Dance for Heart Above are the Aerobic instructors who will be encouraging peo- ple who will attend the Dance for Heart on Feb. 18 at the Ter- race Bay High School from 6 to 9 p.m. They are Gwen Black, Lisa Corrigan, Wendy Landry, Maureen Tychoniak and Lorraine Clark. (Photo submitted by the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre). Come dance for the Dance for Heart "All it takes is a little leg work,"' with Gwen, Lisa, Wendy, Maureen _ research. support of heart disease and stroke Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, February 4, 1987, page 5 Reader responds to Elise Kenny's 2) drive him to the games; 3) cheer at the top of their lungs and 4)absolutely nothing else, unless ex- plicitly requested by the coaching staff. Now, back to the benched kid. Here, for Elise, is my very best advice for such a situation: Ask the boy if he wants to continue playing hockey, the way it is now, before his mother revolutionizes the game. If he does, let him play, and please God, let his mother stay away from the rink. If she does the boy will have a ball. He won't know he's supposed to be unhappy if his mom stops telling him to be unhappy. Mom can find another cause, because moms always do (and so do dads). If he doesn't want to play hockey the way the game is now, let him quit. I'll guarantee he'll find another outlet for his energies. Either way, everyone will be much happier, especially the volunteer coaches who will, if nothing changes, be doomed to putting up with this child's mother until the boy finally quits on his own- as he surely will if mom continues to interfere. And that would be a shame. Hockey is a great game, and almost all boys love it, whether or not they are any good at it. Bill Love, ph. 825-9242. The War Amputations of Canada Your support of the Key Tag Service assists hockey letter , "OT "Or =i 2 F b P 4q Valentine | GREETINGS A\ to your A "Someone Special" for the low price of $10.00 Don't miss this opportunity to tell your eS q & loved one you care. ( Call Betty or Gayle & ZS % ee OOS and Lorraine on Wednesday, February 18 at the Terrace Bay High School from 6 to 9 p.m. 'Dance for Heart' is a nation-wide fundraising special event that promotes cardio-vascular fitness and the develop- ment of regular physical fitness through aerobic and dance exercise. Participants will collect pledges for three hours of fun and exercise. The money raised through this event will be donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario to continue its Participants are eligible for incentive prizes such as pins, t-shirts, towels, gym bags and garment bags based on money they collect. The organizers, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Terrace Bay Recreation Department, are inviting everyone- anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to participate in this even- ing of fun and exercise. For more information and to register, contact the Terrace Bay Recreation Office at 825-3542. Petition Ont., POT 2W0. The News P.O. Box 579 POT 2W0. Are you concerned about the number of people being killed on the highways in our areas? If so, sign this petition and bring it to The Newsoffice, lower level of the post office building, or mail it to the News, P.O. Box 579, Terrace Bay, We, the undersigned, demand decent, safe, well-lighted highways in our area. Our desire is to see a 4-lane divided highway between the junc- tion of Hwy. 11-17 and Thunder Bay. Also, at least 3 lanes between that same junction and Geraldton. Enough lives have already been lost and we demand action now. eee eee eereeseesreseeesesereseeeeeseces ee eeereseceseecsceeseeoseseoes eee sere seeeseeeseeeeeeeeeesesesesreseseeseseseeseesesese Fill out and mail to: Terrace Bay, Ont., @ CHILD AMPUTEES y= | 2 at News 825-3747 Before February 6th, 1987 Sj Ni iN At es ta Mall \ Ministry of the De Jim Bradley Environment «l'Environnement Minister Ontano Ministere The Honourable Rod McLeod, Q.C. W. M. Vrooman Deputy Minister Regional Director FOR FURTHER INFORMATION W. D. MURRAY (807) 475-1315 J. A. MURPHY (807) 475-1315 ONTARIO MINISTRY OF THE ENVIROMENT NOTICE OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC MEETINGS The Ontario Ministry of the Enviroment invites residents of Terrace Bay area to review the proposed control Order to be served to KIMBERLY - CLARK OF CANADA LTD., Terrace Bay, Ontario. The purpose of the Control Order is to ensure the timely installation and effective operation of pollution control facilities and to meet Minstry regulartory requirements. In order to obtain input from the citizens of the Terrace Bay - Schreiber area, prior to the Control Order being served, a PUBLIC MEETING will be held: DATE: FEBRUARY 18th, 1987 TIME: 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. PLACE: TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL The public is invited to attend and discuss the contents of the Control Order with representatives from Kimberly - Clark of Canada Ltd. and to express their opinion to Ministry of the Enviroment staff. Draft copies of the Order and sup- porting information may be obtained from the Minstry's Regional Office at 435 James Street South, Thunder Bay, or by attending a PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION to be held on: DATE: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 5th, 1987 TIME: 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. PLACE: TERRACE BAY : RECREATION CENTRE