Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 3, 1985 Winnie's Scribbles by Winnie Campbell The June meeting of the Holy Angel's parent/teacher association was held on the 20th in the school library. The meeting was well attended. President Teresa Stortini chaired the meeting and minutes were read by Margaret Pelligrino. Rose Halonen 'gave _ the treasurers report. Teresa Stortini-reported she had attended a board meeting where a group of Terrace Bay parents made a presen- tation concerning the abolishing of the position of religious consultant. Both Father Campbell and Father Graulx spoke on the importance of religion in our schools. The meeting was informed that one of two supervising principals will.take over the family living programme. The annual convention of the Federation of Catholic parent/teacher associations will be held in Ottawa; October 18 and 20th. Perhaps if someone shows interest in attending, a fund raiser could be held in September. The C.P.T.A. are ask- ing people to submit entries to the 'Logo Contest'. A letter will be written to find out the cut off date. We received a folder on the funding of our Catholic High Schools. It is in the form of a question and answer and covers all con- cerned of this subject. Our new executive will take office in September. Following the meeting, our guest speaker M. Deborah Stewart spoke on "wills". Members asked questions after her very interesting and enlightening address. Coffee and lunch was served. Senior Citizens from Schreiber were invited to Birchwood Terrace for a tea and strawberry short- cake. It was delicious. A nice afternoon was enjoyed by all, Thanks. Birchwood Terrace held a quilt raffle and the winner was Judy Bedard from Schreiber. A baby shower was held at Mrs. Madges. Many nice gifts were received for baby James. Thanks to all the ladies who helped. Mr. and Mrs. Gordor McCuaig from Thunder Bay have returned to their Walkers Lake camp. Welcome back from the hospital Jack Handel and Alice Sparks. Our deepest sympathy to the Bourguignons on the pass- ing of Lionel Bourguignon. Mrs. Marg Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Tom Borutski attended the funeral in Thunder Bay of Mr. J.J. Syvitski. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin of North Battleford, Sask. visited with the R. McAdams enroute to the Maritimes. Mrs. A. Turner from McKenzie B.C. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lidkea. Mrs. Judy Cooper from the Soo, is here for the school graduation. The Chimo Club held their regular meeting on Friday the 21st, with Pres. Geno Caccamo presiding. 22 members were present. Mr. Pat Guina gave the financial report and Beth McAdam read the minutes and correspondence. Thankyou notes from Jack Handel and Mr. John Gagnon. Plans for the Centennial float were cancelled. Geno and Beth gave their reports on separate meetings they had attended in Thunder Bay. The annual picnic was planned for August the 7th at Neys Park. The ex- ecutive are in charge of the arrangements. A hanging plant will be purchased to place along with others on Scotia Street and Winnipeg Street, to help ' beautify the downtown area. Bern Jacomb read het report on cards sent: tc Yvonne Vienneau, Irene Morin, Helen Wallace, Alice Sparks, Jack Handel, and Stan Kusik. Sympathy cards were sent to Mrs. Adeline Sheedy, Jack Handel and family, and Anne Etches. Mrs. Ida Krause, Bingo convenor, reported the winners for home bingo were: Mrs. R. Tuomi, Mary Ihnatko and T. Theirrian. Lucky numbers won by Celia Valentino, Phyllis Boutilier, and Pat Bourguignon, and Joe Dolishka. Next one will be in September. The members who had travelled to Marathon as guests of the Marathdn Senior Citizens Club at a luncheon and meeting ex- pressed their pleasure and thanks for the great hospitality shown them by the Marathon group. A letter of protest will be sent to Ottawa in regard to the indexing of Senior Citizens old age securities. Anyone interested, are ask- ed to sign this petition at the Chimo Club. Happy Birthdays were sung to Rae Tuomi and the raffle was won by Margaret McKenna. Pot luck lunch was served and games of, Bridge, Shuf- fleboard, etc. were en- joyed. The next meeting will be September 20th. Our deepest sympathy to the Rileys on the passing of Mrs. G. Riley in Mount Forest. The mothers will be hap- py now school is finished for summer holidays. Congratulations to Earl Welbourne on the 10 Ib. 11 ozs. trout for the Rossport Fish Derby. The prize was a boat. ' Mrs. Lorraine Levesque and daughter Michelle from Thunder Bay are visiting Mom Welbourne and relations. Visiting from Hamilton are Mr. and Mrs. Message and Mr. and Mrs. Pudge Hamilton from Smith Falls. Schreiber Library The Schreiber Public Library located for the past 20 years in the former town hall, is undergoing many changes. Anyone who hasn't visited the library in the past few months, may be shocked at what is tak- ing place. Shelves have been rearranged in order to _allow more sunshine in from the large windows in the west wall, and books have been rearranged. A children's corner with low shelving for easy ac- cessibility is a very popular area, complete with a large toy box for games and toys. Donations for this box would be much appreciated. Another very popular spot is the area set up with two computers on loan from the Lake- Superior High School. Now that students are out of school, there are line-ups forming even before the Library opens at 2 p.m. The Library Board has been successful in receiv- ing an Experience °85 Grant which enables us to hire