Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, November 27, 1985 Terrace Bay Ringette News | : Blast from the Past | Terrace Bay - Schreiber - Exhibition Game Terrace Bay tweens defeated Schreiber tweens in an exciting game played on Thursday, November 21st, 1985. The. girls played hard and did a super job for their first game of the season. The Terrace Bay tween division players and scores are as follows: TiffanyJowitt (1 goal), Bonnie Brake, Lee-Anne Fenton (2 assists - 2 goals), Josee Ray (1 assist), Rene Kaizer (1 assist), Keli Tur- pin (7 goals.- 1 assist), Alana Harper (3 goals), ~ R.E. Belluz Realty Ltd. Simcoe Plaza, Box 715 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO Office (807) 825-9393 Sheri Daniels, Kim Ren- nette (1 assist), Samantha Dodd, Rene Dechatelats (1 assist) and Andrea Capy (3 assists). We wish to send a special thanks to Pat Halonen and Paul Gauthier for taking their time and ef- fort to do an excellent job of. refereeing. Our 4p- preciation is extended to the parents who drove the team to Schreiber and cheered the girls on to a win. Terrace Bay Sportsgal Tournament Terrace Bay Ringette Association will be hosting their first Sportsgal Tour- nament on November 30th and December Ist. The main idea for this type of tournament is to develop friendship and sportsman- ship, which is one of the most leading factors in playing the sport of Ringette. Teams will be represented from the towns of Geraldton, Schreiber, Nakina, Marathon, Longlac and our very own Terrace Bay. The 3 divi- sions competing are Petites - ages 10 and under, Tweens - ages 12 years and under and the Junior Belles - ages 14 years and under. Action games scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, will be posted at the arena for all players, parents and fans. We need your support to make this tournament a big success. Good luck to all participants. General Ringette Meeting Please note there will be a general meeting held on Sunday, Dec. | at the Rec. Dept. Conference Room, 8:00 p.m. This meeting is open to all parents, coaches and interested persons in the Ringette Association. You may wish to sit in and see what is resolved at the meeting or you may wish to present a sugges- tion. Our goal is maintain Ringette as an active, fun sport for the girls and we appreciate any volunteers, views and opinions to help meet this demand. Thank you. December 9, 1961 -- Grand Opening of Mary's Flower Shop. 100 roses given free to the first 100 ladies. December 5, 1966 -- Retired post-master W.E. Cavanaugh was elected Reeve of Terrace Bay when he received 268 votes. November 22, 1951 -- The polls are now located in the Teen Town Prize Winning Pianist in Recital Pianist Linda Marie Ip- polito will be the featured artist in the second concert of Youth & Music's 85/85 concert series presented by ~ the Terrace Bay Schreiber Concert Series Commmit- tee - on December 4, 1985. Ms. Ippolito. is a graduate of the Royal Con- servatory of Music's scholarship program where she studied piano with Boris Berlin. During that time, she performed in many solo and chamber music recitals and in master classes. A consistent winner of the Canadian Music Com- MEETING Aquasabon Golf Club Annual Meeting SUNDAY, DEC. 1, 1985 CONFERENCE ROOM REC CENTRE 7:30 p.m. Election of officers for 1986 Season Me 7" * "ad Vv HK eK petitions since 1976, Lin- da was the 1983 winner of the International Stepping Stones Competition - piano section - as well as the Kiwanis Piano Trophy, the Baldwin Piano Competi- tion and the Montreal Sym- phony Orchestra Competition. She has performed on radio and television, and with orchestras under the direction of Maestros Mario Bernardi, Silva Pereira, Raffi Armenian and David Miller. In November 1983, Lin- da gave a recital in the Great Hall of Hart House for CBC's Debut Series; in February 1984 she per- formed the Rachmaninoff 3rd Piano Concerto with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. Early 1985 brought many more credits to her Rec news... continued from page 6 Schreiber Minor Hockey Association will be Tues- day, December 10th, at 7:30 p.m. in Meeting Room | of the Recreation Complex. This meeting to everyone to all parents and to anyone who has an in- terest in Minor Hockey in Schreiber. > * need at KK OK % KK Are you well protected from the cold? We have what you al, Pans K% vv 1K x as name. Linda appeared with the Mainly Mozart Or- chestra, 'and made her St. Lawrence Centre debut in a solo recital on the Cen- treStage Chamber Gems series to tremendous ac- colades. She also won the $1000 Alumni Prize of the Kiwanis Festival at the opening concert of the 1985 Festival. Ms. Ippolito is pursuing pinao studies with Madame Irina Kugucheva at the Royal Conservatory of Music This fall, she tours in Ontario and Saskatchewan under the auspices of Youth & Music Canada. Don't miss this talented young pianist in Terrace Bay on December 4, 1985. Clubrooms in the South Camp and they will be open until 7:00 p.m. Vote as you like - But Vote. November 9, 1961 -- Weekend Specials: Cigarettes - All Brands - $3.09 ctn. Yellow sugar - 5 Ibs. bag - 49¢. November 11, 1985 - Commencement and Awards Night was held Friday in the Terrace Bay High School. The graduates were: Annette Belliveau, Donna Brown, David Falzetta, Bonnie Hamilton, Brian Hubelit, Jon MacDonald, Carol MacLeod, David Mercier, Elaine Rajotte, Roger Ra- jotte, David Roberts, William Shivas, Roderick Thompson, Alien Trudeau and Irene Uzicanin. At the movies - September 29, 1951 '*Tar- zan the Ape Man"' starring Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan. November |, 1956 -- Another addition to Ter- race Bay's shopping centre was recently opened when Waghorn's Pharmacy of- ficially launched their new Drug Store located on Sim- coe Plaza, adjacent to the Post office. For the previous five years, Waghorn's had rented a small shop. Terrace Bay & District Rod & Gun Club Members Notice of General Meeting Monday, December 2, 1985 7:30 p.m. -- Terrace Bay High School hatchery - Affiliation 1986 welcome - 1986 Memberships available, prospective members are JOIN US! Do your part for Fish & Wildlife Conservation - Recap of 1985 activities - Duty roster for checking with Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters - Nomination of Officers for sport. PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL SNOWMOBILE USERS The snowmobile season is approaching and_| we wish to emphasize the safety aspects of this Many roads in our area used by snowmobiles have gates or cable barriers which could result in injury or death to careless snowmobile operators and damage to their snowmobiles. We wish to remind all those who might use roads in the area of these potential hazards, and emphasize the need for care and common sense in snowmobiling. Please note that no unauthorized person is entitled to use the private roads of Kimberly- Clark of Canada Limited. Application for a Road Permit must be made to the Company. KIMBERLY-CLARK OF CANADA LIMITED