Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, October 2, 1985 R.E. Belluz Realty Ltd. Simcoe Plaza, Box 715 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO Office (807) 825-9393 Bits and Bit by Helene Ballard Editor's Note: Helene has been in the hospital the last few weeks and we at the News wish her a speedy recovery. Helene has been an inspiration to us all, completing her column despite her tenure in the hospital. Get well soon! Hello Folks. Sorry I missed fast DABBER BINGO Schreiber Legion Branch 109 Thursday, October 3rd at the Legion Hall $500.00 Jackpot Doors Open at 6 p.m. Regular Games at 7:00 p.m. $50.00 DOOR PRIZE LAKE SUPERIOR » ag RCLEG OUR TRAVEL GU ee Limited advertising space is now available in the 1986 Lake Superior Circle Tour travel guide for Marathon and Terrace Bay. The 136 page booklet describes the major attractions and points of interest around the lake. An extensive distribution of 125,000 to AAAICAA offices, provincial and state information centres, = tour operators and Travel/Sport Shows is done early April- jay. ' ; The advertising will be sold on a first-come, first serve basis. Remaining space includes one 1/8 page ad at $242 and two 1/4-page ads at $381. A 13% DISCOUNT IS INCLUDED IF PURCHASED BEFORE OCTOBER 3ist. Please contact: Lake Superior Circle Tour 79 North Court Street Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 417 1-807-345-3322 ANNOUNCEMENT G.H. WOODS CO. LTD. will be presenting a CLEANING SEMINAR to all persons interested in Schreiber - Terrace Bay and surrounding areas Tuesday, Oct. 8 9 a.m. to 12 noon 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Birchwood Terrace lunch provided week's column but I am sort of down for the count, yep, some nasty old "bug"' decided to park himself in- side this old girl with the results that here I am in the hospital, so please excuse - this short attempt for this week. At least the weather helped by not being very nice so I did not feel so bad about being here. Meanwhile "back at the home", they had the mon- thly birthday 'party and penny. auction. The hostesses for this event were the Ladies from the Schreiber Legion who did | a great job, as usual. Sorry I missed you but on behalf ~ of the residents I wish to f extend our thanks to you. Just now we are waiting for the results of the "*Senior Citizens Games"' in Thunder Bay. Three of our residents drove into Thunder Bay to take part in this event so next week I will have the results of their efforts. Good luck fellas! This. seems to be all for today, but I'll be back next week. You see, there are still a few more rolls left in this old barrel. So until next week a wee bit of *'logic": Sign in a dairy store - . "You can whip our cream, but you can't' beat our milk."" Cheerio! Terrace Bay Catholic Women's League meeting By Marylyn Turcotte The regular monthly meeting of the C.W.L. was held on Monday, September 9 in the Church Hall. . The meeting was opened with a prayer and a scripture reading. Kathleen reported on the school board meeting that she and others had attended this past June. The group had attended the meeting to learn more about the phasing out of the posi- tion of Religious Educa- tion Consultant. Kathleen also encouraged continued prayer for full funding of Catholic Schools. Linda presented continued on page 7 St. Jerome's Mission church By Anne Todesco I am back from my holidays and was surprised to learn of the many. hap- penings that had occured while I was absent. One in- cident that has shocked and saddened me was the destruction by fire of the little St. Jerome's Mission Church on Pays Plat Indian Reserve. The late Chief Louis Mushqush of the reserve at Pays Plat gave me much of the history of the mission church. It was built in 1863 under the direction of Rev. Father Du Ranquet, a Jesuit French Missionary. It was constructed of hewn timbers or logs and remain- ed as such til 1910 when it was constructed with clap board siding. and painted white. The church was one of several built along the north shore from the same architectural plans. They were built at Hurkett, Nipigon,. Lake Nipigon, Rossport, Pays Plat, Schreiber, Jackfish, Herob Bay, Mobert, Wawa and Michipocoton. An indian by the name of Neganeijig had heard the beautiful chimes of ringing church bells at Prince Ar- thur's Landing and thought the Pays Plat church should have a bell; so in 1896 he sold a silver mine on hill 19 to some mining men and MARTHA gifted CARD and © PALM READER will be in Terrace Bay on October 7 & 8 for appointment call 825-3286 NIPIGON RESORT Me . 