Ontario Community Newspapers

Terrace Bay News, 12 Oct 1983, p. 5

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Ft ak community Final Nutrition workshop planned '"'Why Eat Brown Rice?" is the title of the final workshop in the Women and Nutrition Series sponsored by the Northwestern Ontario Women's Health Edu-~ cation Project. The first half of. the workshop will provide women with an oppor- tunity to take an in- depth look at the gross factors which effect the nutritional value of food. These include some of the techniques through which these products with which we are fami- liar. Also, ways in which these products are dis- played and advertised to encourage us to buy, will be discussed. In the second part of the workshop, women will examine personal and social factors which could prevent them from getting high quality food. Some of the topics in this part are lack of time and/or money and resistance by other members of the family. The session will end with a discussion of realistic ways to im- prove the nutrition of yourself and your fa- mily. In Terrace Bay the workshop takes place on October 17th at 7:30 pm. at the Meeting Room in the Recreation Centre. Contact Donna Mike- luk at 824-2745 for fur- ther details. Bridge Club The North Shore Duplicate Bridge Club met on Sunday, Septem- ber 25th, at the Holy Angels gym. There were four tables of bridge players, and the top winners were: Bill and Jean Me- graw - first; Larry Fra- ser and Dale Cooper - second. The Bridge Club meets every Sunday evening at 7:15 p.m. in the Holy Angels School in Schreiber. We en- courage all players to come out for an evening of bridge. On Sunday, October 2nd, nine pairs of bridge players met for an evening of Duplicate Bridge. The top winners were: G. Caccamo and P. Cebrario - first; Ann and Jim Johnson - sec- ond; Bob and Jackie Bell - third. hREWSs Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, October 12, 1983, page 5 Pinewood Court The September meet- ing of the Board of Man- agement was held in Pinewood Court Sep- tember 30th. This was the first meeting since the loss of our Chairper- son, Mrs. Margaret Sideen. Mrs. Sideen had ser- ved ten years on the Board and this year, had been elected as our Chairperson. She was well known for her work with senior citizens. The Minister of Community and Social Services, the Honourable Mr. Frank Drea, in a letter to the Board expressed the sympathies of the Pre- mier and Cabinet. They all knew Mrs. Sideen well, and felt she will be -missed by the Board. Mrs. M. Tolmonen was the Vice-Chairper- son of the Board and has accepted the position of Chairperson for the re- mainder of the term. Mrs. F. Pajamaki was elected to the position of Vice-Chairperson. A newly elected Board member from Gerald- ton, Mrs. S. Laine was welcomed. There is one member to be appoint- ed from Area #5 to complete the term of Mrs. Sideen. Dealing with bus- iness, the Board passed the accounts for the months of July and August for Pinewood Court and Birchwood Terrace totalling $372,205.60. The request of the Municipality of Neebing which represents the Townships of Blake, Crooks and Pardee, to become part of the Dist- rict Home for the Aged was approved. The Min- istry of Community and Social Services has been informed of the agree- ment and they will pro- ceed to have section 10 of the Act amended to include the Municipality of Neebing. The Board dealt with the resignation of Mrs. Susan Bodnar, Secre- tary-Treasurer and Ac- counts Supervisor, who accepted a position with Ontario Housing. The Board will be reluctant to see her go and wishes her well in her new posi- tion. The Board was in- formed that the insula- tion and siding contract at Birchwood Terrace had been completed. Hopefully, this will re- duce the heating costs during the winter along with an added comfort to the residents. The Administrator, M.J. Virbert, and the 'Director of Nursing, P. Flaherty, met with the crew from T.V. On- tario who are doing a film of senior citizens in the North. Residents of the Home were filmed on the patio; also film- ing was done in Ross- port and Hurkett. This will be on television in March and the Fall of next year. The next meeting of | the Board will be held: October 28th at Birch- wood Terrace. Schreiber Arena closure ' Attention area _ resi- dents. The Schreiber Arena will be closed from October 23 to No- .vember 5, 1983 in ac- commodating the An- nual Schreiber Fire De- partment Dance. The Recreation Department staff apologize for any inconvenience created by this necessary clo- sure. Free Public skate Attention Schreiber residents. The Schrei- ber Parks and Recrea- tion Department is stag- ing a FREE Public Skat- ing on Friday, October 14 from 7-9 p.m. You must have a public skate coupon from the Fall Brochure. Come out and join the fun. Relaxation workshop The Terrace Bay Rec- reation Department, in conjunction with Con- federation College, will be offering a Relaxation Workshop on Saturd- ay, November 12th. Relaxation is the found- ation for optimum phy- sical, emotional and spiritual health. By at- tending this workshop, you will learn simple relaxation techniques that can be used at home, at work or any- where at any time. Many new methods of relaxation will be pre- sented and you can adapt them to suit your lifestyle. The instruct- ions are stimulating, fun and very practical. Throughout the day, you will be doing the tech- niques yourself and by the end of the workshop you will know how to re- lax! You will feel confi- dent that being a better person is within your grasp. As stated earlier, this workshop will be 'Saturday, November 12th and the times are from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The workshop will be