Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, November 16, 1983, page 3 Terrace Bay - Remembrance Day Services Parade Marshal Stan Greenwood Jr. leads the Remembrance Day Parade from Recreation Centre to the Cenotaph. Kimberly-Clark recognizes Long Time Employees At the Kimberly- Clark Quarter Century. Club annual banquet and dance on October 15th, 35 Woodlands em- ployees were inducted. The Grace by Mr. William Chapman (40 years service) and the Toast to the Queen by Mr. Malcolm McEach- ern preceded an excel- lent and beautifully decorated buffet din- ner. Mr. Walter Gro- man, President and General Manager, and 'Mr. Don Penna, Vice- President and Wood- lands Manager, present- ed gold watches and pins to the new mem- bers: Mrs. Groman and Mrs. Penna presented silver lockets to the inductees' wives. Pins recognizing 30, 35 and 40 years service were re- ceived by seven em- ployees. Currently 151 of the total 191 members are actively employed in the Woodlands. The party was joined by 100 other Quarter Century Club members and guests who enjoyed the music hall style en- tertainment of the "Pearly Queen" and Ken Stanley, followed by dancing to Partie Sound and a midnight buffet. Recipients were: 25 years service: Henry Beaudoin, Fer- nand Beaulieu, Leopold Beaulieu, Roland Beau- lieu, Roland Begin, Douglas Blair, Jean Paul Bourgoin, Ray- mond Chapdelaine, Gerard Cormier, Lyle Cunningham, Clement Daigle, Louis Desharnais, Ster- ling Drillen, Pierre Fegecyn, Lionel For- tier, Albert Grenier, .Kauko Hahka, Harri Hakkarainen, Vance Hiltz, Andrea Lachance, Bertrand Larocque, Ar- thur Lefrancois, Donald Lemieux, Henry Le- mieux, Jacques Le- mieux, Jacues_ Le- pine, Victor Levesque, Bruno Marszowski, Si- mon Moreault, Reginald Ouellet, Pasi Paiva- rinta, Emery Picard, Napolidore Raby, Alp Saarinen, Waino Wilen. 30 Years Service Nick Ewacha (un- able to attend), Henry Frisky, Denis Guitard, Leonard Hackey, Raoul Laliberte. 35 Years Service Pat Auger (unable to attend), Ernest Hen- ley (unable to attend), Bernard Hildebrandt, Malcom McEachern. 40 Years Service William Chapman. New Low-cost insurance afford permanent § protection today. Mary Cashmore Terrace Bay, Ont. 825-9152 OF CANADA Get your life in shape. Don Pawlett and a member of the Beavers of Terrace Bay were among the many to lay wreaths at the Cenotaph. Fac 422 MA OW WN eh Kes HOLD YOUR BREATH AND THIS. If your chimney is defective, your house may be feeling just like you do right now. Because heating systems take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Just like you do. But when a furnace can't get enough oxygen, or carbon dioxide can't escape, your house can't "breathe" Carbon monoxide can be created and that is a dangerous situation for you and your family. A clean and clear chimney is necessary to vent your furnace properly. Here are some warning signs of chimney deterioration: C] loose mortar and bricks L] white powder or water stains on chimney above roof L] water stains at the chimney's clean-out door. YOU MAY NEED A CHIMNEY LINER TO PREVENT EROSION OF THE MASONRY. For your safety, and for your peace of mind, have your heating system and chimney inspected and cleaned annually by a qualified contractor. You and your house will both breathe a sigh of relief. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations @ Ontario Robert Elgie M.D., Minister William Davis, Premier