Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, November 5, 1986 Production record set at Terrace Bay mill pulp,"' acting Director of Industrial Relations Daryl Payette noted. '"But you have to have both,' Fikis said. As for the record itself, Graham said it will be the measure to reach from now on at the mill. '*The attitude on the floor is that our standard of daily production is now 1,200 metric tons," Sigurdson explained. '" see that every day, and if they don't, they feel something went wrong. That 1,200 figure is a personal standard now."' He said with everybody doing job correctly, the mill system should yield at least 1,200 metric tons. How- ever, a single day record of 1,451 their > this point," * he admitted. Earlier this was set on Oct. 25, and now many in the mill are keeping that figure in mind too, he.added. "It's an emotional target," Fikis said. '"We are looking at the ultimate capacity of the mill (and) we have a pretty good idea that it's not 1,500 or 1,600 (metric tons). Continued im- provement is our goal, though. Every change will. increase the Sriginal _ design peak," 'Payette also 'mentioned morale as a contributing g factor to the records. "Morale i is better than expected at year, 255 permanent and 100 tempor- ary employees at the mill and at the of their first baby BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Pat & Lisa Corrigan are pleased to announce the safe arrival RANDI ELIZABETH She was born October 15 and weighed 9 Ibs. 11 oz. Proud grandparents are Mert & Myrna Burrows of Terrace Bay and Rita & Wilf Corrigan of Sault St. Marie. Special thanks to Dr. Bailey and the Nursing Staff of McCausland Hospital. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SCHREIBER BRANCH 109 NOTICE of General Meeting for election of Officers for 1987 Date: NOVEMBER 6, 1986 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: New Legion Hall- scvaibier Come out & elect your executive BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Carol & Alain Zborowski, are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their first baby boy, "CALLAN MICHAEL JESSE" born October 16th, weighing 7 lIbs., 8 oz. Proud grandparents are Tony and Carmel Zborowski of Schreiber and Arthur and Jessie Squire of Australia. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. & Mrs. Keijo Luomala are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their granddaughter RIKKI KATRIINA Born October 2, 1986 weighing 6 Ibs. 14 ozs. 'Proud parent is Teija Luomala. Special thanks to Dr.'s Bailey, Wilkes and the Nursing Staff of the . McCausland Hospital. THANK YOU We would like to thank DR. ST. ROSE and DR. LENNOX, for their special care and safe arrival of our son CALLAN We would also like to express special thanks to all the Nurses and Staff at the McCausland Hospital. CAROL & ALAIN ZBOROWSKI CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank our friends and family for their generous support and comfort during the grievance of the loss of our infant son/brother Shaun. A very special thank you to Dr. J.E.M. ST. ROSE for his care and extra concern for myself and my family, and to the Nurs- ing Staff of the McCausland Hospital for their tender care. We would also like to give thanks to REV. ERNEST HUNT for his prayers and for his comforting service. YOUR KINDNESS WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED. LAURAJANE, HARRY JRS. & HARRY Ill Longlac woodlands operations had to be laid off under the company's fin- ancial survival plan. "It's management and the union working together to make things work," K-C Manager of Mainten- ance Dave Luxmore said. "You can see this in the reporting of problems and the response to those problems," Graham said. '"We are keeping on top of problems even before they can contribute to down- time," Sigurdson added. < Fikis explained that virtually every department had to set individual records to contribute to the mill's new production records. "We could sit New rec sented Council's gifts to the mayor of Terrace Bay's twin city, Tung- Kang. "We also toured their library and fish research plant," MacKay told Council at the meeting. A personal gift of matchbooks were also given to Reeve Chapman by MacKay on behalf of the Taiwan group. Later during the meeting, Simons told Council that he had received a letter from Ontario Premier David Peterson in response to Council's query about the provincial govern- ment's proposed