two students for six weeks. Under the capable supervision of Miss Aileen Ross, the students will be cataloguing and bringing our files up to date. As well, the students will be doing a survey of the town to ascertain what role the people of Schreiber feel their library should be playing in our community. It is hoped that we will be presenting many more touring programs during the coming year - having had very positive response to the April and Susan show. Sheehan an author on children books, as well as the Tim Gosley Puppet Show. And of course, our Schreiber Campus Northern Affairs Minister Leo Bernier has announced a grant of $25,981.00 under the EDUCAP program to the Lake Superior Board of Education for use of the Schreiber Campus of Lake Superior High School. Today's announcement is part of the $1.4 million in funds granted this year to 29 small secondary schools located in remote areas across Northern On- tario. This brings the ' Ministry of Northern Af- fairs' commitment to $2.7 million over the past two years. The grant program was established in response to the Allan Commission Report which noted that the gap between small northern secondary schools and their southern counterparts had widened in recent years. The grant program is in- tended to close this gap and add to the economic and cultural vitality of northern communities. _ The grant to Lake Superior High School will significantly improve the ability of the school's Schreiber Campus to offer a music program. Numerous instruments will be acquired including a new piano, __fiutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, trombones, om July 10-13 aunt continued on page 11 "| @ Pleated Shades | | @ Custom Draperies popular Story Hour will resume in September. Members of the Library Board are looking ahead to updating our book collec- tion in the very near future and hope that our patrons will bear with the apparent chaos that occurs when changes are taking place. If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to let us know. We are pleased to welcome three new Board members; Pat Davies, Helen Stokes, and Donna Mikeluk. Please feel free to contact any member of the board with your sugges- tions for improvements. During Centennial week July 15-22, a large display of historical photographs and artifacts will be on display in the Library - do drop in and browse around. Bits and Bites by Helene Ballard Hello everyone! So much has happened since my last visit to your homes. I know each and everyone will remember those poor people who lost their lives in that terrible plane crash as well as the incident in Tokyo, I hope and pray all this terror will end soon. Just now we are all anxious to see the end of another cruel act, '"The Hostages" and hope their freedom will be all settled and they are back with their families soon. At least we had one story with a very happy en- ding and that was finding those three little girls who were lost on Mortimer Island. It was a tense week- end and many thanks-+to all who helped in any way. I understand a special thanks to the pilot of Kimberly Clark's helicopter who, as some said "landed in places angels would not dare" so to you David Cruickshanke we say '"'Thank You" and everyone who helped in . this rescue. We had a very enjoyable afternoon at Birchwood June 25th at our Strawberry Tea. We en- joyed our chats with our many friends also our friends from Schreiber and Rossport. It was so nice to see all of you. Our lovely quilt was won by Judy Bedard of Schreiber, Congratula- tions, hope it keeps you nice and warm. On behalf of the residents I would like to thank the Ladies Auxiliary to Birchwood. These ladies worked very hard on our behalf and so I think are very deserving of our heart filled thanks. We had a nice impromp- tu evening on Wednesday when we had another chance to exercise our vocal cords again. Maybe sometimes it might sound like a "long tailed cat in a room full of rockers" but we have fun. This evening we had Mrs. Al Chisholm, Mrs. Peggy Thompson, Pam Jones and Mr. Scott Chalmers. We want to thank you for coming and to say "Please do it again" By the time you get this paper Senior Citizen Mloose s < Month will be all over for another year. Hope to see you all again for next year's celebration in the meantime "thanks you all and God bless" until next time " as you go through life May it be like a snow flake, leave a mark but not a stain." Fish Derby The Loyal Order of Moose in Terrace Bay will be holding a Fish Derby on July 27-28th. This Derby will be open to kids 15 yrs. and under. All the entry forms will be eligible for a draw on a bicycle. Entry forms for the Der- by can be picked the Moose Hall, 26 East Grove, or 20 Terrace Heights. All entry forms must be handed in by July 21 at one of the above loca- tions or mail them to Chris Joubert, Box 1106. St. Thank You John's Berchmans Ladies Alter Society, wishes to thank everyone who supported our raffle and sold tickets on the cassette recorder. Also thanks to the Catholic Womens. League of Schreiber for the loan of the raffle drum. The winner of the draw was Kevin Mullins of Schreiber. Vibrating asphalt spreader Heavier grades of asphalt REPUTATION -- IS OUR SUCCESS ASPHALT PAVING Streets -- Driveways -- Parking Lots -- Tennis Courts -- Service Stations New Parker Mobile Asphalt Mixing plant you can depend on A.J. Postiano owned and operated by Duval Developments 1915 Peoples Road Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5K8 For free estimates locally 9-5 p.m. Call 824-2666 Sault Ste. Marie Call 705-949-2621