Page 22, Terrace Bay-Schrelber News, CHRISTMAS EXTRA, December, 1986 A Christmas story for kids By Ken Lusk Once upon a place, not so long ago, lived a brother and a sister, Happy and Hope. They lived in the land called Blackground, and it was called this because everything was black- every day of the year. Their land was ruled by the evil Darklord and his wicked wife, Blackhand, and when they first came to where Hope and Happy live, it was called Dreamland, and all was green and healthy and: full of nature's creatures. No Christmas Darklord and Blackhand came to Dreamland because they heard that the people there celebrated Christmas. Darklord and Blackhand have been go- ing to places all over the world and stopping Christmas. Dreamland was ruled by a kind, old King when they came, and his name was King Good. Darklord and Blackhand locked the King in the castle tower and he has been there ever since. His hair has grown long and he looks out his win- dow with its bars and thinks of the days when Dreamland was a happy place. He thinks of the time when all the kids celebrated Christmas and prayed to a man who once walked upon the earth, Jesus Christ. Glad Tidings Holidays are here, it is our joy to say a '*Special Thanks" to e all our Faithful Customers. Have a Merry Christmas. AND STAFF OF SEARS Now that the CHURCHLEY'S JEWELLERS Hope and Happy Hope and Happy were not sad children, but they too thought of the time when all was green and the sun shone down from the heavens. Most of their time was spent taking care of Granny and Grandpa- they cooked the meals and kept their little house clean and tidy. There was only one day of the year that Hope and Happy looked forward to. That was the day that Darklord and Blackhand went away to make sure other places are still dark and to see that the spells they had placed upon other places were still strong. An hour of sunshine On that day, the spell that they had over Blackground was not as strong, because they were so far away, so the sun tried with all its might and manag- ed to break through some of the black clouds. Hope and Happy gathered together food and drink for a picnic and set out to the meadow over the rolling hills that used to lie to the south of Blackground. On their way they passed trees that had no life-and stood motionless and black and ditches that used to steer the streams that once splashed through Dreamland. As they travelled to the meadow, Hope and Happy could tell that the sky was getting brighter, and this caused them to run even faster. Picnic in the sun Hope and Happy reached the meadow just in time to see the sun poke its flaming head through the black clouds. The brother and sister jumped up and down and danced around all the while singing and laughing merrily. They sat down to eat the food they had brought for the picnic, and were joined by squirrels, foxes, a bear and a family of deer. Hope and Happy haven't seen these animals since the last time Darklord and Blackhand went away, many full moons ago. The group sat around and ate and danced and laughed and talked. Then suddenly, a dark shadow began to cover the meadow 'and Hope and Happy realized that Darklord and » Blackhand were on their way back to Blackground. All of the animals scurried into the black bush and the brother and sister were left alone on the knoll to pack Joy to all this holiday. To All our Friends in Schreiber and Terrace Bay - Merry Christmas AURELE & SHIRLEY MAJOR TERRACE BAY Holidays: Confederation College Geraldton SEASONS GREETINGS From All Staff & Students of CONFEDERATION COLLEGE GERALTON To each and everyone, in all the reserves, villages.and towns of the area, A Very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY and 'PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. The College will be CLOSED FOR THE FROM NOON DEC. 24, 1986 to JAN. 2, 1987 CLASSES WILL RESUME ON MONDAY JAN. 5, 1987 4 30 2 \/|,° Happy Holidays Having dear friends and customers like you makes our holiday a little brighter. Thanks. a TERRACE BAY INSURANCE LTD. TERRY & DIANE O'NEILL and Family % 1. 825-3370 Fave A Safe Kol iday! We're happy to be of service to the folks in our area, and wish you our best this holiday season! Have a merry! TROTTIER BUS LINES | | their belongings for the trip home. Visit from an elf They trudged back along the hilly trail with heads hung low and hearts again saddened by the darkness that surrounded them. Hope and Happy returned to their small, dimly-lit house and began preparing the evening's meal over the warm, crackling fire. "<All was quiet as they wordlessly stir- red the soup and cut the bread. Hope thought that he heard a noise outside and he stood very still, listening. Sure enough, a faint, short knock at the door was followed by a cold draft that blew throught the tiny house. Hope and Happy looked at each other and Happy went to the door to see who could be here to see them. Happy opened the door and standing there covered in white was the tiniest little man that Happy had ever seen. He had a little red suit on and bells hung from his long red hat and from the edges of his coat. _ As Hope and Happy stood there gawking at the little man, he said, "*Well, are you going to let me in or not?"' Be helpful at Christmas "Who are you?", Happy asked the shivering little man. 'I'm one'of Santa's elves, what do you think!", he replied. A sudden feeling of joy swept over Hope and Happy and they began dan- cing and singing while the elf stood there looking at them like they had lost their minds. He began talking even before Hope and Happy had stopped dancing. 'Santa sent me here because he knows that all the boys and girls in Blackgrcund have been good. And he knows that you haven't been able to celebrate Christmas ever since Darklord and Blackhand came here. "You must know that Santa can't come here 'either because his sleigh and reindeer cannot fly through those black, dirty clouds. "Why are you here then?", Hope asked the elf. - "Pm here to tell you that you shouldn't beso sad. Many other children cannot celebrate Christmas either. '*Many families are poor and can't af- ford to buy their children toys for Christmas. 'And many people are so sick that even 'if they have lots of toys, they don't feel good enough to enjoy them." This made Hope and Happy realize that they are lucky. They can't celebrate Christmas, but at least they are healthy and have enough food on the table to eat. '*So my message to you from Santa Claus is that you should try to be good and help other people as much as you can. Remember, it is better to give than to receive,' said the little man. '*You must realize that a lot of little boys and girls like you aren't as well off. If the people of Blackground help each other, then one day Darklord and Blackhand will realizé that they aren't making you sad, and they will go away. 'The sun will shine again and you will one day be able to celebrate Christmas again. WINNIPEG GREETINGS COLLEEN DALTON (Maclsaac) (Milani) OBER LAROCQUE