held at the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre, in the Conferen- ce Room. Please call the Recreation Office at 3542 if you would like to register. Nutrition workshop - "Women and food in balance" "Women and Food In Balance" will be the title of a workshop to be presented by Nutri- tionist Barb Lalonde from the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. This is the second part of a three-part nutrition series sponsored by the Northwestern Ontario Women and Health Education Project. Part of Ms. Lalonde's workshop will deal with personal beliefs con- cerning food and nutri- tion. The effects of ad- vertising and store lay- out on food choices will be examined, as well as food habits and their possible effects on wo- men's health. The ses-: sion will conclude with a look at meal planning. In Terrace Bay, the workshop takes place October 13th at 7:30 p-m. in the Meeting Room of the Recreation Centre. For more informa- tion please feel free to contact Donna Mikeluk at 824-2745. BINGO to be held at the SCHREIBER LEGION HALL Wed., Oct. 19, 1983 Save through Payroll deduction John F. Mills of Thun- der Bay has been ap- pointed organizer in the 1983 Canada Savings Bond Campaign, pay- roll savings division, for the Thunder Bay and Kenora districts. His territory includes Thunder Bay, Dryden, Kenora, Fort Frances, Marathon, Schreiber, Terrace Bay, Nipigon and Atikokan. This will be Mr. Mill's 13th year as an organi- zer in the Canada Savings Bond Cam- paign. Canada Savings Bonds were launched in 1946. Since then, up- wards to $13.4 billion in Canada Savings Bonds has been purchased through the Payroll Sav- ings Plan across the country. Last year in this area, 4,490 employees bought a total of $5,741,000 worth of Canada Sav- ings Bonds through pay- roll savings. During the fall Cam- paign, CSB organiz- ers will visit about 4,000 business and industrial establishments in On- tario to help set up payroll savings plans for the purchase of the new series by employees. Chimo Club | The Chimo Senior Citizens Club held their meeting recently with the President F.V. Har- ness presiding. A min- ute of silence was obser- ved in the memory of our late member, Wal- ter Lewicki. Mr. Bill Duncan was welcomed as a. new member. Routine busi- ness followed. The Home Bingo for September was won by four players: Winnie Campbell, H. Spilula, A. Krystia and L. Ross. Lucky numbers were won by N. Fummerton, M.. Molinski, Winnie Campbell and Irene Borutski. A Hallowe'en party will be held following the next meeting, which will take place on Octo- ber 21st. A good turn- out is anticipated. The Annual Bazaar and Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, No- vember 6th. All mem- bers are asked to donate to the Bazaar table and the Bake table. Mr. Mike Cosgrove , representing the Schrei- ber Municipal Council, attended the meeting to speak on National Sen- ior Citizens week and extended an invitation to all Senior Citizens (65 plus) in town, to attend a Smorgasbord supper on October 14th in the Rec- reation Centre hall. Happy birthday was sung to F. Harness, A. Slater, Y. Vienneau and A. Niemi. ; Following the meet- ing, A. Slater. showed a film called "The Wish". The members later play- ed Bridge, Whist and Shuffleboard. This was followed by a Pot Luck Lunch. Morgan wins again! Schreiber's second fight held this year was marred by cancella- tions, but still turned out to be a success. Rick Morgan of Schreiber led the way slugging for three rounds with Timmins' Dan Price, earning the decision and overall "Fightingest Fighter' trophy. Gerry Filane staged a. pier-sixer with Pat Le- brun of Timmins with Filane getting a split decision. Mohawk Club fight- er, Dan Mateev, had a run of bad luck in his first fight when he pin- ned Timmins' boxer Dino Amadeo on the ropes, and got caught with a wild hook thrown _ by Amadeo. Dan was in trouble and the referee stopped the _ bout. Mateev eagerly looks toward a rematch. Next time will be different. Middlewight Gord .Mackenzie and Welter- weight Mario Vasiliu of Schreiber, simply were not busy enough and handed over two deci- sions to Thunder Bay boxers Clint Harris and Adam King. Former Golden Glov- er Gary Boostrom and Billy Mackenzie of Schreiber stated an ex- hibition to make up a bout, Curtis Evoy and Mike Barry showed their potential, also in an ex- hibition. The card girls, Diane Vasiliu, Candace Camp- bell, and Pam Vasiliu showed class, poise and unbelievable shape and beauty once again. The Schreiber Boxing Club would like to thank all their fans and we hope to have even better shows in the future. Next, The Gloves! All proceeds Rossport Volunteer Fire Dept. DANCE to be held at the ROSSPORT - COMMUNITY HALL Saturday, Oct. 22nd Tickets are $10.00 per person, available at the door. years.and over. Age of majority card required.) LUNCH SERVED construction of fire hall. (19 for proposed Give a Family | Picture for Christmas! Make an appointment at TERRY'S SIGHT & SOUND to have your family picture taken on October 18th and N.S.D.R.C.S.S.B. rs receive z ; = 00 PACKAGE | PACKAGE Il PACKAGE Ill meeting 500 Jackpot 1-8 x 10 Lib waa 3-8 x 10 2-5 x7 O 2-8 x 10 Admission $2.00 Time 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. $ 00 Please take note that 30 the North of Superior District Roman Catho- lic Separate School Board will be held on Saturday, October 15th, commencing at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Edward's School in Nipigon. 4 _ $490 °" $300 Christmas Cards can be ordered at an additional charge 25 cards $20.00 Sponsored by the Schreiber and Terrace Bay Legions. Proceeds to go to Zone 82. 12 cards $12.95 50 cards $35.95

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