Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May 6, 1987 inni Chimo Club Meeting The April meeting of the Chimo Club was held on April 24 with 32 members present. Reports were given by the Secretary, Helen Jar- tus, and Treasurer Pat Guina, and approved as read. ° Irene Borutski, on behalf of the Recreation Committee, spoke briefly to the members regarding m l a survey that they were doing on recreation, particularly as it con- cerned the Seniors, and asked them to. return the prepared questionnaire. Three members of the Chimo Executive had attended a meeting with the Roads Committee and the Town Council, with regard to im- _ proving certain areas for safety: particularly the installation of a Crosswalk near Collingwood Court to Spadoni's corner, as this is a very dangerous area, particularly for the seniors. Members will be participating in May in a walking or running Fitness programme, and counting their miles for the "Eldorobic Moonwalk". Everyone was en- couraged to put on their walking shoes and go for a walk and turn in the miles for our score. So far, 12 members had in- dicated they would be attending the Senior Games on June 8, 9 and 10 Church Schreiber Listing (hime a heed RERNI ATace pleiedaa' 3" MR. & MRS. BRIAN BIRCH are pleased to announce the engagement; & forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter DEBRA LYNN BIRCH to re DOUGLAS ROEN - the son of the late Frank Roen & Mrs. Chris ¢ Bolan. => ie The wedding will take place MAY 30, 1987 in ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH-SCHREIBER <a ee a ~ S D-DD _P SHOWER ANNOUNCEMENT 7 A come & go Bridal Shower in honor of: MISS JANICE LIEBROCK will be held on SUNDAY MAY 10th/87 From 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in HOLY ANGELS PARISH CENTRE - EVERYONE WELCOME - Ee \Ve\e\e\.e.2e\. SS SS SSS SSNS HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY! 4 VIOLET NESBITT will be celebrating 4 her 90th BIRTHDAY on: 4 SATURDAY MAY 9th, 1987 ® 14 203 SUPERIOR STREET . SCHREIBER 49 i An OPEN HOUSE will be held * f from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME 4 ( Best Wishes Only - Please BQvqe.e eee eve re g BREE SoS CERO SNES SE Ms. Marjorie Robinson Ra % and me Mr. Floyd Liebrock é = are pleased to announce the forthcoming Ge marriage of their daughter S aed Janice Kathleen to i Mario Vincenzio a %* Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Veneziano of = Schreiber ee & The wedding will take place on May 16, 1987 is Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church a Schreiber Ks Ce BGI Ge BNE iB Ce BRERA Grace Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. Jim Johnson. Phone 824-2402. Sunday School, all ages- 10 a.m. Morning worship service, |1 a.m. Sunday evening service, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Bible study and prayer, 7 p.m. Nursery provided for all services. Holy Angels Roman Catholic Pastor, Father.Peter Groulx.. Phone, 824-2010... Sunday Masses: aaa oe ze ae: SS Pee Dy 19 zion. noon. every first, third:and 'hfth, Siisday, > ' Morning prayer every second and fourth Sunday at 10:30 a.m. On Fridays the Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 10:30 a.m. at Birchwood Terrace. All welcome. St. Andrew's United Church Minister, Ernie Hunt. Phone, 825-3346 or 825-3396. Morning service and Sunday School are at 9:45 a.m.. Communion service is the first Sunday of every month. A nursery for infants is provided. Terrace Bay Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly Pastor, Rev. Keith Milne. Phone, 824-3436. Family Worship is on Sunday at 11 a.m. Thursday Night, 7:30 p.m.- Concert. Everyone welcome. Friday night is YOUTH ALIVE at 7:30 p.m. St. Martin of Tours Church : Pastor, Father Bernard Campbell- phone, 825-3231. Confessions are on Saturdays from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Sunday Masses: Saturday, 7 p.m., Sunday, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Birehwood Terrace- | p.m. Community Church Minister, Ernie Hunt. phone, 825-3346 or 825-3396. Worship every Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. Church School is also at the same time. Communion Service is every first Sunday of each month. A nursery is provided. A warm welcome awaits all. Lutheran Church Pastor, Rev. Mark Moss. We will be meeting every Sunday afternoon at Birchwood Terrace star- ting Feb. 22. Bible study will be every Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. and worship ser- vice will be at 3 p.m. every Sunday. For more information contact: Rev. Mark Moss, 887-3020 (office), 887-2612 (home), Lloyd or Hilda Hiebert, 825-3897 or Cathy Withers at 825-9495. Uf you would like to include a message with your listing, please contact the News at 825-3747). Ae The family of the late JOHN ERIC PEDERSEN '3! wishes to THANK: Anna & Bill McKie & Jean Grignon for their unfailing sup- port to the whole family throughout this trying time. Dr. Bailey, The Caring Nurses of the McCausland Hospital. For the dignified funeral service: King Funeral Home, Rev. B. LeGrand, E. L. Hunt, B. Love (for his eulogy), J. Grignon (for her poem to her friend), organist G. Bruyere, the Pallbearers: