_ Page 10, Terrace Bay-Schrelber News, Wednesday, January 28, 1987 Terrace rece (NeCWS CLASSIFIED) 25 words, two weeks > a additional words 20¢ each Deadline: Deadline for classified ads is Fri noon preceding date of publication Payable in advance. Mail coupon with cheque or money order or place your order at the News 'ice in Ter- race Bay 825-3747 THE NEWS P07 Box S72; Terrace Bay. Ontario. POT 2WO Corrections/Cancellations Please check ads for errors. No credit will be issued for any cancellation Mobile Homes _Help Wanted Highway drivers 1982 Chevrolet Malibu for sale with cruise control also air conditioning, V6, 103,000 km. $6,500. Call (807)622-8557.F-04 For sale: Yamaha venture motorcycle, and a stereo system. Phone 825-9688. F-04 BANK SALE - 3 bedroom - 14 x 72 Dutch Villa mobile home, located at Figliomeni Trailer Park - Fridge, stove, washer & dryer included. Call John C McDonald, Realtor - 623-9529 Thunder Bay. F-11 Services Electrolux - Sales & Service of vacuum cleaners and shampooers. Also used machines available. Phone Jacques Roy at 825-9182. F-11 A career in trucking. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A licence. For pre-screening interview and job placement information, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, Sudbury 1-800-265-1260. TFN Lost & Found Found - 1 Cross Country Ski on Hwy between Terrace Bay and Schreiber. Owner please phone 824-2646 after 5 p.m. J-28 HELP WANTED 1 FULL-TIME, and 1 PART TIME SALES CLERK. House for sale - 30 Pine Cr. I'/2 storey, 3 bedroom, remodelled, insulated double garage & woodstove. Must be seen. Phone 825-9208. J-28 Wanted: Required immediately. Reliable babysit- ter for 2 pre-school children. Preferably in our own home. Day shifts only. $25. per day. Phone 825-9163. F-04 House for sale - To be seen at 213 Columbia St. in Schreiber. For more information call 824-2293. F-04 House for sale in Terrace Bay, new subdivision. Owners relocating. Split level, 3 - 4 bedrooms, finished basement, family room with fireplace, paved drive. To view call 825-9357. Offers in- vited. F-04 House for sale in Schreiber - three bedrooms, good location. Phone 824-2315. Mar-04 If you are considering selling your HOME or BUSINESS, we at BELLUZ REALTY LIMITED, have a Broker and Sales Representative on loca- tion in Terrace Bay and Schreiber to service your needs. Contact our office at 825-9393 or 825-3221. TFN For sale - New three bedroom split level with full attached garage. Large living room, dining room, and kitchen on main floor, and a rec room with built in fireplace and laundry room in base- ment. It has a large patio built on with privacy. For appointment call 825-3834 after 7:00 p.m. TFN 7 ~=© Announcements "Demeure d'urgence pour les femmes victime de violence a la maison. Appelez pour aide ou de l'information au Centre de Resource Familiale du Nord a 229-2222(local) ou 1-800-465-3307 (sans frais)" TFNb 'Grow fruit without Chemicals. Free Catalogue. 75 anniversary specials Large selection of Manitoba grown fruits & shrubs for harsh climates. Boughen Nurseries. Valley River, Manitoba ROL 2B0' J-28 "EMERGENCY shelter for abused women and their children. Call for assistance or information to the Northshore Family Resource Centre at 229-2222 (local) or 1-800-465-3307" TFNa House for rent,- unfumished, three bedroom, in Schreiber. Call 825-9439 after 1:00 p.m. Available February |, 1987. F-04 For rent - 72 ft. mobile home - three bedroom, partially fumished, private parking, quiet sur- roundings, snow removal included. For inquiries call 825-9263. F-04 For rent in Schreiber - A large two bedroom apartment with a large modern kitchen and liv- ing room, bath and storage room. Available im- mediately. Call 824-2360. TFN To rent - Furnished, one bedroom small house in Schreiber. Available January Ist. Call Susan Glad at 825-3398. TFN One room for rent in private home with kitchen and laundry use once a week. Also one boat trailer brand new, only used a couple of times. Phone 825-3878 or 230 McDonald Ave., Ter- race Bay, Ontario. J-28 For rent: 1. three bedroom apartment, fully fur- nished. 