Page 10, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May 20, 1987 25 words, two weeks $600 , additional words 20* each ' Deadline for classified ads is Friday noon preceding date of publication. ! Payable in advance Mail coupon with cheque or money order or place your order at the News office in , Terrace Bay |e ATT PS CANADA WIDE STOP BEDWETTING, United Enuretic has corrected over 20,000 cases. Bedwet- ting frustrates, embarrasses and sometimes weakens school abilities. Get confidential information from UESC, Box 3311, Cambridge N3H 4T3, stating age & phone number. M-17 FOR SALE DRAWING & CARTOONING FOR MONEY. Exciting NEW Guidebook! Easy to follow. Turn your artwork into CASH! Popularity! Details, Hofer Publishing 719-Al McPherson Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0X9. M-17 22? SATELLITE DESCRAMBLING??? Super Fix Chip HBO, Showtime, Paper- view. Complete clone package for dealers. Hary Myers FM Satellite Corpora- tion, 837 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1C2 (604)653-9444. M-17 STEEL BUILDINGS - Spring Clearance - As low as $1.99 persq. ft. for complete building - Save thousands while steel sup- plies last. All styles available. PIONEER /ECONOS PAN 1-800-387-6896. M-17 HALIDE & SODIUM LIGHTS . Competitive prices, free advice and service. Your one stop indoor grow shop. Homegrown Halide & Hydroponics. 2737 Weston, On- tario M9M 2R4 (416)745-5007. M-17 GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best Quality, super low prices. Greenhouses $169, Halides $105. Over 3000 pro- ducts in stock! Send $2 for info: pack & FREE Magazine to Westem Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, BC V6B 3N9 1-604-682-6636. M-17 $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 $3,996; 40x60x14 $6,500; 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x90x24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery, call 1-416-858-2446. M-17 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DISTRIBUTORS, parttime or full time sell- ing our high quality line of distillers, filters and water softeners, for residential & com- mercial application. Be: your own boss and eam extra income in this growing industry. For more information contact Water'P uri- "ty Systems, 537 Brant St. Burlington, Ont. L7R 2G6. (416)639-0503. M-17 THE SEARCH is on to locate & recognize the outstanding young people of Ontario. If you.-would like to nominate a deserving young person aged 6 to 18 for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, contact this newspaper. M-17 reroceom MOCWIS CLASSIFIED) SES CANADA WIDE ------ RESTAURANT, Hotel, deli, bakery, but- cher, grocery, submarine & pizza equip- ment, refrigerators, grills, fryers, slicers, sub & pizza tables, ice machines, steam tables, walk-in coolers & freezers, deli cases, scales, cash registers, gas stoves & ovens, dishwashers for sale or lease. Arctic Refrigerator Store Fixtures. Hamilton (416 )528-8528; Toronto (416) 283-2600. M-17 COMMANDO GAMES by CO2. Paint marking pistols & accessories to start your own games. Write Box 610, Cochrane, Alta., TOL OWO or call Harry Kruger (403) 932-3402. M-17 GROW FOR IT!$$$Raise Baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless, low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975), RR No. 1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416)643-4251, 856-2248, (705)435-7463. M-17 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WORK OVERSEAS. A fantastic challenge awaits you. Work in Australia, New Zealand, Europe. A variety of farming placements available including diary & hor- ticulture. If you are single, 19 to 28, have 2 yrs practicut Agricultural experience, then contact: |.A.E.A., 10 Chrysler St. Ot- tawa, Ont. K1S 4C2. (613)235-4287 (2:30 - 5 p.m.) M-17 FOR SALE SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY - Manitoba's oldest dealer offers Videocipher Il descramblers, modification available, one year guarantee. Dealer inquiries welcome. Open Sky Electronics, (204)477-1824, Winnipeg. M-17 PERSONAL DIVORCE BY MAIL at low cost. No court visit if uncontested. Money back guarantee. Paralegal Divorce-Aid since 1979. Free information Kitchener (519)578-5959. M-17 WELL WATER PROBLEMS? NEW AD- VANCED TECHNOLOGY for efficient treatmentof problem water, offering pro- tection throughout entire water system. RUSTY....Smelly....Bad Tasting.....Water, hardness, staining, bacteria, and more. NO SALT or Messy Chemicals...maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our 6 month trial offer. Call tollfree 1-800-387-3423 or write Aztec Purification Systems, 6380 No. 5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1K2. "The lowest cost system that real- ly works." Area code (807) call 1-416-672-2300. M-17 PREGNANT? A warm loving couple is anx- ious to provide a-home & adopt your un- born child privately thru licensed agency. Call (416)483-9101. M-17 REALTY LTD 54 SOUTHRIDGE This 3 bedroom four level split has 2 washrooms, fireplace in the rec room & patio doors leading to the back deck. Call today for an oppress. -*70,000 34 PINE STREET 3 Bedroom storey & % ...56,500 631 SUPERIOR 3 Bedroom bungalow ....