Ontario Community Newspapers

Terrace Bay News, 28 Sep 1983, p. 3

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Northern Affairs Canadian Citizenship by JANE E. GREER A Canadian Citizen is a person who possesses Canadian Citizenship or Nationality and who en- joys the highest order of rights that Canada can offer. As a Canadian, you' have the right to full political participation (to~ vote and to run for political office in feder- al and in some provin- cial elections you must be a Canadian citizen); you have the privilege of travelling outside Ca- nada on a Canadian passport; the right to assistance by Canada in most foreign countries; the right of re-entry into Canada; and the right to full economic rights in Canada. A person can possess Canadian Citizenship by birth or through a_pro- cess of: naturalization. To obtain Canadian Citi- zenship through Natur- alization a person must: -- be legally admitted to Canada as a perma- nent. resident (landed immigrant) -- live in Canada for a minimum of 3 complete years within the 4 years immediately before your application for Citi- zenship. -- be able to speak either. French. or English. -- Show that you are of good character. -- have knowledge of the responsibilities and privileges of Canadian Citizenship. -- Intend to live in Canada as a permament giance to Canada. If a person meets the above criteria then there are three steps to be- coming a Canadian Citi- zen. First, an applica- resident and BRAY -- Mr. Roy Bray passed -away -- be ready to comply Friday, Sept. 8, 1983 in Joseph's with the oath of alle- Hospital, London, Ontario. Memorial © tion for Citizenship is made; second, the per- son must appear before the Citizenship Court for tion is $15.00 for adults and $8.00 for minor children under the age of 18 years. a hearing (interview) and last, to return to the Court to take the Oath of Citizenship and receive the Canadian Citizen- ship Certificate at a ceremony of presenta- tion. To apply for Canadian Citizenship a person should contact their nearest Court of Cana- © dian Citizenship of- fice and bring with them. their passport/travel document used on entry to Canada, or their birth certificate and their im- migration record as well as the appropriate fee and photographs. Citizenship' photo- graphs must be two identical, unmounted photos (taken within the last 12 months) showing a full front view of the head and shoulders without head covering. The Citizenship offi- cer will be visiting Ter- race Bay on September 22nd, 1983 to take appli- cations and to offer in- formation on Canadian Citizenship. Should -you have questions on Citi- zenship, or wish to apply for Citizenship, please contact the officer; he will be available at the township office from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ; If you are a Canadian Citizen and wish to apply for a Citizenship 'Certificate, please bring your birth certificate, 2 photographs of yourself (see above described di- mensions) and a fee of $8.00. For further inform- ation on becoming a Canadian Citizen, please contact your nearest Court of Cana- dian Citizenship Office The photos must be 44mm (1 3/4") x 44 mm (1 3/4') plus a 13mm (A") white signature strip at the bottom. The fee to file your applica- or Northern Affairs Of- fice, located on the low- er floor Peninsula Building, Marathon, Ontario, or phone 229- 1153 or Zenith 33160. help your Heart Fund FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENT Services were held Sunday, Sept. 10 in London. Surviving are his wife Margurite Bray, and one son Richard Bray of Windsor, Ont. by ANNE TODESCO Miss Beverly Le- gault has returned from a business trip to To- ronto. Wilbur Bain has left for Vancouver where: he will be engaged in deep sea commercial fish- ing. Wilbur is an ex- perienced commercial fisherman of Lake Superior. Mr. and Mrs. .Romeo Bouchard are home from a summer holiday at their cottage at Dalton, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gerow have left for To- ronto where Eugene will undergo open heart sur- gery. Hilton Mushqush has arrived home from a Lakehead hospital after having surgery. Mrs. Josephine Hube- lit has been transfer- red from McKellar Hos- pital to the McCaus- land Hospital at Ter- race Bay. Juris Zdanovskis was a business visitor to Thunder Bay. Rossport Altar Society Meeting | Mrs. Josephine Ken- ney hosted the members of St. Berchmens Altar Society Monday even- ing. The President, Mrs. Doris Legault led in the opening prayers for world peace and wel- comed the members. Mrs. Kenney gave the ' Spiritual reading from the book of meditations for each day. The min- utes and financial state- ment were approved as read. Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 28, 1983, page 3 ~ Rossport Notes | The correspondence included several Thank You cards for Mass cards and Get Well cards mailed during the past month. Outstand- ing accounts were pas- sed for payment. _The members answer- ed roll-call by donating groceries for a Christ- mas hamper draw. The parishioners are asked to assist by leaving their donations with Mrs. Doris Legault for same. The tickets and licence are to be obtained as soon as possible in order to get them selling. The members decid- ed to start the hall bingos on the 18th of the month. Also to begin are . the home bingos as soon as cards are prepared. Mrs. Anne Todesco and Mrs. Laura Legault agreed to convene a spring penny auction. Anyone wishing to do- nate prizes for same, please leave them with Mrs. Todesco. The So- ciety would appreciate at least three prizes or more from each home. Beverly Legault invit- ed the members to meet at her home for the October meeting. A con- test will be held. Each member is to display a drawing for ideas to purchase pins for the Altar Society members. There will be pins for the president, 50 and 25 year members, as well as members in general pins. Ladies get your pencils and papers ready to come up with a winning drawing. Closing prayers were n August 1, Ontario's new Planning Act came into force. So if you rent, own, offered by Anne~ To- desco for the sick and shut-ins of the parish. Following adjourn- ment, a social hour was enjoyed over the coffee and lunch. Women's Institute Meeting of Schreiber and Rossport members. The Schreiber Women's Institute members resumed their monthly meetings on Tuesday afternoon, when they met at the Town Hall Auditorium. The meeting opened with the reciting of the Women's Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. The president, Dora Weaver welcomed the members and hop- ed that all had enjoyed a happy and healthy sum- mer vacation and are prepared to shoulder the Institute's many acti- vities the coming term. The thought for the day was given by Anne Todesco ... "Some peo- ple are willing to give advice but few are inc- lined to take it them- selves."' Roll-call was res- ponded to by relating new ideas on the storing _of fruit and vegetables o¥er the winter. The Current Events portion of the meeting brought forth many hap- penings of late, with the downing of the Jet-Liner by the Russians. This news item had top prior- ity with all who felt it was so inhuman and cruel. Spies in Canada ... Il- legal fishing school and sightseeing boat by U.S.A. people, medi- cal aid and_ help' for senior citizens, the wel- come to Prince Charles and Princess Diana to Canada, gold mining, pure water, Fall Fairs and the re-opening of the schools. The minutes and fin- ancial report were ap- proved as presented. The Home and Coun- try W.I. Magazine was continued on page 7 THANK YOU help. | would like to thank Dr. Wilkes and the nurses and staff of The McCausland Hospital for their care during Katie's and my stay in the hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Wilkes, Aldea Churney and Mary Ellen Bouchie for their special The Haras - IFYOUOWNOR_ RENT PROPERTY IN ONTARIO, which are important to all of us. Getting to know the Act is as easy to do as sending the coupon below to: or are about to buy property in Ontario, it makes sense to get into the ~~. Loess Communications Branch C» Act. To know what it says. yarrmake of Municipal Affairs ' hey Did you know, for example, that it's 56 Welkeale Fe West, 2nd Floor. TERR ACE rs AY: Mean the municipality's duty to inform the fede 5. tario. M7A 3K. 4 i RAAB public before changing zoning bylaws? . 5 : CURLING CLUB SNS And that your rights to appeal are You will receive an informative NZ guaranteed by the Act? Or that if something brochure filled with pertinent facts. REGISTRATION ys is to happen to the use of land next to "That way, you too can get into the Act. yours, or on your street, you must be AN notified? ROUND ROBIN AND 2 Also included are new ways of insuring Ministry of DIVISION CURLING that the public interest related to such Yy) Municipal Affairs - : . issues as foodland, natural resources, and and Housing heritage areas is protected. Concerns Ontario Claude Bennett, Minister - fdliketogetintotheAct. 1 Deadline for entries: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 Curlings starts Wednesday, October 19 Please enter complete teams or, if you wish, enter as a single § Please send me my free brochure about our new Planning Act. | and we will try and organize a team for you. For more z Pao : 4 information please contact: , sais om eth << 4 Address __ Apt. # Men's Curling: Mixed Curling: > | Vee eta coma a ae Al Legall 825-9310 R. Roberts 825-3860 i a ee THE & q M. Phillion 825-9369 R. Duquette 825-9001 ® ----___ PLANNING fags 2 D. Stewart 825-9151 Ken Johnson 825-3603 he 2 fea on ee = ACT Ken Johnson 825-3603 \S oA - | oe SR Ss Gee a A eS ee ee ee oe ee

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