Ontario Community Newspapers

Terrace Bay News, 24 Sep 1986, p. 6

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A $200 draw was held by the local Moose chapter at its recent Fish Derby, and the winner of that draw turned out to be Birchwood Terrace cook Leandre Theriault, who decided to use the money to buy need- ed merchandise for the senior citizens' home in Ter- Council supports lottery funds _ Terrace Bay Township Council passed a motion at its Sept. 8 meeting expressing its concern about a pro- posed change to lottery legislation in Ontario which may deplete funds for recreation in the province. Council was asked to support the- motion by the Association of Mun- icipalities of Ontario in a letter read at the meeting. "'Wintario has been for recreat-ion funding, and they (AMO) are wor- ried about it," Reeve Ollie Chapman explained. Under the proposed change, lottery funding would become discretionary, rather than directed at any one specific area. Reeve Chapman warned that if the proposal becomes law, it might mean an end to things like the $60,000 che- DEAR FRIENDS As you know Andrew and | are moving. We are packing our possessions, especially our BOOKS. Since | can't -remember who we have lent our books to we have to rely on your memory. If you have any of our books, etc...., could you please return them to us before the 28th of September? Thank You Sharyl Marriott Lowry Donation made que the Township re-ceived earlier this month to help pay for the new heating system at the Recreation Centre. : "Recreation people are going to be very upset about this," Reeve Chap- man said. Terrace Bay Rec-reation Co-ordinator Terry Bryson was later quoted as saying such a change in the law would be a "dis-aster" for recreation programs. The motion, which was moved by Reeve Chapman and passed un- animously, also called for the govern- ment to hold public meetings before any changes in the lottery legislation are implemented. The recent lay-offs of 255 perma- nent and 100 temporary Kimberly- Clark employees in the area indirectly caused Council to pass a motion' which, in effect, cancels the annual Township Christmas party for this year. "'We've discussed this quite thoroughly," Reeve Chapman told Council before the vote was taken. However, the motion only. barely passed anyway, by a 3 to 2 vote. Later in the meeting, Council agreed to call for tenders regard-ing a police car for the town. Councillor Chris Joubert announc- ed that his third son was born on Sept. 7 in Terrace Bay. His wife Judy gave birth to Todd, who weighed in at Juris Zdanovskis Branch Manager Ray E. Belluz President Lynn Hodder Sales Representative race Bay. Peggy Regis, also shown above, originally sold the ticket to Theriault and contributed-her $50 seller's bonus. Two rocking chairs, seen behind Regis and Theriault, were purchased, along with a card table, some folding chairs, and two picnic juice jugs. WOTM hold session The Terrace Bay Chapter of the Women of the Moose, 1426 held their Chapter night meeting on September 17, according toa WOTM news release. A total of 17 co-workers were pre- sent. Senior Regent Gisele Legacy chaired the meeting. Rose Marie Dakin, Publicity Chairman, was in charge of the Chapter night program. Junior Graduate Regent Carmel Zborowski received a letter from Mooseheart informing her that the Chapter had earned their Award of Achievement and that Carmel was to receive her green cap in Toronto at the convention on October 10 at the Skyline Hotel. Ladies will cater for the Slow-Pitch supper on Sept. 27 and also for the Kimberly-Clark Quarter Century supper on Oct. 3. Pot of gold was won by Gisele Legacy and Yvonne Mallais won the raffle. A lovely lunch was enjoyed by all co-workers present. Officers for 1986-87 Senior Regent: Gisele Legacy. Junior Graduate Regent: Carmel Zborow- ski. Junior Regent: Sherren Kraeling. Chaplain: Lisette Wenzell. Recorder: Sadie Benko. Treasurer: Jean Bozec. Guide: Kim Ten Hoeve. Assistant Guide: Yvonne Mallais. Argus: Ann Ray. Sentinel: Jeanette Caldwell. Chairmen for 1986-87 College of Regents: Alma Hart. Rit- ual Director: Jacqueline Sopel. Membership: Bernice Pytyck. Pub- licity: Rose Marie Dakin. Moose- heart: Lois Pinkerton. Library: Sylvia Sutherland. Social Services: Jackie Commisso. Child Care: Bernice Williams. Hospital: Minnie Wood- tuff. Moosehaven: Dorothy Kenny. Star Recorder: Helen Almos. Acad- emy of Friendship: Gloria Benoit. Musician: Clara McDonald. Help out The 1986 Arthritis Campaign is now underway in Schreiber, Terrace Bay. Jackfish, and Rossport. The canvassers will be going door to door in the area on a fund-raising drive over the next few weeks. Collection jars will also be set up in some businesses in Terrace Bay and Schreiber. The campaign is be- ing sponsored by the local chapter of the Knights of Columbus, and co- sponsored by the Terrace Bay- Schreiber News. eight pounds, four and a half ounces. Cigars were passed out to celebrate the event. Meeting The annual meeting of the Cochrane-Superior Progressive Con- servative Association will be held in the Kapuskasing Inn at 1:30 p.m. on September 27. The Association will have Glen Wright as a guest speaker. He is the Ontario Chairman of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. THANK YOU <> Thank you to the LEGION EXECUTIVE R.) BRANCH 109, all my friends and fami- ly. Special thanks to Holly and Joan for the Retirement party and gifts. HELEN KES) WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Sy MR. AND MRS. MARVIN OSMAR wish to annnounce a, BT the forthcoming marriage of their daughter > KATHRYN LISA to SABRICE PIAZZINI of Le Sentier Switzerland. WEDDING is to take place in Switzerland - OCTOBER 4, 1986 Advertising is a guide to fashion. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION Ray Belluz President of R.E. Belluz Ralty Limited and Juris Zdanovskis Branch Manager of the Terrace BAy Office wish to introduce Lynn Hodder as our new Sales Representative in Ter- race Bay, Schreiber, and Rossport. Lynn Hodder is very well known in this area and invites her friends and clients to call her at 825-9077 regarding all your estate needs. HEAD OFFICE 2821 Arthur St. Thunder Bay TERRACE BAY-SCHREIBER Simcoe Plaza 825-9393 REALTY LIMITED 229-0491 = MARATHON A FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PLAN Ministry of for the Terrace Bay District is in the gts us initial stages of being developed. esourc Hon. Vincent G. Kerrio Minister Mary Mogford Deputy Minister the Ministry is in the process of col- lecting background information and we are asking you, the public to outline for us your ideas regarding the district fisheries and what you consider to be significant issues and/or problems. Please submit your comments to the Terrace Bay District Office by : October 3, 1986. The address is: Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 280 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2W0 |

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