Local Govemment week By SANDRA SEBESTYEN Municipalities. across Ontario are gearing up for Local Government Week, six days of activity which will focus on the people, organizations and services involved in making local government happen. Local Government Week will be held January 14-19, 1985, in direct response to numerous re- quests from municipalities throughout the Province; those requests focused on needs to increase awareness and understan- ding of the role played by local government, its representatives and officials. The City of Stratford will celebrate with "ap- preciation night" to honour former mayors, school board trustees and public utilities ° commissioners; both a high school student and a senior citizen will ~Attention owners of propane-fuelled motor ' vehicles in Ontario. Effective April 30, 1985 all propane vehicles must display a sticker indicating the fuel system complies with the prescribed safety standards. This applies to factory installed systems and after-market conversions. Since propane conver- sions began, problems have become apparent such as: The quality of conversion work, the existence of. unregistered conversion shops and vehicle compo- nent problems, particular- ly with regard to hoses, connections and fittings. Inspections will be done at any "Motor Vehicle In- spection Station" licensed to inspect propane fuel systems. These may also THE MARCH IS ON! Many physically disabled men and women need your help. Please give generously. have the opportunity to serve as mayor for a day. Events in the township of Red Rock will: include a town logo contest. Although Terrace Bay is not planning any special celebrations, citizens can make local government week at any time by atten- ding council meetings or by simply becoming more in- volved in your local government activities. Local. Government Week is your opportunity to learn more about how the local government works for you, find out more about the people elected, staff and volunteers who work on your behalf. Remember as a citizen you have an important role to play. It's your govern- ment, you're it. You decide. include propane conversion shops. If the fuel system meets the required standards, an MTC propane motor vehi- cle inspection sticker will be affixed on the lower right-hand corner of the windshield (looking from the inside). After April 30th, any person fuelling a propane vehicle without an inspec- tion sticker is liable upon conviction to-a-fine up to $10,000 and/or up to one year in jail. And, anyone driving such a vehicle is liable to a fine of up to $200. ~ Police officers and MTC vehicle inspectors have also been given the authori- ty to remove license plates from vehicles that don't conform to the standards. ONTARIG @ e 4 ") oy y > Cu orm ABILITY FUND PRE-NATAL CLASSES Pre-Natal Instruction Classes Feb. 20, 1985 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. _ Partners are invited to attend. For further inquiries please call: The Thunder Bay District Health Unit, Schreiber Office 824-2413 Hello! I hope this will be a nice clean column it should be as I am writing it in the laundry room while I do my washing. My mind seems to be frozen along with the weather but I do however wish to thank you kind thoughtful people for your kind wishes, cards, phone calls and flowers while I was in The McCausland Hospital, some nasty virus knocked the shaky legs out from under this old lady and believe me at my age all the 'Get up and go, got up and went', but don't worry, I'll get over it but I'll never be the same. Things are pretty quiet this time of year, seems. folks are still trying to figure out how much they spent for Christmas gifts, now of . course our next worry will be "Income Taxes", nas- ty words I know but we are still living in a wonderful country and let's not forget It. No doubt some of you sweet young girls received diamond rings__ for Christmas, so now that all your friends have seen Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, January 16, 1985, page 3° them and gone gaga over the size and sparkle of the diamond, the work.of mak- ing wedding plans begins, well have fun, and for the rest of "Life's Unclaimed Treasures" cheer up Valentine's Day will soon be here. so when Cupid shoots his arrow, I hope he 'Mrs. You" a little play on words there, very little. __ Not much going on but indoor winter sports these days but in spite of that I am sure we can all find something to do to pass the long winter. This town is indeed very fortunate to have such a nice Rec Center and a good choice of different games and speaking of our Rec Center, let's all try to remember to clean off our - feet as much as possible when we come in from out- side, you know the people who work so hard to keep this building nice and clean _ sure would be greatful if everyone took the time to wipe their feet, so how about it folks? it's worth a try. Thanks. Now for my "'Bite". ... It seems a bit more sand .on the streets would really help those who drive, it's realy slip- pering and makes driving rather difficult so how about it guys. Just a wee bit more sand. Thanks guys I love you too! TOWNE CINEMA for your family outings in entertainment THE LOBBY. for your home entertainment with VHS' BETA RENTALS, also accessory and machine sales. PHOTO FIRST for your photo finishing in future entertainment, at one convenient stop. TOWNE CINEMA Simcoe Plaza Next to the L.C.B.O Phone: 825-9281 Pre Inventory lll Men's Sweaters 25% - 50% .« Men's Selected Winter Outerwear \ [/'\ Sweaters ¥a- Ya = Look for *5.00 and *10.00 Specials - Sale runs Sat., Jan. 19th to Thurs., Jan. 31st All sales Cash, Visa or Mastercard Store Hours: : ALL SALES FINAL. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES > ~ OF TERRACE BAY LTD. -~S a ; 5) o= te "J Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. =