Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, June 3, 1987 Anne Todesco re By Anne Todesco the ice making it easier to get out Fishing of the channel. A couple of weeks ago some of We miss the sturdy tug the the local sportsmen were taking ad- | 'James Whalen'. It always picked vantage of the open water in the bay to cast or troll for trout- by all reports they were successful in cat- ching some good-sized fish. Our harbour was still ice-bound with about 18 to 20-inch thick ice. We needed a good rain and a strong northeast wind to blow it out the gap to the bay. We were hoping that someone with a sturdy tug would arrive and chop a couple of channels through up the lightkeepers and their sup- plies at our government dock and transported them to the Slates, Lamb and Battle Islands. It would break a couple of chan- nels to the dock in order to pick up its passengers and freight. The cap- tain always received a big welcome from the villagers, especially the commercial fishermen as it enabl- ed them to get out to their fishing grounds earlier to set nets. THANK YO s% Thank you to all who visited us, sent flowers, gifts, "% Cards & calls during our stay in McCausland and Port s% Arthur Hospital. s Thank you to the s% also, DR. WILKES, yeaes nurses of both hospitals, R. HARTOG, & DR. DE. Ss -Special thanks to Nonno & Nonna, Uncle Ron, ee Uncle Coe, Aunt Rosemary & girls for taking good s% care of Jason. SYLVIA % Oe) X SS LAN, BBB THANK YOU We'd like to take the opportunity at this time to thank our families, relatives and friends for their support during the time ANDRE was in Toronto. Thank-you to all of those who sent cards, flowers, gifts, and a SPECIAL THANK-YOU to all of those who prayed a for André's good health. With our appreciation. MAY AND DANIEL 3% SRORERERER BRERERERER ERIE IR ERERERERIeIRERIRERS ie we ee ee ee oe a a JASON FIGLIOMENT is pleased to announce the birth of his new Brother & Sister: KEVIN JAMES-5ibs 9 oz & SHEENA MARIE-6 Ibs 2.5 oz at the Port Arthur General Hospital on May 19th. Proud parents are FRANK & SYLVIA. Grandparents are Frank & Stella Speziale and Vincenzo Figliomeni. ; ee oe ee ee ee ee eo = oS ~ RRR MR MRR RRR HH a a a a a ae a ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a py a= \ SH Ont., are pleased to announce the engage- | SS ment of their children. wey KS 'i Jenny-Lynn & Walter David Wedding to take place June 20, 1987 A Stag & Doe will be held in honour of: JENNY DORMAN & WALLY ROBSON on Friday-June 5/87 at the SCHREIBER LEGION HALL. For tickets call April at 824-3385 or Floyd at 824-3842 A stag & doe will be held in honour of CATHY BELLIVEAU and DAN GLAD on JUNE 13th at TERRACE BAY LEGION HALL from 8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. : $3.00-single NO MINORS $5.00-couple ) holding out tidbits for them. Nowadays the lightkeepers are transported by helicopter to their stations. A bit of excitement for all but not near to what the captain and the 'James Whalen' tug caused in the village. Priceless Heritage Rossportites have a priceless heritage of forests, wildland, cliffs and hills, lakes and streams, vallies, islands, animals and birds. Geese, swans and herons come back each year. Their nests are Sunset glows over the village and harbour as they silently di : All that is left is the murmuring of the gurgling streams as they flow down to the lake, and the pounding surf along docks and shoreline while one arrives back after explor- ing the countryside, old buildings of the hinterlaude, old trails or mining sites of the early days- just peace and tranquility prevailing; birds twittering as they settle in trees and sheltered places for the well hidden in small coves along _ night. Lake Superior's shores or on the Occasionally a bark of a fox or islands. : coyote can be heard. They become quite tame and come ashore in our village to feed Three names on the grassy lawns or looking for Rossport has been known by three names: the Indians called the location "Baugwashing" which means rolling land. -a captain of a side-wheeler ship in 1876 asked Charles McKay Sr., handouts of bread, grain and scraps often feeding from human hands Some stand and walk about the docks but when the evening and twilight time rolls around they the Battle Island lightkeeper, to silently leave for their nesting area. _pilot his ship into our harbour. The -- Church Listing ---- Schreiber Grace Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. Jim Johnson. Phone 824-2402. Sunday School, all ages- 10 a.m.. Morning worship service, 11 a.m. Sunday evening service, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Bible study and prayer, 7 p.m. Nursery provided for all services. Holy Angels Roman Catholic Pastor, Father Peter Groulx. Phone 824-2010. Sunday Masses: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m., Rossport, noon. Confessions: Saturday, 4-5 p.m. in Schreiber. Pays Plat Prayer Group: Thursday at 7:30 p.m. St. John's Anglican Church Pastor, Rev. Bill Le Grand. Phone 824-2771. Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist every first, third and fifth Sunday. Morning prayer every second and fourth Sunday at 10:30 a.m. On Fridays the Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 10:30 a.m. at Birchwood Terrace. : All welcome. St. Andrew's United Church Minister, Ernie Hunt. Phone 825-3346 or 3396. Morning seryice and Sunday School are at 9:45 a.m. Communion service is the first Sunday of every month. A nursery for infants is provided. Terrace Bay Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly Pastor, Rev. Keith Milne. Phone 824-3436. Family worship is on Sunday at 11 a.m. : Wednesday night is Action Night from 6:30-8 p.m. which provides Chris- tian education for all ages. 4 Friday night is YOUTH ALIVE at 7:30 p.m. St. Martin of Tours Church Pastor, Father Bernard Campbell. Phone 825-3231. Confessions are on Saturdays from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Sunday Masses are on Saturday, 7'p.m., Sunday, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Birchwood Terrace is at 1 p.m. on Sunday. Community Church Minister, Ernie Hunt. Phone 825-3346 or 825-3396. Worship every Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. Church school is also at the same time. : Communion service is every first Sunday of each month. A nursery is provided. A warm welcome awaits all. Lutheran Church Pastor, Rev. Mark Moss. We will be meeting every Monday evening at Birchwood Terrace. Bible study will be every Monday night from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and wor- ship service will be from 7:30-8:30 p.m. For more information contact: Rev. Mark Moss, 887-3020 (office), 887-2612 (home), Lloyd or Hilda Hiebert, 825-3897 or Cathy Withers at 825-9495. (If you would like to include a message with your listing, please contact the News at 825-3747). QESSLLSLSS SSB LBLILBLIES : Thank-you I would like to thank all my family and friends who came to CELEBRATE MY RETIREMENT WITH ME. Also, Thanks For The Money Tree, ards and Gifts Received. A SPECIAL THANKS TO KIMBERLY-CLARK for the lovely dinner given in my honour. Also a very special THANK-YOU TO ALL MY CHILDREN for the lovely party BILL MOON SR. ports from Rossport ship carried supplies for the CPR construction. He dubbed the place "McKay's Landing" after the lightkeeper. Then the third name was after the CPR engineer and head of the construction crew from here to cavers, "Walter Inkerman 'Ross' *" and the village still holds onto that name of Rossport. Sailboating and yachts are becoming popular among the newcomers of our community whether dockside, anchored in the harbour or in full sail, they please the eye. Some have luxury fittings and cabins to accommodate the owners while on a sailing holiday. The population is down to about 150 people now. It once was at 380 to 400 inhabitants. The village is an ideal place to retire in when one reaches the golden years of their life. OPP News Holiday fatalities down The Ontario Provincial Police are pleased to report that the number of traffic deaths during the holiday Victoria Day weekend dropped substantially when com- pared to 1986 and as well the number of boating deaths plum- meted from seven in 1986 to one this year. Six persons were killed in traf- fic accidents on roadways patroll- ed by the provincial police this year as compared to nine in 1986. "This is a significant reduction in holiday traffic fatalities," said Deputy Commissioner Bob Rose. "'We attribute this decline to an in- creased public awareness of safety on the road and waterways in On- tario and to increased enforcement _by our officers last weekend. In 1985, prior to Strict is Fair , there were 18 traffic fatalities dur- ing the three-day Victoria Day weekend. We are pleased that this was one of the safest holiday long weekends on record on Ontario's road and waterways,'" said Deputy Com- missioner Rose. "Much of the credit for this welcome change is due to the efforts of the provincial media in getting the message out to the public that safety is no accident."' Accoring to Rose the O.P.P.'s Strict is Fair program of increas- ed enforcement will continue throughout the summer. ( NORTHSHORE SELECTS HOCKEY CLUB "PRESENTS" FROM THE VOICES. DOWN TO THEIR BEATLE BOOTS, YOU'LE THINK YOU'RE SEEING JOHN, PAUL. GEORGE & RINGO! IF YOU MISS THE BEATLES . DON'T MISS 41964 eee ee -AS THE BEATLES SATURDAY JULY 11 - 1987 SCHREIBER COMMUNITY ARENA SCHREIBER, ONTARIO Advance tickets $10.00 At Door - $13.00 at: TERRY'S SIGHT AND SOUND TERRACE BAY & VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT, SCHREIBER DOORS OPEN 7:00 p.m. Proceeds to L DISABILITY ACTION GROUP J