a "Sweet Dreams are made Mental Health and You is pro- vided as a service of the North of Superior Community Mental Health Program. The purpose of these articles is to inform the community about mental health issues. These articles will appear again once every two weeks and will cover a variety of mental health issues. We invite feedback from the community at large by writing the News office. Any opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the management of the North of Superior Community Mental Health Program. Terrace Bay resident, Karen Moskwa, above, supplied this week's tantalizing recipe below for you to try. Karen has lived in Terrace Bay for close to seven years now. She and her husband Roger have three children, Tonya, 17, Natasha, 11 and Michael who will soon turn 10. Karen is the Accounting Personnel Clerk at the McCausland Hospital. Karen told the News that she likes to curl in her spare time- when she has any. (Photo by Ken Lusk). Chicken Cacciatore Chicken Cacciatore 3 Ibs. frying chicken, cut up Y4-cup cooking oil 2 large onions, fine cut 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 green pepper, fine cut 1 cup celery, fine cut 1 can (1 lb.- 12 oz. size) tomatoes 1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce Y-tsp. thyme Y4-tsp. oregano 2 tbsp. sugar 1 bay leaf, crumbled 2 tsp. salt 2 whole allspice \4-tsp. pepper Yy-cup red wine (or '2 cup beef bouillon) 'Y4-lb. mushrooms, sliced In hot oil in large, deep skillet, brown chicken well on all sides. Remove chicken. Add onions, garlic, green peppers, celery and brown lightly. Return chicken to pan and add remaining ingredients. Simmer uncovered about 45 minutes. 6-8 servings. Serve over buttered spaghetti or rice. Great with tossed green salad and hot garlic bread. of these"...not all dreams are sweet Sleep "Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These...'? Annie Lennox/Dave Stewart Last week, I wrote about sleeping an its importance. This article will look at dreaming. Remember, there are two types of sleep; periods with Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and periods with No Rapid Eye Movment (NREM). It is during those periods of REM when we dream. Many of our dreams contain lots of activity; howver, we do not really move around that much. This is because our bodies are somewhat temporarily paralyzed during the REM stages. Also dreaming is not merely a form of pléasant night-time entertainment. We need REM sleep and if we are deprived of it, we will try to make up for it at a later time. Also, if you awaken someone during the REM dream-stage, their behaviour would be ir- ritable and disorganized. Many of us say, "Oh, I never dream" or "I never remember my dreams". However, we are always dreaming during REM stages. Scientists have awakened sub- jects in experiments during REM sleep and they were able to remember their dreams. When they awakened the sub- jects during the NREM stage, these subjects could not remember their dreams. Thus, some of us do not remember our dreams because we awake from the deep sleep of the NREM stage as opposed to the shallow dream-sleep of the REM stage. If you walk into a large bookstore in the psychology sec- tion, no doubt you will find many books on dream analysis or dream interpretations. All cultures from prehistoric times ~have concluded that dreams mean something in the life of an individual or to the well-being of society. LADY ROBINSON Many have thought that dreams would tell the future. With the discovery of modern psychology, more sophisticated and complex theories on dream- ing came forth. The famous psychiatrist, Sig- mund Freud, (1856-1939) thought dreams were an expres- sion of unconscious urges that we kept hidden from ourselves- mostly sexual urges. His follower, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) believed we should look for universal sym- bols in our dreams. These symbols would tell us how we are getting along in life. Unfortunately, none of these interpretations have been scien- tifically proven. However, it is somewhat clear that dreams may be a fulfillment of a wish which was not satisfied when. we were awake. For example, if we did not recei ce our paycheque on pay- day because of an error at the of- fice, we might dream about receiving it at night. Some dreams are even more complex than this but it is hard to say what meaning it has. It is possible that the meaning of dreams is personal; that is, the meaning lies within each of us and this meaning may be dif- ferent from person to person. For this reason, it is hard to really know what a dream means. For this reason, many mental health professionals do not interpret dreams. You can contact the Communi- ty Mental Health Worker in Ter- race Bay at 825-3238 or in Schreiber at 824-2597. 1d 1d 4 14 yc 1d % WAGHORN'S VICTORIA DAY WEEKEND NOTICE No Prescription Service From 5:30 p.m. FRIDAY MAY 15th through to 9:15 a.m. TUESDAY MAY 19th Store Closed - MONDAY MAY 18th gore we AKKKKAAAKKEE RRRRAREARAE ER ye a % PHARMACY Sk xe x eK cava aed HIGHVIEW ANIMAL CLINIC DR. BENZ & DR. PETERSON FROM 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Held at the SCOUT HALL on HIGHWAY NO. 17 CALL PAM JONES i will be here JUNE 17 at 825-3714 OFF ALL PANTYHOSE CASUALS & PUMPS SIZES 5-10 GIRLS COTTON PANT - sizes: 7-14 - colors: green, yellow, pink Reg: *19°5 SPECIAL: ; $490 - Embellished 3 pce. TOWEL SET colors: blue, ivory, peach, jade Reg: °19°* Now: *13% OTE BAGS -Vinylized with handle straps colors: red, yellow white pink SPECIAL $s retarded we ask that you become a friend of the retarded. Being a friend means YOU care enough to assist us be pro- Help the In Canada, the second week of May is National Week for the Mentally Retarded. It's a time when local associations seek funds to provide taining pro- grams so vital to these Canadians. Your support is making schools, workshops, residences, and recreation . programs availabie to these people so that they can be a part of their community. viding funds for their current and future needs. Locally, the Marathon and District Associa- tion for the Mentally Retarded sponsors the Marathon Skills Centre for disabled adults and helps support the students atten- ding the Caroline McMorland Class in Marathon Public School TS en pie aes MES Pe Ee Ce. 20% OFF Our Wide Selection of HATS - -men's, ladies' children's MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS - checkered & striped - sizes: - S,M,L. Reg: $1297 NOW $7° MEN'S ROBINSON'S BOXED BRIEF -sizes: S,M,L -colors: blue, beige, navy NOW *1°%