W. Groman, D. Luxmore, B. McKie, F. Polesky, E. Persson, L. Waghorn. Honourary Pallbearers: D. Clements, L. Duquette, A. Drexler, K. Johnson, W. McKen- zie, M. Osmar, B. Roberts, J.R. Smith, C. Thompson, B. Pytyk & S. Zwaresh. To the Ladies of The Community Church, St. Martin's Parish C.W. League &various members of the Terrace Bay Bowling Association who provided & served the lovely after service luncheon. To those who sent contributions to the Heart & Stroke Foundation, The .Cana- dian Cancer Society & The McCausland Building Fund. For the Mass Cards, sympathy cards, floral tributes (at the Church and at home) those wio provided fruit baskets, hampers, food and baking & to the wonderful ladies who cooked and prepared the meals at home and to others who helped in any way to look after our needs. To the relatives, old and dear friends who travelled miles to° pay their last respects. We are forever grateful to all of you. % q) ~~ MARG, JAY, GILDA & MICHAEL es DPS BD PDD DELS We would like to Thank our family and friends who made our surprise party such a success. Special thanks to Leslie & Ken, Jeanette & Russ, The Ray Family and Parise Family. Many thanks to Thane & Doris Walton for their help and the beautiful clock. Thanks to Polly for the cake and to Les for the video. We will always have something to remember Terrace Bay by. Thanks Deb for keeping me away from that part of town. Thanks to all the friends who helped and to those who bought tickets but couldn't make it. We-will miss you all. Gordon & Gioria " Sees OleOle Oe THANK YOU We wish to express our sincere thanks and deep apprecia- tion to our relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness shown to us during the loss of Sam, a dear husband, father, son, brother and grandson. Thank you to all who assisted at the accident.- North Shore Ambulance Service, McCausland Hospital Staff, those who sent flowers, cards, food, baking, or loaned cars. Special thanks to the pallbearers, and to Doris; Toots, Marina and Noella for preparing the meals and lunches. To Father Peter for his visits and a beautiful service. To Rev. Bill LeGrand for your comforting visits. King's Funeral Home for their helpful assistance. Most of all to Isabelle & Perry for being by our side through it all. To all those who helped in any way your kindness, thoughtfulness, and prayers will always be remembered. May God bless you all | THE MOORE FAMILY Sone pS > PD is in Thunder Bay. Registrations are still available at the clubrooms. Eva Gordon reported sending out Get Well Cards and a Sym- pathy Card. In hospital are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Borutski, and Mr. Jack Noonan in Ottawa Civic Hospital. The Telethon for Cystic Fibrosis will be held in the Chimo Club on Sunday, May 10, with members of the Kinsmen Club also assisting. A list for drivers and assistants will be posted in the clubroom. The May Bingo cards are on sale with a few left. Fred Harness will look after the Bingos during the summer during the absence of Pat Guina. April Bingo winners were: Mary Valentino, Freda Gerow, Betha Miller, Betty Tate, Margaret Harris, and Maybele Weberg. Celebrating birthdays for April were: Mrs. Cataford, Bern Jacomb, Rena Ross and Frank Sechelsky. Mr. Al Slater showed a film on Elmira, Ontario, called "Plain People" while the lunch was being prepared and enjoyed by ll. Following lunch, members played games, pool, and shuffleboard. Winners of the shuffleboard were: Ist, Beth McAdam and Helen Jar- tus; 2nd, Marg Handel and Frank Sechelsky. Next meeting will be on May 16. C.W.L. The regular monthly meeting of the Holy Angels C.W.L. was held on Sunday, April 5. Father Peter opened with prayer and Carmel gave an inspirational reading. Mary Gentile read the minutes and correspondence; Bernadette gave the treasurer's report. Spiritual life, Janet; Publicity, Jackie Commisso; Education, Georgette read the yearly report. Thank-you to Sister Grexton for doing the inspirational and to Mrs. Molinski for doing the names in calligraphy. Members are reminded of the convention to be held May 5, 6, and 7 at Terrace Bay. Elections were held: past presi- dent, Georgette Cebrario, presi- dent for 1987-88; Teresa Stortini and Treasurer Jeanette Howard; Secretary, Janet Moorey. Sheila Parent and her group pro- vided a nice lunch. The hall was decorated in Easter motif. Bingo was played. A draw was held for a teddy bear cookie jar and was won by Joan Cardiff. The next meeting will be on the first Sunday in May. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bourgignon have returned from visiting rela- tions in Birtle, Man. Mrs. Betha Miller and Ethel and Neil Nesbitt and Mrs. Gillis have returned from a trip in Portatorta, Plata. dominica Rupublic. Block Parents The annual meeting of the Terrace Bay Block Parents will take place Wednesday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the Curling Club Lounge. At this meeting, the election of next year's executive and a review of our first year will take place. All interested persons are urged to attend. '*Thank You" Island View Shelli for providing the space for our very successful car wash From Pastor Keith & the TBGA Youth Alive