°73,900 480 SUPERIOR 3 Bedroom split level ....*67,900 12 SOUTHRIDGE 3 Bedroom split level ....*79,500 20 TERRACE HEIGHTS 3 Bedroom bungalow...... Belluz Realty Ltd. Simcoe Plaza, Box 715 Terrace Bay, Ont. POT 2W0O Office - 825-9393 or 825-3221 69 LAURIER 3 Bedroom storey & %..*57,900 30 TERRACE HEIGHTS 3 Bedroom home.......... 43,900 252 KENOGAMI 2 Bedroom storey & %..*58,200 215 QUEBEC,SCHREIBER Income property......... *70,000 ROSSPORT NICOL ISLAND There are only 3 c MAINLAND LOTS ottage lots left with water frontage. $18,900 On the main land we have 5 lots left with town water hook ups available'15,000 FOR RENT Bottom level of Terry's Sight and Sound, store area or office space. Rent all or any portion of 1,800 sq. ft. FLORIDA Rent a furnished condo in the sun! It is cheaper to rent our furnished. con- dominium in FLORIDA than staying '*. a motel. Call for further information and ask for Juris. .*35.00 U.S. per night Fe an ae eg eae ei) CANADA WIDE FREE: 1987 Guide to study-at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Aircon- ditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medic al Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. M-17 {Real Estate House for Sale: 641 Superior. Call 825-9170 after 6 p.m. July 1 If you are considering selling your Home or Business, we at BELLUZ REALTY LIMITED, have a broker and a sales representative in Terrace Bay and Schreiber to service your needs. Con- tact our ofice at 825-9393 or 825-3221.TFN SUNNYMEAD COTTAGES & Cam- pgrounds. Rice Lake (90 minutes from Toronto). More fish per acre than any other Lake in Ont. Modern cottages, 3-piece baths, sandy beach, spacious grounds. $270 per wk. 2 bedrooms. $295 3 bedrooms. Free boat with cot- tage and motor rental, covered docks. (705)696-2601.RR No3, Hasting, KOL TXO: M-17 Discover a gem, HIGH FALLS MOTEL COTTAGES and campground. Book your summer vacation at 10 per cent OFF in June. Going fast. (705)645-4152.M-17 5 Days of spectacular Scenery cruising RIDEAU or TRENT-SEVERN WATER- WAYS on comfortable cruise ship KAWARTHA VOYAGE UR. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 12540, Peter- borough, K9J 7H7. M-17 COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE - Flesherton May 16-18, Victoria Weekend. Daily 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Hwy No. 10. Adult admis- sion $2 children free. Information call (519)924-3141 or 924-2620. i M-17 Announcements "Emergency shelter for abused women and their children. Call for assistance or information to the Northsore Family Resource Centre 'at 229-2222 (local) or 1-800-465-3307 (toll free) TFN Mobile Homes | For Sale- 65-ft. Northland trailer. Fig's Trailer Park. Two bedrooms. Phone 824-2042 or 824-2982. M-20 Tents/Trailers For Sale: 1974 Dodge 20-ft. motor home. Good condition, self contain- ed, new tires, cab air, low mileage. $9,700. Phone 824-2714. M-20 For Sale: 1977 Starcraft Camper. Sleeps 6. Fridge, stove, furnace and For sale: New 3 bedroom split level with full at- tached garage. Large living room, dining room, and kitchen on main floorand a rec room with built in fireplace and alundry room in basement. It has a large patio built on with privacy. For appointment call 825-3834 after 7:00 p.m.TFN ' House for Sale: 241 Kenogami Rd. Beautifully landscaped house on a corner lot. Three bedroom, complete- ly renovated, new insulation, wiring & plumbing. Addition to kitchen with built-in appliances. Formal living & dining room, finished basement. At- tached garage with heated workshop. For appointments phone 825-3589. M-20 For Sale: 3-bedroom house, fenced in double lot, shed and garage for storage, 30 ft. x 20 ft. unfinished rec room, laundry room, 25-ft. oak kit- chen cupboards, many extras. Call after 5 p.m. weekdays, any time on weekends. Phone 824-2675. _M-20 House for Sale: 2-storey, 4-bedroom house on Manitoba St., Schreiber. Large lot & quiet location. For more information call 824-2550 on weekends or after 5:00 p.m. weekdays. M-20 For Sale - 11/2 Storey house at 3 Pine Crescent. 