 MARYLIN J. ZAITZEFF and DINO DIGIUSEPPE attend weekly office hours Thursdays in Terrace Bay. Italian spoken. Receptionist available daily at Simcoe Plaza Office, call 825-3292 for appointments and further information. 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 'GRANNY'S FOODS Terrace Bay 825-3858 _| PLUS * IN STORE SPECIALS Sale Runs: Wednesday SEPT. 16, 1987 to Saturday SEPT. 19, 1987 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST STORE HOURS 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Monday to Saturday Thursday 'til 8 p.m.