Ontario Hydro is studying new ° high- capacity transmission facili- ties needed to serve Northern Ontario customers beginning in the mid-to-late 1990s, President Robert Franklin announced. "This Northern Ontario Inter- connection Study will determine what facilities need to be built to increase Hydro's ability to trans- fer power between northeastern and northwestern Ontario," he said. "It is part of our long-range plan for ensuring a reliable and economic. power supply for Northern Ontario beyond the mid-1990s. The plan also includes conservation, co-genera- tion and hydro-electric genera- tion. The Little Jackfish River hydro-electric generating preject currently under study is one com- ponent of this broad plan." The proposed high-capacity line would connect Thunder Bay with the existing 500-kilovolt transmission network, at Porcupine Transformer Station (TS) in Timmins or Mississaga TS east of Sault Ste. Marie. Because of the high capacity cf the line and its length (about 600 kilometres), Cntario Hydro is considering a direct current (DC) transmission line such as those used in Manitcta and Quebec. A DC system would provide greater planning and operating flexibility and would be cheaper Trustee leaves board over disagreements continued from page 4 I no longer wish to be account- able for actions and directions that the board is taking which I do not support. I sincerely regret, but cannot deny, the negative tone of this let- ter. yours truly, Barbara Lalonde 825-3716. to build than a comparable alter- nating current (AC) system; Franklin said. The transmission study will also consider locations for ground electrode sites near each end of the proposed line, as well as for a series of microwave communica- tion towers. The line will come into service Terrace _ -Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 22, 1987, page 5 Ontario Hydro studying new facilities in N. Ontario in the mid-to-late 1990s, depend- ing on the rate of growth in elec- tricity use in the North and the contributions made by other com- ponents of the long-range plan. The proposed transmission facilities must be approved under Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act. Alternative routes and sites for the proposed facilities are expected to be iden- tified by mid-1987 and Hydro plans to submit its Environmental Assessment to the Minister of the -- Environment by the end of 1988. Hydro will be consulting with _ provincial and local governments, special interest groups and area residents at different stages dur- ing the study, Franklin said. -- Jeeps Comanche with Sport Stripe B) casal Mansel hand °121 hp engine °5 speed eFabric seats Block heater eHeavy duty battery Power brakes Power steering eStyled road wheels license extra, stock --J5445) COMANCHE. NOTHING IN ITS CLASS COMES CLOSE. eHeavy duty alternator eQuadra-link front suspension IT'S BUILT BY JEEP. It's got all these standard features, and more. DRIVE FOR ONLY $254" per month (* $1500. cash or trade, based on 48 month lease tax, Warranty and Financing Available. Out Of Town--purchase a car or truck from Arnie's and we will pay for your accommodation at the Valhalla Inn. ARNIE'S nwrren 2272 | RENAULT / A | JEEP oe AVIS DE VAPORISATION AERIENNE Dans le cadre du programme actuel de régénéreation et de protection des foréts du ministére des Richesses naturelles, des peuplements sélectionnés dans le district de Terrace Bay seront vaporiés avec un herbicide pour contrdler la végétation indésirable a la date suivante ou vers cette date: le 27 juillet 1987 Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur ce programme-ou pour étudier les détails du projet et les cartes, communiquez avec: Monsieur Derrick Tirschmann Ministére des Richesses naturelles C.P. 309 Manitouwadge ( Ontario ) POT 2CO Téléphone: (807) 826-3225 Dans le cadre du programme d'ententes de gestion forestiére, Great West Timber Ltée réalisera des herbicides visant a contréler la végétation indésirable. Pour des renseignements détaillés sur les projets réalisés dans les differentes régions faisant l'objet d'une entente de gestion, communiquez avec: Monsieur Dick fry ou Madame Sarah Bros 3 Great West Timber Ltée CP. 2891 Thunder Bay ( Ontario ) : ~ P7B 5G3 bi Téléphone: Thunder Bay (807) 345-0571 Ministre Richesses Mary Mogiord Manitouwadge (807) 826-3205 naturelles Sous-ministre Ministére des. L'hon. Vincent G. Kerrio Ontario oe NOTICE OF AERIAL SPRAYING As part of the Ministry of Natural Resources ongoing program to regenerate and protect our forests, selected forest stands in the Terrace Bay District will be sprayed with herbicide to control competing vegetation starting on or about: JULY 27, 1987 To obtain further information about the program or to arrange to review project details and maps, contact: Derrick Tirschmann Ministry of Natural Resources RO. Box 309 Manitouwadge, Ontario POT 2CO Telephone: (807) 826-3225 As part of the Forest management Agreement Program, Great West Timber Ltd. Will be undertaking forest improvement projects with the application of herbicide to control competing vegetation. For specific information on projects on various management ageeiogh areas, the following company can be contacted: Dick Fry or Sarah Bros Great West Timber Limited : RO. Box 2891 Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5G3 Telephone: Thunder Bay (807) 345-0571 -Manitouwadge (807) 826-3205 Ministry of Hon. Vincent G. Kerrio N t | _Minister . wie Mary Mogford Resources : Deputy Minister Ontario :