Si "Aisue ¥2 Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, January 28, 1987 St. John's Anglican Church News St. John's Parish News. On Sunday, January 18, an Ecumenical Service of the Word,was> celebrated at St. John's Anglican Parish: <3 Members of the Roman Catholic, United, Pentecostal and Anglican Churches participated in the readings and prayers; the Rev. Keith Milne reading the gospel and Fr. Peter Groulx preaching the homily. Fr. Bill joined the Rev. Keith and Fr. Peter in greeting the gathered com- munity and saying a collective bless- ing at the end of the service. Following this time of sharing, cof- fee and a light lunch were served in the Parish Hall.. Many folks remarked positively about the time of Fellowship and Friendship in Christ. Fr. Peter's address, which called upon us to be reconciled in our diver- sity and to seek our unity in Christ's Church, accentuated one theme for this time of year; our call to unity in Jesus ig made by the clergy iber to continue the lenical Lenten series, and other Opportunities for cooperation and fellowship among Christians. The ACW will have a Penny Auc- tion in the Parish Hall on Jan. 30. Local friends are encouraged to come out for this time of Fellowship. and Family entertainment. The Annual Vestry Board Meeting was held at St. John's. A major Stewardship Drive is being planned. Two new arrivals made their ap- pearance in January at St. John's; Meaghan Almost and William Michael Smilsky. Fr. Bill will celebrate a High Mass on Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m. St. John's in- vites all friends of the parish to join them for this special event. NE HE NE 2H eee MEE 2 NE NE MEME oe SE o ME NE. yw, "During the May 24, 1986 CONVOCATION at CON- FEDERATION COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS and TECHNOLOGY, Thunder Bay, Ontario, DONNA SHYNKARYK graduated with a diploma in RADIOGRAPHY. As well, Donna was AWARDED THE RADIOLOGIST CLINICAL COMPETENCY Award during the June 7 Donna has recently completed the requirements of the Canadian Association of. Medical Radiation Technologists. She is the daughter of Helen & Wally Shynkaryk of Terrace Bay, Ontario. ee Te The Te te ed # x x ceremonies. x * ¥ HE HE SNE NE NE NE ONE 2 NE 2 NE NE NE NE NE ME TERRACE BAY BAKERY SALE 3 15"" pevuxe pizza on Sunday February 1st 15"' pepperoni Pizza 825-9039 9.99 6.99 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 3rd Mon-Fri Fri & Sat Sunday SWS Fi > b P b ) iy | » -- b = Valentine ; GREETINGS N to your Si | **Someone Special" od 4 b } h y N @ " You can send for the low price of $10.00 Don't miss this opportunity to tell your loved one you care. Call Betty or Gayle at News 825-3747 Before February 6th, 1987 laWa_ «Qs .«@se «@s ff » Grace Baptist Church in Schreiber Sunday School, all ages- 10 a.m. Morning worship service, 11 a.m. Sunday evening service, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Bible study and prayer, 7 p.m. Nursery provided for all services. Pastor, Rev. Jim Johnson. Phone 824-2402. Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church Sunday Masses: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m., Rossport, noon. Confessions: Saturday, 3-4 p.m. in Schreiber. Pays Plat Prayer Group: Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Holy Gospel Lutheran Mission You are invited whether you be a member or non-member, whether you be Lutheran or another denomination, whether you be young, old, married or single. We have a new pastor, Rev.. Mark Moss, and we meet Sunday evenings in the chapel at Birchwood Terrace. Bible study is at 6:30 p.m. and worship service is at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 8: 6:30 p.m. is Bible study (Witness Workshop Ill), and at 7:30 p.m. Worship service (Depression Part Ill). For more information contact: Rev. Mark Moss, 887-3020 (of- fice), 887-2612 (home), Lloyd and Hilda Hiebert, 825-3897, or Cathy Withers, at 825-9495. St. John's Anglican Church Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist every first, third and fifth Sunday. Morning prayer every second and fourth Sunday at 10:30 a.m. On Fridays the Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 10:30 a.m. at Birchwood Terrace. You are always welcome at St. John's where all Christians are invited to receive the WORD and sacrament. The Community Church Minister, Ernie Hunt, invites everyone to worship every Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. Church School is also at the same time. A warm welcome awaits all. Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly Family Worship is on Sunday at 11 a.m. Wednesday night is ACTION night from 6:30-8 p.m. which provides Christian educa- tion for all ages. Friday night is YOUTH ALIVE at 7:30 p.m. St. Martin of Tours Church Confessions are on Saturdays from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Sunday Masses: Saturday, 7 p.m., Sunday, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Birchwood Terrace- | p.m. St. Andrew's United Church Morning service and Sunday School are at 9:45 a.m. If you would like to include a message with your listing, please contact the News at 825-3747. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT STUART, PAT and ERIN ALMOST are pleased and very thankful to announce the safe arrival of MEAGHAN PATRICIA on JANUARY 7, 1987 We are most grateful to Dr. Bailey, the Nurses and Staff at McCausland Hospital for their care A and attention. special thanks to Marg, Judi, Janet and Gayle BH for taking such good care of Erin. ee sat rnerm FEBRUARY IS HEART MONTH _ CANVASSERS will be calling at your door some time during February. Your generosity would be appreciated. jee HAT DANCE Sponsored by Terrace Bay OLDTIMERS AT SCHREIBER LEGION 8 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. SATURDAY JANUARY 31/87 MUSIC - STEREO CLUB COST: $4. per person, $7. couple < pms ohia warded for Best Sorry NO MINORS ALLOWED AGE OF MAJORITY CARDS REQUIRED HATS : : CACELERE Rika Liter. Winnie's Scribbles by Winnie Campbell The St. Andrew's United Church Ladies enjoyed a dinner on Wednes- day, January 14 at the Restaurant LeBlanc, afterwards going to the Church for the meeting. -Mrs. Marg Smith, president, welcomed all. 23 people attended. Miss Gwen Hadley led ir the devo- tional period. Mrs. Marlene Doig, secretary, read the minutes and the cor- respondence. Gwen Hadley gave the yearly financial report. The annual allocation of monies was given to the mission and service with an extra dona- tion in recognition of the 25th anniver- sary of the organization of the United Church Women. Election of officers was held with the 1987 slate of officers as follows: Presi- dent, Marg Smith, First Vice- President, Ruth Hiller, Second Vice- President, Lyla Walker, Secretary, Marlene Doig, Treasurer, Gwen Hadley, Card Secretary, Myrtle Gordon. A workshop will be held on Satur- day, February 14 at the Community Church in Terrace Bay, which includes the Churches along the North Shore. The U.C.W. will supply the lunch. Workshops on the children's wor- ship and liturgy- music, Rev. Dr. Fred McNally, National Committee on wor- ship and liturgy from Toronto- Rev. Ted Dodd, Conference Staff, Win- nipeg, is to be in charge of children in worship. Mrs. Joy Bott of Marathon will con- vene coral music: and congregational singing. Registration will be completed by Feb. 5. All who are interested in atten- ding please contact your church for registration forms. Following the meeting a social time was held and games were played and there was an exchange of gifts with tea being served by the committee. The regular meeting of the Chimo Club was on Friday, January 16. 40 members attended and President Beth McAdam welcomed all and thanked all for helping in 1986- she hoped for the same in 1987. Secretary-reporter Helen Jartrus and Pat Guina's treasurer report were ap- proved as read. There are 108 paid members to date and several new members were welcomed. Many Christmas cards and thank- you notes were read. Mrs. Jacomb resigned her card job and was thanked for her work for two years. Mrs. Eva Gordon is to fill her position and Etta Gray will be the alternate. The Anglican Church Ladies would like the Chimo Club room on Feb. 14 for a bake sale- granted. There will be card games in the Chimo Club rooms Sunday, February 22 at 7:30 p.m. It is open to the public. Birthdays were sung to December and January members. Considerable discussion was held regarding the use of the Chimo Club by others, for other than cards and coffee. It was unanimously agreed that the club room be open as a drop-in centre for all adults for pop, cards and coffee- but the pool table is for members only. Happy Birthdays to Alice Sparkes, Ken Davis and Martin Ryan. A film was shown by Al Slater. Lunch was served and shuffleboard and cards were played. The*next meeting will be held on Feb. 20. Four winners of the Home Bingo in December and another will start Feb. 2. Our deepest sympathy to the Sheehans on the passing of Walter Sheehan. Our sympathy to the Paskes on the passing of Larry Paske. Message The News would like to take this op- portunity to say 'Get Well' to Bits and Bites' Helene Ballard. We here at the News have learned that Helene has not been feeling very well. Because of her health, she has not been able to submit. her weekly columns. We certainly wish you a speedy recovery Helene.