Ontario Lottery Act amendment. Council had told the'Premier that it was concerned about the Ontario Budget amendment, which if passed would channel all Wintario lottery revenue not awarded in prizes to general government funds. At the moment, Wintario funds are committed to Ontario arts and recrea- tion programs only. '*Please be assured that this change does not reflect any lessening of the government's commitment to recreat- ion and cultural programs," Peterson explained in the Oct. 14 letter. '"The Budget also announced a new multi- year Investing in the Arts program... (the government) also announced the details of (the) Wintario Development Program."' here and come up with different rec- ords we set all day long," he said. "'This is an achievement every employee can be proud of," Graham said. "Every individual does con- tribute."' Also present at the meeting were Director of Finance Gary Boutette and K-C Technical Director Wally MacKay. Lavallet later noted that he be- lieves the mill will now shoot for a 1,400 metric ton daily average. He. downplayed his own involvement in the mill's new record achievements, but did add that he was very proud of all the K-C employees. director Peterson did add that "in future years, recreation and cultural pro- grams will, on the same basis as all other programs, be eligible for fund- ing from the general revenues of the province."' The Premier said the decision to~ end the dedication of lottery funds for specific recreation and arts programs 'reflects the maturity of these pro- gram areas." Reeve Chapman remained uncon- vinced. "I think everybody in the province is after the government for this," she told Council. She added that "what is bothering the recreation people is that when Wintario was established, it was for recreation and culture, and since then these other lotteries have come in and grown...they feel _that Wintario should stay as it is.' Council has already sent a resolu- tion to the government asking it to re- ject the planned amendment and leave Wintario for arts and recreation. Council later approved two $100 donations, one to the Save the Children Fund and the other to the Arthritis Society, being run locally by the Knights of Columbus this year. Recreation Committee Chairman Ernie Kettle volunteered to attend a meeting of area Recreation Directors @) Keep Canada sige he Please oy "hr Gig S a a LOVE 8 a - _ SS. <> <> Ss. =~ a. CONGRATULATIONS JIM 4 Congratulations on the completion of your CERTIFIED GENERAL \ ACCOUNTING PROGRAM - A JOB WELL DONE! - i Se Se eS Se a a eae Stitt Alice, Margaret & lan HERCULSON a wr. ow *3.00 single ANNOUNCEMENT A STAG & DOE will be held in hour of MIKE IMBEAULT & JUDY ST. AMAND at the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SCHREIBER on FRIDAY NOV. 7, 1986 from 8 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. *5.00 Seen she Posocco DANCE TO PARTY SOUND IN NEW LEGION HALL SCHREIBER NOV. 15 trom 9 p.m.-1 a.m. COST $3. single Sponsored by SCHREIBER ANGELS FASTBALL LEAGUE. All Proceeds Go To: SCHREIBER CURLING CLUB SORRY NO MINORS hired to discuss recreation programs for retired citizens in light of the recent Kimberly-Clark layoffs. The meeting was held in Longlac on Oct. 29. Letter Dear Editor: With reference to your article on the Mental Health Program ("Link between layoffs and depression found," Oct. 29, 1986 Terrace Bay- Schreiber News), I would just like to add a couple more points. I am appointed as the Clinical Director to the whole program which covers a number of different com- munities. My services are essentially indirect and my 'mandate is to super- vise, educate, and consult with the Mental Health workers, physicians, and other referral sources who act as the first contact with the patient. Although I do get to see some pat- ients directly in my consulting role, it's to be appreciated that we are run- ning a community-based preventative program and that my services are best utilized through supervision and education of the primary care pro- fessionals. I would also like to take this op- portunity to say that we have now hired a Mental Health Worker for the Terrace Bay office, and that Hadley Colton will be starting on November 12, 1986. Dr. Vijay Kumar, MRCPsych. Clinical Director North of Superior Community Mental Health Program Terrace Bay, Ontario Terrace Bay merchants are Open Thursday until 8:00 p.m. SWEET 16 And still Full of Fun! HAPPY | BIRTHDAY | TIARRA