35 miles west of Schreiber on Lake Superior H.K. Cabins Tent Sites New owners Mike & Susan Glad Robin & Pat Moore and Norm & Coleen Glad welcome you to: CANOE FISH MOOSE & BEAR HUNT RELAX ON SANDY BEACHES -- {SRR RUS! OD A A A A A REG Qe i Local Discount $25/night per couple with this ad Reservations Little Gravel River 0140 In town 825-3398 or 824-2485 gave the money to the priest who obtained the bell for him and that bell is still at the church but not in the belfry anymore. Neganei- jig died at Pays Plat in 1921 and was buried there. Among the priests serv- ing the missions along the north shore were Fathers Speckt, LaMarsh, Dugin, Belanger, Coutier, Desoutal, Howitt, O'Flat- tery, Rolland, Brown, and Maurice. In the early 1900's Father Speckt erected a large white cross near the mouth of the river as a marker to guide canoemen and sailboats in- to harbour. Many of the French and_ Scottish voyageurs wintered at the mission, some of them marrying into the tribé and settled there working as trappers and guides. There were MacKenziea, Augers, Bouchards, Fishers, Bomus, and others. A log school was con- structed at the turn of the century and some of the teachers were John Deshon, Alex McKay, and Alice Barker. A new school was built in 1917 by the Indian Affairs Depart- ment. Twenty eight pupils were enrolled. The first baptism record- ed at the church took place on June 20, 1863 of Jean Baptiste. He was the son of Peter Moropot and Isabelle Ojikwe. The godparents were Henry and Louise Delaronde, with Father Du Ranquet officiating. The church bell was blessed by Msgr. R.A. O'Connor, bishop of Peter- borough in 1899. The church had been renovated a few years ago . with new siding, windows, heating, carpets, etc. Not far from the church site up the river can be found stone pits and tren- ches built in the days when the Ojibwy and Iroquois fought each other. On a small island close to the mission a human. skull wrapped in birch bark was found by natives. Pathologists in Toronto believed that the skull was at least 250 years old. THANK YOU Doll Table, Religious Ar- ticle table, Mini Penny Auction,' Raffles, Door Prizes. For more infor- mation on the bazaar please call Marylyn Tur- cotte. It was with great pleasure that Dolores presented Sharyn with a Certificate of Merit for the lovely Calligraphy work Sharyn does for the League and the Parish. The C.W.L.. will -once again have a table at the Terrace. Bay Fall Fair. The C.W.L. Regional Tour meeting will be held this year in Schreiber on . October 2. For informa- tion call Dolores Mor- riseau. The meeting was closed with a prayer, followed by coffee and a fabulous report presented by Dolores concerning the C.W.L. Diocesan Convention held in May. WEDDING ANNNOUNCEMENT Nancy and Gail are happy to announce _the forthcoming marriage of their mother CLARA GOULD to CLIFFORD McDONALD The wedding will take place October 26th at 4:00 p.m. at the Terrace Bay Community Church THANK YOU First Terrace Bay Cubs host of the North Shore District Cuboree '85 award of: thanks to the following people and businesses for their support. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Metcalf Pam Metcalf - Pathfinder Bryan Fulton Sherry Metcalf - Guide Alana Harper - Guide Jenny Stuttard - Guide « Mrs. Jean Bozec Palm Dairies Mrs. Louise Bozec Costa's Mrs. A. Ray Kimberly-Clark Mrs. W. Fisher Granny's Mrs. Marjorie Terrace Bay Bakery Fulton Towne Cinema Mrs. Joe Marcella == Red Dog Inn Mr. Bob Adam Kodila"s Home Mr. Ray Theriault Hardware Mr. Frank Hurley Birch Motors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN JOSEPH SPILLANE All persons having claims against the estate of John Joseph Spillane, late of the Township of Schreiber, in the District of Thunder Bay, Retired, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of August, The Schreiber Centennial Commit- tee wishes to apologize to the Schreiber Community Credit Union for omitting their name in our thank you for donating a prize for our Centennial draws. CARD OF THANKS | wish to express my deep appreciation for the wonderful retirement supper and dance held for me at the Legion Hall September 21, 1985 to mark the occasion of my retirement. Thank you for the thoughtful and useful gifts. A special thanks to Jim Chappel, Irene Simp- son and all the MNR staff. Thanks to all the -- friends from here, and out of town. Your friendship will be treasured in my fondest thoughts during my retirement. Thank you. 1985, are hereby notified to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of October, 1985, after which date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED this 18th day of September, 1985. GREGORY, McDONALD, LINLEY & BUECHLER, 168 Ontario Street, P.O. Box 812 Stratford, Ontario N5A 6W1 Solicitors for the Executor Insure your home Insure your life It's a tact that more homes Lionel Trodd attendance at the THANK YOU The Official Board of St. Andrews United Church wish to thank everyone who assisted in any way, for their help and _ their are lost through the death ot the owner than through tire Insure that vour home IS completely protec ted kor lite insurance. call Mary Cashmore Terrace Bay, Ontario 825-9152 OF CANAUA Fall Fair to make it a successful event. Our sincere thanks to one and all. Get your life in shape.