Terrace Bay ' Wednesday, April 3, 1985 Vol. 20, No. 14 Serving Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Rossport 35° A Step Into History by P. BARRY Terrace Bay had six col- umns in the 1957 Nor- ~ thwestern Ontario telephone directory which was a9 x 5 inch booklet of 56. pages. Schreiber had 9"2 columns. There were no yellow pages and the businesses were listed along with the residential listings. Schreiber had 40 business listings including Broadway Theatre, Chap- ples, Gawley Funeral Ser- vice, Harry's General Store, Palm Dairies, and Kragero's. Terrace Bay had 21 business listings including The Gift Shop, Thunder Bay Co-op Dairy, Hotel Terrace, Soughton & Co., Roxy Theatre, Maurice Barber Shop, Hudson's Bay Company, and_ the Building Block & Supply Company. Can you recall these businesses? Do they exist today but under different names and ownerships? For both Terrace Bay and Schreiber and for the other towns thwestern Ontario, the name K.F. Walton was listed as "'Manager" sta- tioned at Fort William. Terrace Bay's Improve- ment District Office (forerunner of _ the Municipal Office at Simcoe Plaza) was located at 179 Hudson Drive. Schreiber's Municipal Office was listed at Winnipeg Street. In an Our Auditorium Reeve Speer talked to the NEWS last week to give us information on the Thunder Bay Auditorium, to which Terrace Bay has donated $3,000.00.:Reeve Speer-is on the board of directors of the Auditorium, and he with a number of other people from the area were given a tour of the complex, which is projected to open in October. Reeve Speer told the NEWS that he issvery. im- pressed with the building and is confident that all people of Terrace Bay will use the facility and feel a part of the goings on as it ge? ro, oe -| ames = SS Et Pte ee is just as much for the peo- ple of the North Shores as for Thunder Bay residents. He feels so_ strongly about this that he said he will personally. refund any taxpayer's money (not in- cluding Kimberly Clark) who do not think the com- plex is a worthwhile venture. of _Nor- . old telephone book there is a good deal of history. Thanks to Mary Hubelit who recently deposited the 1957 book. Any other old telephone books out there? The Terrace Bay history project has gotten off to a good start. The local history committee met recently and discussed general aims and had a pro- fitable name-searching ses- sion. Members include Eve Knauff, Shirley Mikus, John Mikus, Verl Thomp- son, Jean Marcella (head librarian) and Paul Barry (researcher). Several con- tributions have already "been made by local residents. Mr. Bob Krause has deposited two photo collec- tions on Construction Days 'as well as.several other loose photos. Shirley Mikus-has given loan of photographs in two family albums. Mrs. Eve Knauff has continued on page 2 The Terrace Bay- Screiber News extends best wishes to all for a joyous Easter Season Our office will be closed on Good Friday, April 5, 1985 Advertising deadlines, this week only, 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 4 Planning Grant A community planning grant of $2500 has been awarded to the. Township of Térrace Bay, Dennis R. Timbrell, Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, announced today. Timbrell said the grant will be used to prepare a e Z3 : ~ yas AAW NN ANY ay . OQ, ------ new comprehensive zoning by-law to implement the official plan policies. Community - planning grants are designed to en- courage municipalities to resolve land use planning issues to reflect municipal and economic priorities. The grants may also be used for special studies to develop community im- provement policies; to determine the feasibility of using data processing technology in the local planning process; and to assist in implementing the Planning Act. Wa WSS Ny ON TSO Wy "Listen, now that we're back, this is my part of town, so get back to your side."