Wednesday, July 11, 1984 Vol. 19 No. 27 Terrace Bay Schreiber All recreational activities in the town were represented by marchers and a float. Rec Committee member Ernie Kettle enjoyed riding the float in a small swimming pool until someone decided to fill it with water. TERRACE BAY BUBHIC {tor Public Library eae eo TERRACE BAY, Ont. POT 2WO ET eae Sea The Loyal Order of Moose wished Terrace Bay a Happy 25th Birthday with this float. Behind the clown are the words "Sharing and Caring". PARADE DAZZLES ONLOOKERS Reeve Speer, his counterpart from: Taiwan and their wives (seated) preceeded the Fraser Girls Pipe Band from Thunder Bay. 25th Anniv. Events Draw Large Crowds) by LYNNE BADGER 'Did you see the pa- rade?" "Were you at the beach for the fire- works?" "Did you see what those cutters can do with chainsaws?" These were some of the more common quest- ions asked of friends on the street during the first weekend of Terrace Bay's 25th Anniversary Celebrations. Terrace Bay resi- dents as well as people from Schreiber, Ross- port, Manitouwadge and points east and west enjoyed an activity-filled weekend in Terrace Bay. Between two staff mem- bers and one volunteer we managed to take in most of the events. The Carlton Show- band entertained Fri- day night with a variety of musical numbers in- cluding the traditional Scottish and Irish fa- vourites. Saturday morning, the parade got under- way and seemed to go on forever with colour- ful 'floats, all created with many volunteer man-hours of labour. The U.P.I.U. bar- becue and Kinsmen Beer Gardens were well- attended. With bright sunshine and a cool breeze, more than the hamburgers were cook- ed. Sunburns were the norm for the day. The canoe races were very entertaining with some novices entering just for the fun of it. The Dorion Band en- tertained at the Street Dance which saw a va- riety of age groups par- ticipating To celebrate Canada Day in the midst of all the anniversary activi- ties a fireworks dis- play was enjoyed at the beach by hundreds of people. Explosions, whi-. stles and ooo's and aah's filled air while the fireworks lit up the sky. And that's not all more next week. photos by Jim Ludington Graduating Grade eight students from Terrace Bay Public School put their production of the "Wizard of Oz" on this colourful float. Terrace Bay Ladies Fastball League representatives from each team playéd ball on their float. The ball only fell off once.