Misc. For Sale Ceramic tiles by Jerry Ur- banski for the walls, floors, kitchen backsplash, and countertops. Large se- lection, low prices at the Bathroom Renovations Centre, 475-11th Ave., be- hind Beaver Lumber in Thunder Bay 345-1312. TF Plumbing products - acrylic tub and shower combina- tions, washerless fau- cets, whirlpools, brass taps, oak vanities, medicine chests, pedestal sinks - at the Bathroom Renovation Centre 475-11th Ave., Thunder Bay, 7 T Plumbing products - acrylic tub and shower combina- tions, washerless fau- cets, whirlpools, brass taps, oak vanities, medicine chests, pedestal sinks - at the Bathroom Renovation Centre 475-11th Ave., Thunder Bay, ee 'ANNOUNCEMENTS Eastern Ontarlo school of trucking. Tractor traller and dump truck tralning. Call or write P.O. Box 460, Almonte, Ontarlo KOA 1A0 (613) 256-2693. J-3 Diesel generator sets, 10 kilowatts to 365 kilowatts. Aaron Bowman Genera- tor Set Manufacturing, P.O. Box 37, Hawkesville, Clark Skidder. Excellent condition 1980 664-C. Com- plete with chains, spare tire, Job, If desired. Older unfurnished house trailer' 10 x 28. Two bedrooms (807) .934-2515 (Ignace). Free 128 page Career _ Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time reg ran- ton Institute 265A Adel- aide Street West Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 to- day. J-3 Fiddle and Step Dance Con-" test. July 13 to 14 at Fergus District Community Cen- tre, Fergus, Ontario. Camping avallable. For in- formation call Merv Woods (519) 843-1630. J-3 Lindsay's Annual Home- coming weekend. July 27, 28, 29, 1984. Come cele- brate the bicentennial with us In Lindsay. For Informa- tlon or brochure phone (705) 324-2393. -- J Attention farmers.- Not one nickel In taxes more than your fair share Is a slogan at F.B.C. During the sum- mer. months you will be recelving your notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada. If yours does not say "As Declared' you need Farm Business Con- sultants assistance now! Serving farmers' needs 52 Ont. NOB 1X0. (519) 699- weeks of the year. Call 5278. ; _J-3 _tollfree 1-800-265-1002. J-3 ; \REALTY Thursday July 5th TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. HOST: Juris Zdanouskis 6 TERRACE HEIGHTS 2 agricultural work training opportunities abroad. Must have two years practical experience, be single and 19-28 years. European, Australian, New Zealand host families. International © Agricultural Exchange Association (403) 244-1814. 1984 Australlan and New Zealand deadline, --T _ Cars/Trucks 1973 Pontiac Lemans 350 V8, air conditioning, tires like new, needs some work. Best offer, good buy for tires or spare parts. gene Fy 1978 Ford half ton, 6 cyl. standard. Good condition. Best offer. Call 824-2796. J-4 Work Wanted Save $500. 1984 Honda A.T.C. Big Red with rever- ° se shaft. Very few hours use! $2250 firm. Phone 886- 2843. J-4 For sale: 1980 Terrajets, 1978 Renault. Phone 824- 2050. J-11 1-1978 RM 125 Suzuki moto X. Excellent condition $500. Phone 9187, 9169. -4 Responsible teenager would like babysitting job. Full time or evenings. Call Monica 825-3853. J-4 PERSONAL Meet your match. For all ages and unattached. Thou- sands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263-9103. J-3 FOR RENT Office space, for retail outlet. Apply _ in writing only to P.O. Box 657 Manitouwadge, Ont. also suitable ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER July 20 /84). Bay. from: District Office p.m. contact: Services, accepted. Cy GENERAL CONTRACTORS Amendment to Closing Dates. Refer to following General Repair Projects and revise closing date to read as indicated below namely July 10, 1984 (in lieu of job No. 41-NR-69405 - MNR District Office and five (5) Residences Terrace Job No. 28-GS-69621 = Four (4) OPP and MNR Residences Nakina. Each Tender must be quoted separately. Combined Tenders will not be accepted. Tender documents may be obtained Ministry of Government Services 500 Algoma Street, North, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 5G5. Sealed tenders will be received until 3 July 10, 1984 at which time they will be opened in public. Tender closing in Thunder Bay. Note: For further information please Mr. N. Knutson, Ministry of Government