Birchwood Terrace by Stacey Wallwin - Grade 4 Terrace Bay Public Sch. You will have to guess things to entertain these -people. Some come in and run bingos or card games and they put on birthday parties every month. At Christmas sometimes the clubs come there for carol singing. You might sometimes think old people are bor- ing, but if you are with them, and talk to them; you ~ will find they are very in- teresting people with many _ stories to tell. Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, June 26, 1985, page 7 what place I am talking about. I will give you two guesses. The first one is - very nice people live there. The second clue is they are very active for their age. Give up? Okay, I'll tell you. I am talking about Birchwood Terrace, our Senior Citizen's home. About 40 people from the district live there now. If you visit there during the day, you will find out it is a very busy place. Some people will be playing shuffleboard, others doing different interesting crafts or baking cookies that they will sell on Fridays. There is an Auxiliary for Birchwood Terrace that works very hard to raise money for different ac- tivities and treats for the residents. Right now they are working very hard to raise money to buy a new bus, so the senior citizens can ride more comfortably. This new bus will have a special lift on it so han- dicapped people can get in and out easier and enjoy the outdoors too. My great grandfather Weadly lived in.the home for a few years. He was very happy. I think all the people who live there are very happy. When he liv- ed there, my Papa and I would-drive down and pick him up, to come for a visit at my Nana's house. We had to go up to his room, so he could get ready: Under his bed was a bottle of Rum. He wasn't really allowed to have any liquor in his room, but he always had a little sip every night. Many other interesting people live there too. One _man sells newspapers and my Papa goes there every- day to buy a paper from him. Another one is Mrs. Blanch Speck, who sells hockey pools to raise money for the home. Everyday I see a man out walking with a cane. He carries a sack and picks up bottles that he can return for money. In the summer, a few people grow very pretty flowers and also vegetables. One man nam- ed Michael, mows the lawn. Different clubs do many Canada's Premier Powerhouse Touring Band aor og * DAY © jens "It's his show that attracts crowds. At Assiniboine Park yesterday an oc © estimated 20,000 people turned out to watch rock band antics. Frank iJ \ [Soda has intelligent and catchy songs impeccably produced." Lu Za Live -- WINNIPEG FREE PRESS * (Winnipeg) oO COM oO : "The best bar band in the city, canting the country. Sensational, big : Z Sunday, June 30th; 1985 rT In league material." Z Terrace Bay Arena -- TORONTO STAR DAVE LAMBERT 'e) aoe xu| Terrace (Toronto) Insurance Agencies ye | "Frank Soda is rful ' : " powertul energetic rock. Every once in a while one group Thunder Bay Oo FRANK SODA and BAND Bay breaks through to provide inspiration for all." CALL NO CHARGE Toronto -- THE SPECTATOR 1-800-465-3916 Aitinibalod Advance tickets agslion) Adults - $5.00 Recreaton Office = 2 E tS ys High Sched Sidanieedth 6. Churchley's ae gave the crowd a display of the ultimate in high tech rock and Senior Citizens - $2.50 Terry's Sight and Sound Children under 12 - Free g (must be accompanied by parents) Tickets will also be sold at the Door. Non-Licensed Event YORK FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY -- THE ORACLE-COLLEGE NEWSPAPER (Toronto)