Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, February 4, 1987, page 11 Homemade Italian spaghetti Marzia Buso of Schreiber submitted this recipe for our enjoyment. Marzia is from Fano, Italy, which is a small town located near Pesaro. Pesaro is a province located in Central Italy. Mar- zia came to Schreiber in 1962. Her hobbies include sewing and crocheting. Marzia loves to cook and she takes great care of her family. Italian Spaghetti with Tuna and sardines Sauce 3 tablespoons of cooking oil 1 medium-sized onion 1 7 oz. (or 198 grams) can of Clover Leaf Tuna (juice included) 1 50 gram can of Unico (Flat Fillet of Anchovies) This you may omit if you don't like anchovies) Add a dash of salt and pepper Fry the above for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Add one-half of a small can of Tomato Paste, 1 28 oz. can of tomatoes (chopped fine), '4 cup of finely chop- ped celery and one half of a finely- chopped raw carrot. Stir and mix well. Let it boil for a few minutes and stir occasionally. Reduce the heat to simmer and let it cook for % of an hour and continue to stir occasionally- to avoid sticking. Spaghetti Cook the long pasta (Vermicelli or regular spaghetti) according to your taste and then drain. Add the sauce to the pasta and mix then serve. Schreiber Recreation Department The following schedule of events has been submitted to the News by the Schreiber Recreation Department. It includes a summary of many special tournaments to be held at the Schreiber Arena. Winter Carnival Carnival week is fast approaching and final arrangements and schedules must be completed by Feb. 20. If you or your group is interested in assisting in the organization of an event during the carnival, please contact the recreation office. If you have an idea for an event that could be incorporated into the carnival, please let us know. Sewing Course The sewing course scheduled to begin on Tuesday, February 3, has been delayed one week. The course under the instruction of Nella Commisso will begin on Tues- day, February 10. This is a six-week class each Tues- day from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Art Room of the complex. Please note that you must bring your own sewing machine. There are still a few openings so if you are interested contact the recreation office. Children's Craft Course The recreation department would like to offer this course under the in- struction of Donna Mikeluk. . The classes are open to children bet- ween the ages of 6 and 12 and will be held weekly on Mondays from 6:30 to _ 8 p.m. for 4 weeks. Ifyou are interested or would like more information please contact the recreation office. Special Events The following is a schedule of special events to be held at the Schreiber Arena. Feb. 7 and 8: Atom Invitational Tournament Feb. 13, 14 and 15: Intermediate Hockey Tournament Feb. 21: Times-News Tournament Feb. 28, March 1; Bantam Invita- tional Tournament March 7 and 8: Peewee Invitational Tournament March 14 and 15: Bantam North Shore Playoffs March 20, 21 and 22: Bantam Zones OR Fallen Rock Hockey Tournament. Tiny Basic Computer Course The Basic Computer Course is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, February 11. For more information please contact the recreation office. No increase in weekly paper rates Weekly newspaper readers, receiving their copy. by second class mail, (Rate Code 2) received a welcome Christmas. present when the Hon. Michel Cote, Minister responsible for Canada Post, told the House there would be no im- mediate increase in postal rates for weekly newspapers. The Minister also reported Canada Post would not proceed "at Grant Municipal Affairs Minister Bernard Grandmaitre announced on Jan. 26 the $1,125 final payment on a $7,000 com- munity planning grant for the Township of Manitouwadge. A news release also said that Grand- maitre said the grant was used by the township to produce a comprehensive zoning bylaw. : Community planning grants are designed to encourage municipalities to review and update their planning pro- grams, zoning bylaws and other plan- ning documents. The grants may also be used for special studies on local issues such as lakeshore development or commercial development along highways, and for energy-conserving planning measures. this time" on the replacement of rural lot-line services; on the wholesale closures of rural post of- fices; or on amalgamations of rural post offices without local con- sultation. The tabling of the Government's response to the recommendations of the Committee on Government Operations, followed earlier proiests from back bench members of the Progressive Conservative party who protested proposed postal rate increases. At that time 'the Canada Post business plan was referred to the committee but the only rates released were those for first class mail. The full schedule of rates for implementation of the Canada Post business plan was never released. More coverage inside. decision. Praises decision "'It is encouraging to see that Government heard our very real con- cerns about the impact of phased out second class mail subsidies could have on readers of community newspapers", CCNA President Jean Baker-Pearce commented on learning of the Government's CCNA's emphasis has always been on the position of the small publication that has no alternate to mail distribution in reaching its widely scattered coverage area. The president stressed that postal rates, escalated by a phasing out of the transfer payment to Canada Post, would weaken the network of community newspaper readers and affect the viability of some communities. . _ "IT want to commend the members of the Government Operations Committee, postal officials and the Government on recognizing the significant role of community newspapers and the fragile base on which many of them operate', the president concluded. Our classifieds are the best deal going and offer fast results too! >} a, ua ON HAPPY PO@ OO '} DANIELLE & g rd reo) WOGPOHOHHGOOOOPIOPDGDHO< OOODDOOGSOOSGOOS BIRTHDAY DAD, AND MANY MORE! LOVE, BETTY, JOHN, 65th BOOBOHOHSH @ oy JOHN JR. oy > > a 9} aNCe: if if if Cook of the week -- Above is Marzia Buso from Schreiber. Marzia ar- rived in Schreiber in 1962 and she now lives there with her husband, Paul, and her two children, Sandra, who is 15 years old, and Gabrielle, who is 22 years old. (Photo by Ken Lusk). during business hours | AT YOUR SERVICE Gilles Pouliot, MPP Lake Nipigon Helping You Is My Job! CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-268-7192 Monday to Friday ANNOUNCEMENT NORTHWESTERN REGION GEOSCIENCE SEMINARS "EXPLORATION IS DYNAMIC" The Mines and Minerals Division, Northwestern Region, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, will present Geoscience Seminars in Thunder Bay and Kenora during the month of February, 1987 at: Thunder Bay, Airlane Motor Hotel February 10, 7:30 p.m.: Informal Reception, Information and Poster Session Seminar, Talks and Poster Session February 11, 8:30 a.m.: Kenora, Inn of the Woods February 24, 7:30 p.m.: -- Informal Reception and Poster Session Seminar, Talks and Poster Session February 25, 8:15 a.m.: These Seminars will provide extensive, accurate in- formation related to the raining and exploration ac- tivity in the Northwestern Region. Ministry geologists will present talks and displays. A detailed program of events are available 2n request from any Resi- dent Geologist or Miring Recorder in the Nor- thwestern Region. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ministére du Développement du Nord et des Mines Mines and Minerals Division Ontario eg