3-bedroom, new windows and doors, new siding, re-insulated, new electrical service, fully renovated inside, landscaped yard with large garden plot, basement framed & insulated. Must be seen to be appreciated. For appointment to view call 825-9381 after 5 p.m. M-27 Vehicles For Sale: 1978 Pontiac Stationwagon, 305 h. p. motor, P.S., P.B., new paint job. Good con- dition. Call 825-9054 after 5:30 p.m. TFN For Sale: 1979 Chrysler Cordoba. Fairly good condition. Best offer. Phone 825-3838. _M-20 Services FOURNIER & SON SPORTS & CY- CLE repairs 10 speed bicycles. Parts available for all types and models of $2,708, phone 82s-zas."» "Mad gloves: 661 Lakeview Dr. Phone UNITED NITED HELP WANTED UNITED COOK & DINING WynrreD: Bicleion ROOM HELP REQUIRED i Bay City Moving and Storage Call THUNDER BAY 1-800-465-3955 for Fly-In Fishing and Hunting Lodge. Reply to: P.O. Box 1010 WAWA, ONTARIO POS 1KO 4 WANTED A 4-track reel to reel recorder with accessories, if available. For more information call Ken Lusk at APT. FOR RENT * 2 Bedroom Deiuxe Apt. for rent in SCHREIBER * Availabie JULY 1st * First & last months rent required Call after 5 p.m. COMMERCIAL TERRACE BAY CHRYSLER BUILDING 5,400 square feet separated into 3 rental units 2 COMMERCIAL FRONTS WITH 6 apartments upstairs (SCHREIBER) PROPERTY MAYFAIR HOTEL Entertainment bar, lounge, rouns and apartment STORE FRONT in Schreiber with 5 apartments JURIS ZDANOVSKIS MONIQUE GAUTHIER , LYNN HODDER 824-3429 Marathon 229-0491 if FOR RENT - Single Bed BACH APT / ROSSPORT Boating, fishing at your doorstep/central vac/pine panelling/low hydro bills/ HURRY, COME LIVE THE QUIET ROSSPORT LIFE CHUCK HUTTERLI 825-37470825-3878 825-3824 z RED DRAGON ai APARTMENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT * 1 Bedroom Deluxe Bachelorette in Terrace Bay * First & last months rent required. * Call 825-3824 825-3747 THE NEWS P.O. Box 579 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO Corrections/Cancellations Please check ads for errors. No credit will be issued for any cancellation. - Help Wanted Help Wanted: A career in Trucking. Transport Drivers needed: Now is the time to train for your Class A Licence. For a pre-screening interview and job dlacement information contact: Merv Drr's Transport Driver Training, Sud- dury. Phone 1-800-265-3559. TEN Wanted to Purchase Wanted to Purchase: - "Used refrigerator in good condition. Phone 825-3724 For Rent in Schreiber - A completely furnished 2-bedroom house with sauna. Phone 824-2362. M-27 For rent in Schreiber - A large two bedroom apartment with a large modern kitchen and liv- ingroom, bath and storage room. Available im- diately. Call 824-2360 TFN me Apartment for rent - 2 bedrooms, couple prefer- red. Fridge & stove included. Phone 824-2619. M-20 Two - 2-bedroom apartments for rent. Private entrance, private hook-up for dryer & washer. Phone 824-2138 or 824-2048. M-27 For Sale - Apartment building in Schreiber, 3-two bedroom apartments. 311-313 Newman St. Schreiber. Phone 824-2138 or 824-2048. M-27 Home for Sale - Great location on old side of town, on Poplar Cres., right across from the park. Great location for family with kids - huge yard and this home is very inexpensive to operate. | will trade my home for your cash! Ask- ing $55,000. Price and terms negotiable. Call 825-3824 after 5 p.m. M-27 3-Bedroom house for sale in Schreiber. Corner lot, excellent location. Phone 824-2315. M-27 House for sale in Terrace Bay, new subdivision. Excellent condition. Split-level, 3 - 4 bedrooms, finished basement, family room with fireplace, paved drive. To view call 825-3692. Offers in- vited. M-27 Brata Shoe Repair NOW OPEN 100 Ethel Street SCHREIBER Call 824-2869 For: Heels, lifts, re-soleing FAST SERVICE @ Ontario MGS TENDER y ot nament ROOFING CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for built-up roof relacement, Ministry of Natural Resources, District Office, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Job No. 17-NR-69434 Tender documents may be obtained from: Ministry of Government Services, District Office, 500 Algoma Street North, P.O. Box 3020, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5G5. Sealed tenders will be received until 3:00 P.M. June 4, 1987 at which time they will be opened in public. TENDER CLOSING IN THUNDER BAY. Note: For further information please contact. Miss C. McDonald Ministry of Government Services, Thunder Bay, Ontario Telephone (807) 475-1285 The lowest or any tender not neccessarily accepted.