Here's St. John Ambulance Safety Tip continued from page 11 A puncture would should be Another bike award Our second elementary student to receive a weekly bike award is Robert Fenton, above. Robert is the son of Wes Fenton of the Terrace Bay Police Force. Robert can also win a brand new bike at the end of the sum- mer. All of the students' names, the names that have won a weekly bike award, will be put into a drum. Two names will be picked. Those two students will win a brand new bicycle each. RED DOG INN LOUNGE GRAND OPENING This Friday and Saturday (Sept. 11) (Sept. 12) now under new management A WHOLE NEW LOOK WITH AN EXCITING ATMOSPHERE" Check it out! LIVE D.J. featuring the top 40 hits of Yesterday and Today! COMPLIMENTARY HORS D'OUVRES (FOOD) SERVED 4-7 p.m. FRIDAY ONLY Music By: NICK DESHANE Red Dog Inn Lounge "Where Your Good Times Start!" OPEN 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. ( except Sundays) Air Conditioned for your comfort. AGE OF MAJORITY CARDS ARE REQUIRED! cleaned and dressed, but the vic- tim should see a doctor because he may need anti-tentarys shots. If an object is embedded in a wound, and will not come out easily or without causing further damage, leave it there and get medical help. That applies even if the embedded object is a fish hook. Leave it there and get skilled help. St. John first aid courses teach you how to make a ring bandage to surround an embedded object to help protect the injured area. If someone starts an ordinary nosebleed, he should sit down and lean forward, breathing through his mouth. If necessary, loosen tight clothes. He should pinch the soft part of his nose firmly for about 10 minutes. Then leave it alone for several hours without blowing his nose. If bleeding won't stop, or if it recurs, see a doctor. If it's caused by a blow on the head, it might be the sign of a serious head injury and the casualty must see a doc- tor. Shock- When someone is injured and you must apply first aid, one of the things to watch for is shock. Shock happens when circula- tion to vital areas is interrupted and it can be the result of a num- ber of things including injury and Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 9, 1987, page 13 heart attack and falling into very cold water. Shock can kill even when the incident that brought it on is not in itself life- threatening. What you need to do in an emergency, is keep the possibility in mind that a casualty may be suffering shock. St. John Ambulance says the symptoms will include paleness, clammy skin and sweating, thirst, nausea, anxiety, a change in the continued on page 15 @x iat me Ne The Corporation of Township of Terrace Bay Snow Removal Assistance Program NOTICE For the upcoming winter season, the municipality is again offering driveway clearing services to eligible families, which are defined as an individual, a couple, or a group of individu- als living as a family unit. To qualify for the program, a family must: who is-handicapped; and gram. and and other means. Simcoe Plaza. 1. Contain at least one individual over the age of 65 years; or 2. Not contain any person physically capable of performing the snow removal which is to be supplied under this pro- 3. Be the sole occupant group of the dwelling unit served by the driveway to be cleared under the program. 4. Have an application completed by and individual within the family unit stating that he/she /they are financially unable to make arrangements for driveway snow removal by any Driveways serving commercial properties or multiple dwellings will not be cleared under this program. Application forms are available at the Municipal Office, 12 ZY AVIS scnmermarie AT THE FORT WILLIAM GARDENS 1985 Plymouth Reliant Stock °85-31 LIQUURTION SPs to them away! Ron Hell General Manager SEPTEMBER 9th to 12th | ATTENTION OUT OF TOWNERS : "I'm going to sell over '2 inventory. Even if | have to of this 4 9° to goo Each Day! If you are willing to drive to Thunder Bay for this tremendous sales event, I'm willing to cut you a deal like you've never seen before! ! Believe it! We'll sell these cars and trucks at almost any price! We're overstocked and they must go! Ron Hell General Manager | OVER 150 CARS AND TRUCKS TO CHOOSE!