Do you believe there is a real driv- ing danger on Highway 17 between Terrace Bay and Nipigon, Nipigon and Thunder Bay and Nipigon and Geraldton? Control "Tt is my understanding that a government audit was recently con- ducted. I am advised that the audit con- firmed that Kimberly-Clark, has ex- perienced financial difficulties of some magnitude in recent months,"' he said. "*May I respectfully suggest that in this specific instance your government provide financial arrangments to assist the company in installing pollution abatement equipment."' Pouliot went on to say that for two years now he has been personally aware of the commitment made by K- C to ensure a cleaner environment. Pouliot believes it has now become necessary to offer assistance that will enable the company to fulfill its en- vironmental responsibilities while en- suring much needed jobs in our region. Burns continued from page 1 Hamilton also said that Burns en- joyed loving, storytelling and drinking. Hamilton concluded by asking everyone to join him in a toast to the immortal memory of Robert Burns. Sing-along and bagpipes Betty Wilkie then played the piano and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Burns and someone else that was celebrating a birthday, Sylvie Robitaille. Afterwards there was a sing-along of tradtional Scottish tunes. They includ- ed Loch Almond, Comin' thru' the rye, Annie Laurie, The Bells of Scotland, Roamin' in the Gloamin', I belong to Glasgow, The Road to the Isles, I love a Lassie, Just a Wee Deoch an' Doris and The Hills of Tyrol. Bagpipe player John Robertson was then welcomed back for an encore. He introduced the first tune as one many men at the celebration could relate to. It was entitled 'The Clumsy Lover'. "'It Advertising serves by informing. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION WHEN YOU SHOULDN'T shelter your money from taxes. There are effective and flexible ways to keep your retirement you how. Call me today. D'ARCY D. WILSON 825-3708 Awvestorw PROFIT FROM OUR EXPERIENCE Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, January 28, 19867, page 3 Highway 11-17 petitions will soon be available started the petition which to date has at least 2,368 signatures from concern- ed residents of Nipigon, Red Rock, Dorion and other outlying areas. The petitions have been sent to Lake If so, you can join thousands of other people who have already voiced their outrage on a petition concerning the overcrowding of those highways. The Nipigon Gazette originally RETIRE, YOUR _ 2... INVESTMENTS (°c When your RRSP ends, you can still dollars working for you. | can show Petition Are you concerned about the number of people being killed on the highways in our areas? If so, sign this petition and bring it to The Newsoffice, lower level of the post office building, or mail it to the News, P.O. Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ont., POT 2WO. We, the undersigned, demand decent, safe, well-lighted highways in our area. Our desire is to see a 4-lane divided highway between the junc- tion of Hwy. 11-17 and Thunder Bay. Also, at least 3 lanes between that same junction and Geraldton. Enough lives have already been lost and we demand action now. NAME: Fill out and mail to: The News P.O. Box 579 Terrace Bay, Ont., POT 2WO. Nipigon MPP Gilles Pouliot who has presented them and the problem at Queen's Park in Toronto. A story in the Nipigon Gazette on Jan. 7 said that the petition "was received by the then Minister of Transport and Communications with obvious disinterest, and answered in a manner which showed only contempt for our concern over the lives being lost on our main road."' At present, the Minister of Transpor- tation and Communications, Ed Fulton, has said the problem will be looked at with recommendations forthcoming perhaps by summer. The Gazette reports though that nothing is firm. In the same Gazette story, the ministry quoted that just over 3,000 vehicles use Highway 11-17 between the junction of both highways just east of Nipigon and Thunder Bay. The ministry said that "not enough people were being killed per million miles of travel to warrant a divided highway,' the story said. The Gazette then decided to check figures, and found that twice as many vehicles use that road than the ministry had stated. Also, the year that the ministry con- ducted the survey, 1983, there was on- ly one death on that highway- in 1986 there were nine fatalities. If you want to see something done about the dangerous conditions on these highways, do not hesitate to complete the petition on this page and send it to the News. There will also be petition sheets cir- culated to various businesses in town. The chances of something being done depends on the response to the peti- tions. Don't delay! has rising cadences, sharp dropoffs, a lot of finger fumbling. Hopefully it will rise to dramatic climax, he said. Robertson also played Amazing Grace. That topped off the evening and the dance followed. Music was supplied by the Lake Superior High School Stereo Club. The Deejays were Emmett Houston and Tracy Clark. Until next year, Happy Birthday Robert Burns. errace B tchreiber 7 DAYS ONLY 25% Recreation Office. Towel Grips January 29th - February 5th All Racquetball and Squash Racquets in- cluding accessories at the Terrace Bay SQUASH RACQUETS Regular Sale Price Canadian $28.09 $21.29 Boast $39.32 $29.67 Squire 6050 $33.95 $27.30 RACQUETBALL RACQUETS Pro | $32.90 $24.47 Excalibur $50.29 $38.05 SQUASH BALLS $3/04 $2.28 RACQUETBALLS $3/85 $2.89 EY Leader (New Yorker) $26.48 $19.97 Other Sale items include Gloves, Headbands, Wristbands, and SWING BY TODAY AND SAVE $$$ OFF SPADONI'S DEPARTMENT STORE JANUARY 26 to FEBRUARY 7 ANNOUNCES A SALE. 25-50% ofr / SELECTED MERCHANDISE