Plata ér Morrill Chistes « ountan ts 'Bookkeeping, accounting, auditing, consulting and taxation services. 596 Squier Street Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 4A8 Telephone: (807) 344-6684 oballe Sanon" | <QPacHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Accounting Auditing Bookkeeping Consulting Data Processing Taxation MARATHON Business Hours - 9 a.m. -5 p.m. every second Thurs. & Fri. March 15 and 16 For appointments telephone COLLECT (807) 345-6571 Thunder Bay 584 Red River Rd. 807-345-6571 Marathon Geraldton 20 Peninsula Rd. Main Street 807-229-1448 807-854-1281 Page 14, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, March 7, 1984 Schreiber recreation news Ladies Aerobics Good news!! A new session of Ladies Aero- bic classes will be start- ing during the week of March 19 to 23, 1984. Please note the follow- ing information: Afternoon Session: starts Wednesday, March 21 Days: Wednesday and Friday afternoons - 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Evening Session; Start Tuesday, March 20 Days: Tuesday and Thursday evenings - 8:45 to 9:45 p.m. All classes are con- ducted in the Recreation Complex Community Hall by instructor Betty Tate. Should you be interested in joining this program then make cer- tain to register at the Recreation Office by Monday, March 19, 1984. Soft Sculpture Workshop Cabbage Patch Dolls? Now you can have the opportunity to learn how to make your very own Cabbage Patch Dolls. A workshop is being ar- ranged for late March. Should you be interested in learning this excit- ing and enjoyable craft (perfect gifts for child- ren) then contact the Recreation Office at 824- ZiT. Sketching/Drawing Workshop The Recreation De- partment would like to offer a sketching and drawing workshop in late March. This work- shop would be run on a weekend at the Recrea- Risiness Directory toy ORT STREET ATE ey ere OPEN Tues.-Wed.-Sat. 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 345-2307 @ RCA XL Colortrack TV e Appliances by Hot Point, Inglis, onc S pe: Jenn Air, Etc. Closed Mondays CHARGES © A complete Stock of .. Brand Name furnituve --_ GREYHOUND'S GOING . . . across Canada! ' TWIN SPOT RESTAURANT Pack. BIRCH MOTORS LTD. ackage oa 24 Hour Towing Service charter Your Agent For irtpe SUPERIOR GULF 824-2833 PROPANE _ OIL Business "Bringing Northern Ontario together" your newstand now! tion Complex. If inter- ested, please contact the Recreation Office at 824- 2317. Winter Carnival News A reminder to all Schreiber and area resi- dents that the 1984 Schreiber Winter Car- nival starts on Friday, March 9 and ends Sun- day March 18. Make certain to buy your Win- ter Carnival Button! For Winter Carnival de- tails please see the ma- jor Winter Carnival ad- vertisement within this paper. Winter 'Carnival Logo Contest The Schreiber Parks and Recreation Com- mittee invites local resi- dents to submit. their entries for the Winter Carnival Logo Con- test. All entries should include your name, age and home phone num- ber. The winning entry will become the official logo for all future Win- ter Carnival activities. The winner will also re- ceive twenty dollars. For more information con- tact the Recreation Of- fice. Fitness Room News Attention Fitness Room Members. As of Friday, February 17, 1984, Sunday hours were expanded to 8:00 p.m. Therefore the regular Fitness Room hours are as follows: Monday: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ladies Only Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Ladies Only Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday: 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Sunday: 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. As a reminder the Recreation Department would appreciate if you followed these rules: 1) help keep the fit- ness room clean 2) only paid members . may use the room 3) children under 13 years of age must be accompanied by an ad- ult. The Recreation Of- fice has