Participant list required date for the course will be Sunday, Nov. 16 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4 p.m. We need approximately four more registrations to make this program a success. Photography There are openings available for this four-hour introductory course on the use of 35 mm cameras. Part- icipants will also be shown the use of creative filters and flash systems. This program is a preliminary to more programs, where the student will be taking part in a field trip and then a further evaluation session on the photographs taken. Upcoming Events Women's Action Group: An "Eat Well For Less" course will be held with refreshments to be provided. Do you want to stretch your food dollars and learn to eat nutritionally on less "money? Points of discussion at the meeting will include how to keep your fami- ly healthy, cost comparisons, and new working skills. Register at the Recreation Office. Where: Home Economics Room, Lake Superior High School. Date: November 18 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. with a nominal fee. The Chamber of Commerce meet- ing has been rescheduled to Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. at the Conference Room in the Rec Centre. All members are in- vited to attend. An Open House will be hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources on Nov. 18 from 2 to 9 p.m. in the Rec Centre Conference Room. If this does not make them aware of the dangers, they will be barred from public skating. Public Skating Times Wednesday, Nov. 5: 1 to 2 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 6: 11 a.m. to 12 noon and | to 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7: 1 to 2 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8:3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9: 2 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10; 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11: 11 a.m. to 12 noon and | to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12: 1 to 2 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Emergency First Aid This. eight-hour course will be presented on Nov. 29 and 30 from 1 to 5 p.m. each day. This is a certified St. John Ambulance program. Paper Tole for Beginners We will be rescheduling this se- cond class of paper tole which was to take place on Oc.t 18. The new Submitted by the Terrace Bay Recreation Office The Recreation Department would like to notify all organizations in Ter- race Bay using the recreation facilities as a group that it is now time to make sure we have a list of all their participants. Any participants of the following groups must have a current recreation membership in order to take part in the groups: Minor Hockey, Ringette, Broomball, Figure Skating, Curling, Oldtimer's Hockey, No Body Contact Hockey, and all Bowling Leagues. It is the responsibility of the Prési- dent or Coach to see that an up-to- date list of members is turned in to the office for a membership check before Nov. 16. Public Skating Notice The Terrace Bay Recreation Com- mittee would like to inform all those taking part in public skating of the following rules: any person caught throwing snowballs or causing injury to another will be verbally told to conduct themselves properly. Sell it... This Week in Bike ID Ann-Marie Gugelyk of Mrs. G. Miller's Junior Kingergarten class at St. Martin School in Terrace Bay looks on as Const. Bernie Chasse of the Terrace Bay Police Force checks out the youngster's bicycle before putting on a ID sticker. All bikes are 'the school were registered under the identification program Taiwan visit Former Terrace Bay Reeve Dave Speer, Brigitte Speer, and Ter- race Bay resident Duncan MacKay, during a recent cultural and trade tour to Taiwan, visited TungKang, Terrace Bay's twin town f On January 1, 1987, your Canada Pension Plan will change. These changes put your Plan on a solid, long-term financial foundation. It's important to know what benefits are available because your Plan provides you and/or your fam- ily with a basic level of earnings protection when you retire, become disabled, or die. You will, however, have to apply for the benefits when you believe you are eligible. The information that follows highlights the major improvements. started earlier this year by the Police Force. GOOD NEWS AA PENSION PLAN is changing for the better. (400 Y, (fenuiny, i GE/- Increased disability benefits fyouqualify for disability benefits, your monthly payment will now be significantly increased. For example, the maximum disability pension in 1987 will increase from $487 to more than $635 per month. As well, anyone entering or returning to the work force will have disability coverage after contributing in 2 of the last 3 years, in which contributions could have been made. Survivor benefits continue on remarriage (Additional benefits 'or dependent children n the past, dependent children were lim- ited to one flat-rate benefit, even if both par- ents had paid into the Plan and died or became disabled. Should the same happen now, your -- would be entitled to double bene- its. Improved 'Combined' benefits If you are entitled to acom- bination of survivor and disability benefits, in Taiwan. They were met there by all the people who came to ; : i ' c é the maximum monthly amount you could Terrace Bay for the twinning ceremony three years ago. During. 2 2 nist in a oe = a ae. and retire- the seven day trip, two live beavers were presented to the Gover- F inancing If you remarried and had your survivo ment benefits, these will now be more gen- nor of Taiwan for the Hsin-Chu Zoo. The donation was assisted a better tomorrow ou oe you can have your --_erously awarded to those who qualify. by Art Mercure, Fred Polesky, Joe Marcella, and the Ministry of New-financing arrangements willmekeand °° it Teinstateds Budi lid Natural Resources. Three books donated by the Terrace Bay keep your Plan more secure than ever. Splitting pension ullaing on a soll Council on behalf of the municipality were also presented. Right now you and your employer each contribute 1.8% of your earnings up to a ae: Derthis DRYCLEANING SERVICES Bedspreads- *5.25 maximum amount. Each year until 1991, the contribution rate will rise by 0.2% and from there until 2011 by 0.15%. If you make the maximum contribution, you will pay about $26 more in 1987. credits if your marriage ends in divorce, each spouse will be entitled to one half the "pension credits" you earned together. After January 1, 1987, the credits can also be divided if your marriage or com- mon-law relationship ends in separation. Ai wider choice of retirement options er January 1st, you can begin receiving your CPP pension as early as age 60. You could qualify even if you are not fully each month between that date and when your pension begins, your benefit will be adjusted by 0.5%. This adjustment will _ apply foras long as you receive the benefit: Sharing your pension Whenyouand your spouse receive your CPP retirement pensions, the benefits you've both earned during your life together can be shared if either of you makes foundation Being financially prepared for the future is a responsibility we all Share. Your new Canada Pension Plan now gives you a stronger foundation. It's a sound base, and it's up to you to build on this foundation. It's never too soon, or too late, to begin building for your future. We hope you'll start today. You may need further information to better understand these ' changes. For booklets about your retired. this request. Canada Pension Plan, call the toll- Higou bapin year ension before age 65 oe free number bel fill out th A r Deiow or ou le ; ur benefits will be less because you will 'Litto: } ave contributed less and will get the bene- coupon and mail it to: OCT 27 TO NOV 8 || "22 a r, if you choose not to start your pen- P.O. Box 5400 sion until after age 65, (up to age 70), "es + ery monthly ee Ri Him A Postal Station "D" _ C f rt Your pension would normally be pay- Scarborough, Ontario om re) a rs able the month after your 65th birthday. For M1R5E8 ~ 1-800-387-8600 In Toronto, 973-6868 z Canada aly Pind, Place etd Name Sweaters- 2.99 [ = ceed era ee ET idan i a in Englis in Frenc about : Parkas & Heavy Winter | CRtirement Pension CANADA PENSION PLAN ( Ya ODisability Pension ; Coats- *5.99 | caeceena -- Changing oar the Catton. ™ PHOTO PRINTS TRAVEL REST CiFlexible Retirement Province 7 Simcoe Plaza TRAILER PARK ; palaces ac abel An oa - Postal Code 02 ' | eee Schreiber | [gy Heath and wettare Santé ot Ben-e social Canad