A teen dance was held at the Terrace Bay Arena on Sept. 13 to give the youngsters of the area a chance at a good time all for themselves. The event was co- ordinated by Chris Joubert with assistance from the Winnie's Scribbles By Winnie Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Borden ' Ross have returned from Expo 86 in Vancouver and from visits to Winnipeg and Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gauthier have re- tured from their trip to Ot- tawa, Peterborough, and Cornwall visiting relations and friends. Shirley McCuaig from Don Mills, Ontario, is visiting her mom Inez and relations. James and Betty Kennedy of Wynnewood, Oklahoma visited Nelson Smith, Jim and Marg and family here in. Schreiber. Mrs. Ernestine Heecul is visiting her mom Eleanor O'Connor. Jerry and Bev- erly Weaver of Eugene, Oregon are visiting the Weavers here. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fisher were surprised with a party recently, honouring their 35th anniversary. Congratulations. Get well in hospital to Mildred Darcy, K. Ver- doni, Mr. Smith, June Sisson, Inez McCuaig, and 'Fred Harness. Also, our deepest symp- athy to the Rod O'Connor family on the passing of Rod. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wykes from Stevenage, England are visiting the Harnesses. Mr. John Lugsdin and son Barry are visiting the Campbells. The Sullys of Halifax are visiting friends here. The St. Andrews United Church's 16th annual Fall -- Fair was held recently at the Schreiber Legion Hall proved to be another suc- cessful event, both in fellowship and financially. The. Committee thanks all of those who attended as well as those who worked at the Fair and those who donated to the cause. The winners of the var- ious draws were as follows: The decorated cake made and donated by Susan Fairservice was won by Bobby-Jo Keating. Two cushions made and donated by Alice Fair- service were won by Hol- ly Meister. The crystal donated to the Fair by rarer Terrace Bay Recreation Office. Acting as chaperones at the dance were Jim Ziegler, Terry Bryson, Mary- Anne McDougall, Roz Kenney, and Chris Joubert, who said that the event was a great success. Helen D'Arcy was won by Barbara Haughn. Smoked ham donated by Figliomeni Brothers Food- market won by Anne Scott. The handmade quilt made by Alice Fairservice was won by Glorie Miller. LAKE NIPIGON PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting Sat. Sept. 27, 1986 Red Rock Inn, Red Rock Meeting 4 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Guest speaker to be announc- - ed. Please call Terry Mahoney at 887-2148 if you wish to order a meal. (collect). the law firm of ZAITZEFF ARNONE SOMERLEIGH M. DEBORAH STEWART Barrister and Solicitor is pleased to announce the sale of her law practice located in the lower level of the CIBC Building, Simcoe Plaza, Terrace Bay, to effective immediately. Deborah Stewart will be available to her clients at her former office until September 15, 1986, and RENE LARSON MARILYN ZAITZEFF DINO DIGIUSEPPE will hold regular office hours in her former premises every Wednesday or Thursday commencing Thursday, September 4, 1986. For appointments or further information, call Prisca Houston at 825-3292, or the main office of Zaitzeff Ar- none Somerleigh in Thunder Bay at (807) 623-2400 . Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 10, 1986, page 3 Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: In the September 3 issue Terrace Bay - Schreiber News, the Heinz 57s base- ball team were credited with the winners of the Schreiber Championship Slow-Pitch Tournament. In fact, Heinz 57s were only the winners of the 'A' Division. The winners of the 'B' Division were the Birch Chicken Chuckers, and the runners-up in the 'B' Division were "the Leftovers. Seminar to be held A local history seminar _ will be held at the Public Library in Schreiber on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m., a news release from the Ontario Historical Society has_ announced. The programme, titled "Local History: Where To Find It, How To Use It" will also serve as a meet- ing of the Schreiber Histor- ial Society. According to the OHS . Telease, the two-hour sem- inar is of special interest to parents, teachers, youth leaders, organizations and institutions planning pro- grams using local history sources. Dorothy Duncan, Exec- utive Director of the OHS will be speaker at the meeting. Topics will in- clude learning from ar- tifacts, structures, food, clothing, and the everyday things that surround us all. There will also be a slide presentation, discussion Congratulations should go to the winners. I would appreciate you clearing this up for me once and for all. Sincerely, mad as a wet Chicken (Chucker), Cathy Lengyel Schreiber, Ontario groups, and a hands-on workshop. There will be no charge for the programme, but you must register by Sept. 19 if you plan to attend. For further. information or to register, contact either Teresa. Stortini at the Schreiber Public Library (824-2477) or the Schreib- er Historical Society c/o . Nora McGuire, Box 121, Schreiber, Ontario, at 824-2200. ANNIVERSARY SALE 10 DAYS ONLY SALE ENDS SAT. SEPT 20th Savings Like These: TERRACE BAY Costume Jewellery Selection of 10K Gold Chains 4Q% OFF and Bracelets ROYAL DOULTON 1 FIGURINES ¥, = i -- Giftware 2 price "e, + ¢ CASH ONLY & ALL SALES FINAL CHARGEX AND NO EXCHANGES MASTERCARD NO REFUNDS ACCEPTED NO GIFTWRAPPING JEWELLERS 2 price Y price 825-3592 Opening Soon!!! NU-WAVE SCHOOL OF HAIR DESIGN 623-6666 _ Affiliated with Pivot Point International World famous for 20 years Tony Minell or Claudia Coulombe 807-343-9011 If Hairstyling i now. Unique Educational Principles _ s in your future call a at 577-5621 ee [yee ";