fOr A Set ce Page 4, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, Septembe 19, 1987 Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 9, 1987 Remedial Action Team completes Limited operates a kraft pulp mill at Terrace Bay which discharges its effluent into the Blackbird Creek system approximately 15 kilometres upstream of the Blackbird Creek inlet to Jackfish continued on page 8 Kimberly-Clark Canada Limited pulp and paper operations since the mill's inception in 1948. The Blackbird Creek drainage area encompasses 62 square kilo- metres of rough, wooded terrain. Kimberly-Clark of Canada ay. Although it was originally Cash discounts and Valuable Bonuses Build your Viceroy home this fall and take advantage of thousands of dollars in savings. You receive: 1. 5% DISCOUNT ON ALL HOME PACKAGES 2. FREE INSULATION PACKAGE FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS 3. FREE INTERIOR TRIM PACKAGE, including all doors, mouldings and hardware. You also receive the outstanding new Superwindows These exciting new windows won't peel, crack, warp, rot or decay. And they never need painting. Caltor visit your nearest display court today. WEEKDAYS 9 AM TO.5 PM ~ 825-9308 or 825-9530 i Please send me the new 90-page Viceroy Catalogue. C; € -- Northland Enterprises 1 tenclose $6.00 ' ' pO. Box 1147 Terrace Bay, Ontario Pot 2W0 The Finest Homes OF Them All... eg IC APT ADRESS ee ee ener ge Bee ' { ; 1 1 ' 1 1 -- 1 \ POSTAL \ \ . ' ' \ J CO0b. 7 1 LOCATION | OFLOT 3 eters je een 2 ee eee "T will continue fighting for the issues that con- cern you and your community..." ...publicly-owned auto insurance, so that every driver can afford adequate coverage. _..worker-owned pension plans, so that every worker will have the security of a pension plan which is indexed against the effects of inflation. _..revisions to the Northern Ontario Development Corp. (NODC) loans policy to pro- vide assistance to entrepreneurs who create employment by establishing retail, restaurants, lounges, tourist accommodation and services, throughout the region. ...a "new deal" Northern energy policy, so that Northern residents and commercial users will no longer be forced to suffer unreasonable prices for heating oil and gasoline, and the high price of hydro dependency stifling the Northern economy. _.establishing immediately a licenced office so that residents of Terrace Bay / Schreiber will not have to venture elsewhere to obtain their driver's licence. I respectfully ask for your support. On Thursday, September 10th, ] RekElect the mill effluent prior to its entry into Lake Superior, low flows in expected that the creek/lake sys- tem would provide treatment of REGISTRATION for the basic BOATING COURSE WILL BE Sept. 15 from 7:30 - 9 p.m. in TERRACE BAY at Recreation Centre ea > ITHE SEWING NOOK OPENING SEPT. 14, 1987 SEE WHAT'S NEW in FABRICS & NOTIONS & PATTERNS | and -- "SEW' WHAT'S NEW!!! | OFFICE HOURS "SERVICES AVAILABLE" "SERVICES AVE | (closed for lunch from Alterations & Le ee ee a (downstairs from the Post Office) 42 noon - 12:30 noon) dressmaking | j Monday - 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. "Unique custom | j luesday - 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. designs" 1 pears) =CLOSED Costumes Available « Thursday - 9:30 a.m.- 8 p.m. by Elise Kenny Friday - 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. i I Saturday - 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. : : Sunday - Closed I l 1 l l a TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY NOTICE EMERGENCY SIREN TEST 11:45 a.m. Friday, September 11 A siren test will be carried out for about a two minute duration to evaluate the operation and efficiency of the mergency siren system. plan on bay Blackbird Creek offer little assim- ilative capacity. nn ee a eee Men's Slow Pitch news The final standings in the Men's Slow Pitch League for 1987 are: TIGERS- 20 wins, 4 losses; LAKERS- 17 wins, 7 losses: NEW YORKERS- 16 wins, 8 losses; GOODTIMERS- 14 wins, 10 losses; STINGERS- 14 wins, 10 losses; REBELS- 10 wins, 14 losses; TRUCKERS- 9 wins, 15 losses, ST BREW- 6 wins, 18 losses. The quarter-final playoffs have been completed and the semi- finals are about to get underway. The Goodtimers will go up against the Tigers and the New Yorkers will meet the Lakers. The top 10 batters for 1987 with at least 48 at bats are: R. Brend, .614; H. Roos. 556; A. Jensen, 5472 FF Gosactin, .537; E. Sheridan 530; J. Corrigan, 529; A Lavigne, .529; R. Bouchard 528; J. Dobush, 517; and B Orlesky, .507. Honourable mention gocs t three players who didn't hav quite enough at bats but still ha an excellent year. They are: I McKie, .610- 41 at bats; F. Cap; 565- 46 at bats and Donaldson, .522- 46 at bats. The league would like to co gratulate the Tigers who qualifi in Sudbury for the OV Provinc Slow Pitch Championships Niagara Falls this weekend. Congratulations and good lu Tigers. The windup for 1987 is sch uled for Sept. 26. Hope to see ' there. Linda Orlesky. Ma Hla Hia, y = Andre: Burma Actress and Unicef V Unicef Canada '