2. Also for rent a bachelor apartment, fully furnished. $250. a month, utilities paid. Phone anytime or after 5 p.m. at 824-2844. J-28 Apartment for rent in Terrace Bay - one living room, one bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Fridge and stove included. Phone 622-5060. J-28 Apartment for rent - One bedroom - bright and roomy - fridge, stove, partially furnished if . a : : desired. Call 824-2353 after 6 p.m. _J-28 Articles for Sale Must be available to start immediately. ; mee ee ema or sale: Matching couch loveseat, rocking Apply at chair, chair, coffee table and 3 end tables. If CHURCH LEY "Ss JEWELLERS interested call after 5 p.m. at 825-9194. F-04 : For sale: 1 WAIT PROPANE SPACE HEATER SIMCOE PLAZA. by - YU KK) ES with fan & pipes, suitable for a ee camp ® or small home. Reasonably priced. Call TERRACE BAY. 824-2097 or 825-9054. F-04 3 9 2 Gy Kiln dried 144-146 tongue and groove v-joint . = cedar and white pine lumber at discount prices. Call: 825 5 Excellent for camps, saunas, rec. rooms, ex- terior siding etc. Ph. Thunder Bay 1-577-2087. F-04 Belluz Realty Ltd. Dl Aq Simcoe Plaza, Box 715 ' ne lo A ? stb th Please put us in our place! | : or 825-3221 ne ati, --: ad REALTY LTD Oe yiveeeen? -- VATE T WING WALK ON: AIR isiness rtunity. Five apartments wit an income of $2,100.00 per month plus ee ee store front space. Owner anxious to sell. SERVI CE Dr. ee get ogee rt wit tep. Available $4 09,000.00 from Scholl Conicans tala 10 EAST GROVE ee : 3 Bedroom spacious bi-level bungalow with a large lot (91.5' x Irregular on 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY ® one of the nicest crescents in the new subdivision. $84 900 WE H,. A UL = B IG & SM. A L L °Dr Scholls) vy s 258 KENOGAMI 168.000 78 TERRACE HEIGHTS Note: We also will pick up & dispose of any scrap AIR-PILLO® INSOLES 3 Bedroom bungalow . 7 » 3 Bedroom home ... .*76,000 vehicles you have in your yard at NO 34 PARKWAY 29 TERRACE HEIGHTS CHARGE 3 Bedroom bi-level .. .*78,000. 3 Bedroom bi-level Cc ALL 82 4-2861 any time acer Gan went SCREIBER Hotel-121 t entertainment bar, 60 seat lounge apartment and 18 rooms. Small OFFICE WITH FRONTAGE Call us tieky tor hore SRneaaRION. ON pri PLAZA agi . plus M ARATION Job Opportunities utilities/month Sate Salog W Miaralich: Ve Hive Srencid stalctnents evel tok, serie Red Doa | re we have : vai ious purchasers. e og n n Saat a Ptrd FLORIDA Terrace Bay rishi Rent a furnished condo in the sun! It is cheaper to rent our furnished con- TERRACE BAY, ONT. dominium in FLORIDA than staying in a motel. Call for further information and POT 2Wo ask for Juris. $35.00 U.S. per night. FU LL Ti M E 825-3833 If you want to make a good return on your time and investment give our office O 9 Il because we have a list of businesses for sale on the North Shore of eae Shicerien. is C O K S H E LP E = aa and THUNDER BAY AREA ; If you are planning to move to the Thunder Bay area, call our office in Terrace Appl y to F 'VICKIE' ' Canada Bay and we can give you information homes, building lots and commercial Red Dog Inn 825-3286 « Beautiful investments. JURIS ZDANOVSKIS MONIQUE GAUTHIER Note: We'll take applications now for Future Broker 824-2933 Sales Rep. Openings for COOK and COOK'S HELPER. LYNN HODDER 8243429 Marathon 229-0491 FOR RENT 3 LRGE BEDROOM APARTMENT NDA SPECIAL VALENTINE IN OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION CALL 825-3747 and place your Valentine Message for our FEBRUARY lith Valentine Edition. JUST $2.50 per message._ - Large Living Room - Pay only % the Hydro - Kitchen and Dining Room Facilities - Reasonable rate - Available Immediately CALL 825-9530