Page 10, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, June 3, 1987 25 words, two weeks $600 additional words 20* each Deadline: Deadline for classified ads is Friday noon preceding date of publication. Payable in advance Mail coupon with cheque or money order or place your order at the News office in Terrace Bay reroceon IMOWS CLASSIFIED 825-3747 THE NEWS P.O. Box 579 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO Corrections/Cancellations Please check ads for errors. No credit will be issued for any cancellation Articles for Sale Help Wanted Lumber for Sale: Special 2 x 4 x 8. As low as $1.25 each. Atkinson Lumber 857-2454. J-03 Sofa and chair for sale. Good condition. Phone 825-9140. J-03 For Sale: Ladies 3 speed bike - red. $45.00; girls bicycle - $35.; girls bicycle - green. Best offer. Call 825-9182. J-03 For Sale: Two - Market Forge (brand name) com- mercial A-1 steam range cookers. Two - Stainless steel commercial or institutional sink and counter units. Units as is. Will accept best offer. Phone 825-9604. J-03 For Sale: 1-Women's Wet Suit. Custom made. Size 14. Everything included - bag, boots, mitts, hood. $250. Call 825-3398. J-03 For Sale: Water bed, Queen size, accessories included $350.; Chess board and men, hand carved $95.; 1 new baby stroller $40.; 1 used baby stroller $15.; dive equipment, Wardell dry suit $650. Like new. Regular $960.; one regulator $90.; two tanks 1/80 cu. ft. $60. and 1/95 cu. ft. $90.; down hill skiis, boots & bin- dings, poles. Fisher brand $165.; Kawi, piano, upright, Baby Grand, black. $2,600. plus books regular $3,995.; also one hamster & cage with accessories $30.; one 270 rifle, Husgavama like brand new plus bullets $650.; one 44 mag pistol, Super Lama Commanche $385.; one 357 mag pistol, Smith & Wesson $250.; one 22 rug- ger pistol, stainless steel, $320.; 3/22 calibre rifles, one model 94 Winchester lever action $75., one semi automatic Winchester $30., one semi clip $25. Phone any time at 824-3495. 1-03 For Rent: 1 or 2-bedroom apartment. Stove & fridge and laundry facilities included. Available immediately. Call 824-2619. J-17 Three bedroom for rent. - living room, kitchen. Phone 824-2235 or 824-2937. J-03 For Rent: 1-Bachelor Apartment. Fumished. $300./month. Utilities included. Available im- mediately. Also 1-3 bedroom apartment. Fridge & stove. $500./month. Utilities included. Available Immediately. Cne 3-bedroom house. Fridge & stove . Modern kitchen and dining room. Available July 1. $500. plus utilities. For any other information about these phone 824-3156. J-17 For rent in Schreiber - A large two bedroom apartment with a large modem kitchen and liv- ingroom, bath and storage room. Available im- mediately. Call 824-2360 ___TFN For Rent: A large moder bachelor apartment in Schreiber. Available immediately. Phone 824-2360. TFN For Rent: A large modem bachelor apartment in Schreiber. Available immediately. Phone TFN 824-2360. WANTED: Mature and loving babysitter required for 2 pre-schoolers, 2-3 days a week. Preferably in my home. References please. Call 825-9404 after 5 p.m. J-03 Help Wanted: CIGARETTE FRANCHISE AGENT. Own your own cigarette sales franchise as a part of one of North America's oldest and respected tobacco companies that deals by direct mail sales directly to the people throughout Europe and North America. Realistically eam between $16,000 - $60,000 per year. Franchise cost is very low. only $40.00 per month for your local advertising, and 15 hours a week of your time. But the number of franchises are limited. For considera- tion for a franchise send name, address, and a brief description of your work history to SMS, Inc. of America, Box 10591, Greenville, SC 29603 USA. é J-17 Help Wanted: A career in Trucking. Transport Drivers needed: Now is the time to train for your Class A Licence. For a pre-screening interview and job dlacement information contact: Merv Drr's Transport Driver Training, Sud- yury. Phone 1-800-265-3559. = TFN Lost & Found LOST: A pair of ladies prescription glasses, in a grey case. Lost near down town area. Call 825-9334. J-03 LOST: Wedding ring - solid gold band. Lost April. 