a wealth of fitness weight training, nutrition and exercise information available at no cost to Fitness Room members. To obtain your copies, drop by the Recreation Office. Tiny Tournament The Times News in conjunction with the Schreiber Minor Hockey Assoc. and Schreiber Parks and Recreation, will be stag- ing the Second Annual Times News Tiny Tour- nament on Saturday, March 31, 1984 at the Schreiber Arena. This unique hockey event is for hockey players ages 5 to 8 years. Em- phasis is placed on par- ticipation, fair com- petition and of course fun. Every participant will be awarded a Gold Medal, signifying their participation in the tournament. If you dislike body checking, rough hockey, and bothersome fans, then come out and ex- perience the enjoyment of a non-competitive hockey event. You will not be disappointed. For more information con- tact either Shannon Riley, Albert Courte- manche, Bob McPar- land or the Recreation Office. Fit Five News Congratulations to Marlene Doig for suc- cessfully completing her Fit Five Level Two pro- gram. Should you be interested in enrolling in this free self adminis- tered personal fitness program, then contact the Recreation Office today. Arena Events Attention Schreiber and area residents! The Schreiber Arena will be the site of the following events: March 10, 11 - Annual Pee Wee Hockey Tour- nament March 31: Times News Tiny Tournament April 7, 8 - Annual Fig- ure Skate Carnival. DVERNMEN OTICE This space could be Yours at the Low Price of *8.40 per week 24 HOUR FURNACE SERVICE Phil's Burner Service R.S.F. Wood Stove Dealer Furnace Installation and Service P.O. Box 532 Schreiber, Ontario Phone 824-2354 Lloyd Snider Contracting Terrace Bay, Ont. 825-9468 Painting, Wallpapering Trim finishing, Renovations, Plumbing Repairs FREE ESTIMATES i.m. dodick * R.O. OPTOMETRIST 1119 Victoria Ave. Phone 622-7726 Thunder Bay: B. Maskell Ltd. LAND SURVEYORS AND CONSULTANTS Box 1115, 905 Tungsten Street, Thunder Bay, Ont. P7C 4X9 Phone 1 - 623-6611 Tilden Rent-a-car Service Spadoni Bros. Ltd. Cars & Trucks, daily, weekly, monthly & long term leasing. Call Larry at 824-2043 & os Help your Heart... Helo + Fund Ce un ie, [v ARG \ REDUCED LOAD REGULATIONS 19 8 4 Commencing 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, March 15th, 1984 all trucks will be limited to reduced loads on 'the following Highways, Secondary Roads and Tertiary Roads in Thunder Bay District. DESCRIPTION From Hwy. 61, Northerly 12 km to Rosslyn Road HIGHWAY NO. Highway No. 130 Highway No. 516 All of Hwy. 516 (Marchington Lake Road) Highway No. 527 From 48 km. North of Hwy. 17 Northerly to End ' of Hwy. 527 Highway No. 580 All of Hwy. 580 Highway No. 582 All of Hwy. 582 Highwoy No. 585 All of Hwy. 585 Highway No. 586 All of Hwy. 586 Highway No. 587 All of Hwy. 587 Highway No. 588 From 1.6 km. South of Hwy. 17 Westerly to End of Hwy. 588 Highway No. 589 From Jct. Hwy. 591 Northerly to End of Hwy. 589 Highway No. 590 From 14 km. West of Hwy. 17 Southwesterly to Jct. Hwy. 588 Highway No. 593 All of Hwy. 593 Highway No. 595 All of Hwy. 595 Highway No. 597 All of Hwy. 597 Highway No. 599 From 75 Km. North of Hwy. 17 - North to End of of Hwy. 599 Highway No. 608 From 1 km. West of Hwy. 61 Westerly to Hwy. 595 Highway No. 622 All of Hwy. 622 Highway No. 625 All of Hwy. 625- Highway No. 643 All of Hwy. 643 Highway No. 801 All of Hwy. 801 Highway No. 802 All of Hwy. 802 Highway No. 811 All of Hwy. 811 REDUCED LOAD REGULATIONS will also go into effect.on Local Roads in the following LOCAL ROADS BOARDS AREAS: DAWSON ROAD - GOLDIE, FORBES, FOWLER, GORHAM, INWOOD, JACQUES, LYONS, STIRLING, UPSALA and WARE. The above date is dependent upon weather condi- tions and is subject to change. Reduced loads will be in effect when signing is placed. During the Reduced Load period, no Special Permits for overloading or house moving will be issued on any Highway in the District. Ministry of Transportation and Communications