Thunder Telephone (807) 475-1285. The lowest or any tender not necessarily Ministry of Government Bay, Ontario. HELP WANTED at Villa Bianca Cooks Waitresses Drop in or phone 824-2172 Ontario 2ervices Ontario Areas. This service is p Terrace Bay-Marathon encompasses an area from Nipigon east to Marathon. This program is funded by the Ministry of Northern Affairs. For Further Information Call (Collect): Prospectors - Exploration Companies: Schreiber-Terrace Bay-Marathon The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources will provide an Economic Geologist to visit, assay and advise you on the potential of any mineral occurrence you may have staked, or know the location of in the Schreiber-Terrace Bay-Marathon rovided free of charge. The Schrieber- economic' Geologist Bernie Schnieders or Allan Speed Resident Geologist's Office Ministry of Natural Resources Thunder Bay (807) 475-1331 ion Hon. Alan W. Pope Ministry of te Natural John R. Sloan Resources _ peputy Minister program Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 4, 1984, page 7 Business Opportunities Frée 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full : and part time jobs. Gran- ton Institute 265 A. Ade- laide Street West Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 ote. PROPERTY Own a plece of sunshine in . Lehigh, Florida, half acre lots developed with streets from $3,300 .- Write for Information, Lotex, Box 727, Lehigh, Florida made Pets/Livestock For sale: female yellow labrador; three years old. Very good with children. ' Phone 825-9321 ieee p.m.) YARD SALE to be held at 83 HUDSON DRIVE on July 7th from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. In case of rain, sale will be put over to July 8th. House at same address is also for sale. Enquire at 825-3634 | | | | ) 1 For sale: miniature brown 'poodle, registered with - papers. For more info call 825-9040. : J-4 REAL ESTATE For sale or rent: mobile home 14' x 68". unfurnish- ed. Located in Schreiber. Phone 825-9132 after 5 p.m. J-11 1975 Bendex trailer home for sale or rent. Call 824- 2823. J-11 For rent: 1 bedroom apart- ment for rent, first floor. 824-2844 phone after 5 P "> 4 bedroom house, 119 Col- umbia St. Schreiber, Ont. Phone 824-2647 or 824- For rent: furnished ba- chelor apartment by July 6, for more information call 825-3878. J-11 Wanted to rent: three bed- room house. Terrace Bay, or Schreiber. Call 825- 9242 or 825-9367. J-11 Two storey house with up-' Stairs apartment, and small cottage house in_ back. Bringing good monthly in- come. Phone 824-2605.. J-4 14' x70' 3 bedroom mobile home situated on rented private lot. Attached 12' x 24' porch with cae ol wood stove, sale includes washer, dryer, fridge, stove, curtains and wood supply. Call aac 2659. J-11 , room. 1'%2 HOUSE FOR SALE "4 bedroom; kitchen, dining room with built in china cabinet. Patio door on to deck, large living bathrooms, finished Rec room with air tight wood stove. Den, sewing room, wood room. Carpet thoughout. Double garage, patio in yard. 595 Lakeview Dr. Terrace Bay 825-3375 asking $50,000 Pays Plat $7.00 per person (one way) $14.00 per person (return) NORTH SHORE CAB CO. SHUTTLE SERVICE Effective Saturday, June 9, 1984 Leaving Pays Plat at 9:45 a.m. from the Snowshoe Factory Leaving Rossport at 10:00 a.m. from Mac's Service Station Leaving from Schreiber Voyageur at 2:00 p.m. for return trip to Rossport and Pays Plat Rossport $5.00 per person (one way) $10.00 per person (return NORTH SHORE CAB CO. 'ant eee OWNER /OPERATOR 824-2000 Anytime. 205 Brunswick, Schreiber, Ont. Terrace Bay. undersigned. Bay Ontario. L. Simons, P.O. Box 40 POT 2W0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY CONTRACT NO. 84-2 Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Township of Terrace Bay will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, July 5, 1984 for the construction of concrete curbing in Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Tenders will be opened puclicly at 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, July 12, 1984 in the council chambers, 12 Simcoe Plaza, Terrace The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Clerk Co-ordinator Township of Terrace Bay Terrace Bay, Ont.