24th, either at Birchwood Terrace lounge Schreiber Legion Hall area. Owner desperate for retum. Please call 825-3398. J-03 Mobile Homes For Sale: 44 x 10 Mobile Home. Propane fur- nace, 3-bedrooms with porch, fridge & stove, lots of cupboard space. Must be moved off lot. Best offer. Call 825-3564 after 6 p.m. J-03 Motorcycles For Sale: 1982 Yamaha 650 Seca. New rub- FOURNIER & SON SPORTS & CY- CLE repairs 10 speed bicycles. Parts available for all types and models of oicycles. 581 Lakeview Dr. Phone 825-9315. TFN Real Estate If you are considering selling your Home or Business, we at BELLUZ REALTY LIMITED, have a broker and a sales representative in Terrace Bay and Schreiber to service your needs. Con- tact our ofice at 825-9393 or 825-3221.TFN House for Sale: 3-bedrooms, living room, kit- chen and 11/2 bathroom upstairs. Also it has a 2-bedroom apartment downstairs. Features double garage attached, and a huge 155-ft. x 130-ft. lot. Call 824-3157 or 824-2764. J-24 Lot for Sale in Rossport. Located on Bowman Street, overlooking harbour. Call 824-2774 any time. J-10 3-bedroom House for sale in Schreiber. Ideal location. Serious inquiries only. Phone 824-2189 after 5 p.m. J-03 For Sale: 11/2 storey, 3-bedroom house. Located at 80 Hudson with a newly renovated bathroom and upstairs, large eat-in kitchen, garage, fenced in yard. For appointment call 825-3836. J-10 For sale: New 3 bedroom split level with full at- tached garage. Large living room, dining room, and kitchen on main floorand a rec room with built in fireplace and alundry room in basement. It has a large patio built on with privacy. For appointment call 825-3834 after 7:00 p.m. TFN For Sale: 3-bedroom house, fenced in double lot, shed and garage for storage, 30 ft. x 20 ft. unfinished rec room, laundry room, 25-ft. oak kitchen cupboards, many extras. Call after 5 p.m. weekdays, any time on weekends. Phone Personal | $50. REWARD for information leading to per- son who hit my red 1985 Jeep CJ7 on-or shortly before Saturday May 16 in Schreiber. Phone Dave at 824-2684 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. J-03 For Sale: 1975 Jeep J10. Four wheel drive. Body and drive train in good shape. Call after 5 p.m. at 825-9473. J-03 For Sale: 1978 Chev. - $800. Phone 825-9424. For Sale: 1976 G. M. 3% ton, as is $250.; Also for sale 1984 Chevrolet, cavilier, 4 cyl. 5 speed, tac, very well serviced, new shocks. $6,500. Phone 824-3495 any time. J-03 WANTED: Pearl/pearlized buttons, any size, shape or colour for making Pearly King and Queen costumes for the multicultural associa- tion functions. CALL: Daphne Monks, 825-9361 evenings. J-10 For Sale: 1978 Pontiac Stationwagon, 305 h. * p. motor, P.S., P.B., new paint job. Good con- dition. Call 825-9054 after 5:30 p.m. TFN ror Sale: Nissan King Cab 4x4, 5 speed, sunroof, AM/FM, cassette, Ziebart power steer- ing & breaks, tilt steering, safety checked. Ex- cellent condition. 45,000 km. Phone 825-3619. J-03 Wanted to Purchase Wanted to Purchase: Used refrigerator in good condition. Phone 825-3724 Tents/Trailers For Sale: Pop-up Camper. Fits in back of 1/2 ton or */ ton truck. Complete with table & benches that convert into double bed, 3-burner propane stove, ice box and cupboards. $300. Phone 825-9404 after 5 p.m. J-03 FOR SALE or RENT -3 Bedroom Home in New Subdivision-Terrace Bay -Living room/dining room -Large rec room with airtight wood stove in the basement -Large lot with storage shed -Double drive -$500.00./month plus utilities First & last month's rent required HELP WANTED PART-TIME BARTENDER Call - Chris Joubert at - 825-9295 824-2675. : J-03 | CALL 825-9087 after 6p.m. | i - -- + APARTMENT Brata Shoe Repair a a AES 2 aid Aes) meg lt ; NOW OPEN * 1 Bedroom Deluxe 100 Ethel Street Apt. ton sont in Bachelorette SCHREIBER * Availabie JULY 1st * First & last months rent required in Terrace Bay * First & last months rent required. SCHREIBER Call 824-2869 REALTY LTD 525 LAKEVIEW ble lot backing onto a greenbelt and a view of Lake Superior, a garage and a granny suite in the Call for an appointment to see this 2 bedroom home. Features include dou- * ' ber. Low mileage. Call after 5 p.m. at 825-9473. Call iis ia aga J-03 ger irs 825-3824 For: Heels, lifts, re-soleing ee 825- jafter. 5 pin. FAST SERVICE ervices "Emergency shelter for abused women and their children. Call for assistance or information to 2 ENGRAVED f the Northsore Family Resource Centre at LOS : BRASS WINE HELP WANTED HOUSE FOR SALE! 229-2222 (local)'or 1-800-465-3307 (toll free) PART-TIME SACRIFICE SALE! seu or Sr ce GOBLETS PART-TIME |} || SUneSLEAUNG a ampooers. AiSO U: macnines availapie. = Aes Phone Jacques Roy at 825-9182. --J-17 - Last seen May 9 at our wedding. ee ie : - Nicely finished - All glass front ies! -Please apply in writing to - 3 bedrooms, partially finished basement -- wg ia ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION er ees § - Satelite TV, oe a 7 is Please seein person or by Mail ae ; 109 "Cheap o maintain , lo Wendy or Brian Woods 0. Box 61 Terrace Bay, Ont. POT 2WO0 CALL 825-9605 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO Sid PERSO ote Office - 825-9393 BOX 1293 Terrace Bay POT 280 or 825-3221 PoT 2Wo ATTENTION: IRENE BORUTSKI Call 824-2107 . % sement. Asking: $69,900.00 34 PINE 3 Bedroom storey & 1/2......... $56,500 631 SUPERIOR 69 LAURIER 3 Bedroom bungalow............. $69,900 3 Bedroom storey & 1/2......... $57,900 480 SUPERIOR 30 TERRACE HEIGHTS 3 Bedroom split level........+.-.. $59,900 3 Bedroom home...........+ $43,900 215 QUEBEC, SCHREIBER 252 KENOGAMI INCOME Property..........seveeeeesee $70,000 2 Bedroom storey & 1/2.........658,200 4 CAVANAUGH 24 TIMBERGROVE 3 Bedroom split level............. $62,000 2 Bedroom executive home............s..0 445 SUPERIOR 24 SOUTHRIDGE 4 Bedroom storey & 1/2.......$55,900 3 Bedroom executive Home... 14 SOUTHRIDGE 54 SOUTHRIDGE 3 Bedroom split level............ $78,000 3 Bedroom split level.............. $70,000 ROSSPORT NICOL ISLAND There are only 3 cottage lots left with water frontage. | $18,900 | MAINLAND LOTS On the mainland we have 5 lots left with town water hookups available. 15,000 FOR RENT Bottom level of Terry's Sight and Sound, store area or office space. Rent all or any por- TERRACE BAY CHRYSLER BUILDING 5,400 square feet separated into 3 rental units 2 COMMERCIAL FRONTS WITH 6 apartments upstairs (SCHREIBER) Rent a furnished condo in the sun! It is cheaper to rent our furnished condominium in FLORIDA than to staying in a motel. Call for further information and ask for Juris. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY $35.00 U.S. per night TRAILER PARK includes 2 trailers STORE FRONT in Schreiber with 5 apartments JURIS ZDANOVSKIS Broker 824-2933 LYNN HODDER 824-3429 MONIQUE GAUTHIER Sales Rep. Marathon 229-0491 Thunder Bay Community Auditorium SECOND SEASON Featuring The One and Only! Roy Orbison Sunday June 14, 8 p.m. Tickets$18.00 Treat yourself to accommodations to the Ramada Inn. Special Room Rate of $40 with up to four in a room. Book your tickets & accommodation through the TBCA BOX OFFICE - 343-2300 collect Good (June 12-14) Box Office is Open Monday to Saturday 10 am to 5:30 pm, Wednesday 10 amto1 pm, Sundays and Holidays 1 hour prior to performance. (One dollar convenience charge per ticket on all phone orders)