Viore letters to Saint Nicholas Dear Santa: How do you slide down the chimney? Please bring me two Transformers and Gobots. I am going to leave you some cookies and milk. Thank you. Love Michael. Dear Santa: How do you get to everybody's house in one night? Please bring me a race track and a, play machine gun. I will leave you some cookies and milk. I hope it's good. Thank you. Love from your friend, Jesse B. Dear Santa: How do you keep track of us? Do you use a com- puter? Please leave us a Transofmrer train. I will leave you a pound of sugar. Thank you. Love, Andre S: Dear Santa: How do you travel all over 'the world? Please bring me a robot. I will leave you a pack of chocolates. I will leave some sugar for your reindeer. Love from your friend, Sandor. Dear Santa: Please bring me a Gobot named Psycho. I will leave you some milk and cookies and some sugar for the reindeer. Thank you. Love, Tains D. Dear Santa: How big is your bag of toys? Please bring me a Wrinkles. I will leave you cookies and milk and I will leave the reindeer sugar. Thank you. Love, Meghon. TB Police Report A reminder that the snow machines do not belong on the helicopter pad at the Hospital. Your assistance with this pro- blem would be appreciated. The safety of the helicopter crews and patients is our concern. If the lights are damaged it may cause a delay or even a cancellation of an emergency flight. Also several complaints have been received about snowmobiles operating at the hospital and Birchwood Terrace. during the late evening and early morning hours again. This is annoy- ing for the patients and residents... Your --§ co- operation would be great- ly appreciated. During the upcoming weeks the Terrace Bay Police will be stepping up their checks for impaired legislation and increased penalties, now is the time to adjust your thinking. If you are going to drink, think before you drink. During the past two wéeks the Terrace Bay Police have investigated five motor vehicle ac- cidents resulting in three charges being laid under the Highway Traffic Act. Several Parking viola- tion tags were issued. It would appear that residents are ignoring the fire hydrants and private driveways. You are reminded that it is a viola- tion of the parking by-laws to park within 10 ft. of a fire hydrant. As to obstruc- ting a private or business driveway, your co- Operation in this matter would be appreciated. fire call, a chimney fire in which no damage was caused. One party was removed from the Recreation Centre and charged with trespassing. Police also assisted one traveller and investigated two theft reports. Dear Santa: How do your reindeer fly? Please bring me a pre- sent. Please bring a toy. I will leave you some cookies and Christmas cake. Thank you. Love, Mandy H. Dear Santa: How do you keep track of us altogether? Please give me Gobots. I will leave you milk and cookies. Love from your friend, Daniel F. Dear Santa: What are your elves names? Please bring me a Gobot and a picture of you. Iam going to leave a sand- wich, an apple and a glass of milk for you. Thank you. Love, Scott. Dear Santa: How many reindeer do you have? Please bring me a Transformer and a Gobot. I'm going to leave you. some milk and cookies. Love, Yvon. * Residential * Commercial Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Tuesday, December 24, 1985, page 3 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ter- race Bay passed By-law 32-85 on the 28th day of October 1985 under sec- tion 34 of the Planning Act, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay not later than-the 20th day of January, 1986 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the bylaw and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies (or, alternatively, an explana- tion as to why a key map is not provided) follows: The complete by-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. The by-law is a complete revision of the existing comprehensive zoning by-law, and affects all lands within the municipality. A key map is therefore unnecessary. f Dated at the Township of Terrace Bay this 24th day of December 1985. L.H. Simons Clerk Co-Ordinator Township of Terrace Bay S aaceidinriieteeetaien PLEASE NOTE Royal Canadian Legion Br. 223 Ladies Auxiliary 1986 Executive President -- Adelaine Beaulieu Ist Vice -- Stella Gusul 2nd Vice -- Lillian Belliveau Treasurer -- Pam Jones Secretary -- Dolly Sitko Sergeant at Arms -- Shirley Caron Assistant -- Doris Marcella Sick & Visiting -- Peggy Regis Kitchen -- Eve Falzetta Assistant -- Terry Ann Falzetta Publicity -- Shirley Love Membership -- Mary Claire Kennedy drivers. With the new Police attended at one Starting the New Year, the General Meeting will be Sales - Service - Installation Noh of of ol of ol of of of of olf of af of of of al ol of af af of of of af ale) te] Hotiday oar We Lots of joy and good Christ: mas cheer wrapped in pret- ty ribbons and bows forall! _ Make sure you call M & K GLASS for all your glass needs 217 N. Cumberland St. Thunder Bay 345-3833 The Terrace Bay Schreiber News Garth Morris & family 9998 V9 8999999999999 IIIIIIVVVVIVVV 9 F999 IIVIII9I II IGIIIIIIVIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIVIIVIVIVIVI + office will be closed the week of Dec. 23-27 (therefore no paper on Jan. 1) The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay Notice BOXING DAY HOLIDAY Under the authority of Section 211 of The Municipal Act, Thursday, December 26, 1985 is proclaimed a holiday in the Township of Ter- race Bay, to be known as Boxing Day. Business will resume with regular hours Monday Dec. 30 (closed Jan. 1) Oliie Chapman Reeve The next issue coming out January 8th ge te '(a nail biter? ~ ee can have beauty at your fingertips guaranteed Total Finish acrylic nails for appt. call: Lenna Mainprize 824-2254 season's best Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause We would like to thank all our clients who used our services in the past year. Ne ----s See. 2 R.E. Belluz Realty Z