Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, CHRISTMAS EXTRA, December, 1986, page 13 A word from Keith Milne Submitted by Pastor Keith Milne- Ter- race Bay Gospel Assembly. Christmas has become just an emo- tional experience for most people. ' Our attempts to celebrate and ex- ; perience a 'good' Christmas are futile. We try desperately to strike the right chords in our sentimental heart but for ? so many- Christmas never measures up ( to our expectations. Christmas is meant to assist us to become more spiritually attuned to the true significance of the historical birth of Jesus Christ. We must recognize that with this historical event, God has intervened in the life of every person. The birth, begins God's loving plan to offer completeness and wholeness to every person. The emptiness that we vaguely sense can only be satisfied by a real, spiritual experience with the Christ. Christmas was meant to be ex- perienced and lived with spiritual depth, based on a relationship with the One wvho was born to die. My prayer is that everyone will be able to enjoy Christmas as it was meant to be. GIVE THE Fans Po TOMORROW. For UNICEF cards and gifts 1-800-268-6364 333 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto, Ontario M4P 1L7 Unicef Ontario 8 rs, 'Nw SEASONS (SDEETINGS With Sincere Best Wishes for a very MERRY CHRISTMAS & a Happy New Year DOREEN & HERBIE FOSS 109 B. MALCOLM ST. ANGUS, ONTARIO LOM 1B0 to mind are those that include the feelings of love, peace and brotherhood that we all cherish. At this happy time, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of you Pago hes SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM THE ELEURETTE MANAGEMENT & STAFF = COSTA'S Wishing you the Joys & Blessings of : the Christmas Season & many, many SCHREIBER TERRACE BAY good wishes for the coming year. FOODS ; : D To her friends, neighbours & relatives 824-23 1 1 e 825-35 13 in Terrace Bay, Schreiber & Rossport ; The nicest thoughts that Christmas brings : Aristmas : g he