a see Sano st ue , < o PSO ee EO UHS « vba m pe by oO Cae sd ee ee . > a | fa P, a " + PVA PCD Werte Hi4e wees OSES F Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 7, 1983 Terrace Bay Recreation News Fall Fair 1983 Plan to attend the second annual fall fair on Sept. 11th from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. at the Terrace Bay Arena. COME AND GO SHOWER will be held in honour of MYRNA GAUTHIER on September 7, 1983 in the Anglican Church 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME _ Thirty-seven different displays occupy (60) sixty tables and will cover the arena surface. The doors open to the public at 12:00 noon. Set up time will be from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Will the exhibitors be kind enough to please use the back door to enter the Arena for setting up purposes. C.F.N.O. Ra- dio will conduct a re- mote broadcast from the Fair from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. There will be live interviews with visitors and exhibitors at the fair. The visitors to the fair will select the Top Three Best Decorated Booth Awards. You will be re- quired to fill in your sug- gestion at the Recrea- -- THANK YOU | would like to thank the (12:00 to 2:00 p.m.) Tot-lot Staff for a job well done and for the time and effort they gave to our children. My daughters enjoyed themselves and brought home some very interesting crafts. Thanks again, Jackie Sopel eects tion Table. Awards will be presented to the Top 3 Best Decorated Booths at 3:00 p.m. The Fair has a lot to offer the general public and we encourage your participation. Hope to see you at the Fall Fair "83"... There. is \no admission charge to the fair. Helpers are re- quired to assist the Chronic Care Ward Pa- tients of the Hospital to get to the Fair. If you are interested in helping out would you please call the Recreation Office or Connie Bryson at the Hospital. Squash and Racquet- ball Tournament The deadline to register for the 2nd An- nual Squash and Rac- quetball Tournament is quickly approaching. The deadline to regis- ter is September 14th. 'The Tournament will have divisions for the advanced as well as the beginner. Trophies will be awarded to the win- ners. The "Pyramid" will also be used follow- ing the results of this Tournament. Bowling Tournament The season is here! Get back into the sea- son by participating in the Open 'Men's and La- dies Tournament on September 24th and 25th. There is no handi- cap. Deadline to regis- ter is September 14th. Martin & Down Circus The Circus was well attended and provided fine family entertain- ment. Special thanks to Moore's of Terrace Bay, Terry's Sight & Sound and Waghorn's for sell- - ing advance tickets. It is hoped that this indoor- Circus will be back next year. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR TERRACE BAY CURLING CLUB LOUNGE September 9th, 1983 Starting at 9:00 a.m. To develop ways to STIMULATE 'and ENCOURAGE business opportunities along the North Shore. Residents of Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport, Marathon and Manitouwadge are invited to participate. This seminar will be of benefit to all persons interested in economic development for communities along the North Shore. This will be a day long seminar with resource people from both levels of government (Federal and Provincial) explaining the resources avail- able to any person or persons interested in starting up or bringing industry to this area. Guest speakers during this seminar will be: Keith Penner M.P. Jack Stokes M.P.P. Resource people will be: Brian Mokomela - Regional Industrial Expansion : Paul Geer - F.B.D.B. W. McLellan - Minster of Industry and Trade Nancy Redgrift - M.A.C. (Municipal Advisory Committee) Jane Greer - Ministry of Northern Affairs THANK YOU To everyone who helped out this 'year in Ladies' Fastball; a special thank you to Mel Mateev and the girls who organized a great wind- up. Cathy Belliveau THANK YOU | would like to thank my family, relatives, friends and co-workers for making my retirement day one to remember. Special thanks to all who contributed in so many ways. John Power WEDDING - ANNOUNCEMENT Myrna Lynn to David Allen Doig son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Doig, Chapleau. : The wedding will take place October Ist in Chapleau. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gauthier are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Winter Ice The. Committee is planning on starting their winter season on October 3rd barring any unforseen breakdowns. This season we have been flooded with ice time requests. A total of 9S hours per week were requested from various groups. The Committee was able to schedule 71 hours per week of ice time at the arena. Pub- lic Skating time will in- clude 7 hours of ice time. Various tourna- ments -and_ special events are already in the process' and the arena should be a beehive of activity this winter. Interested in Bowling September 13th is the day all bowlers will get together and discuss the upcoming season. The time and location of the meeting is 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of "-the Terrace Bay Rec- reation Centre. Interested in Bowling Interested in partici- pating or entering a-° team in the Men's, Lad- ies, Mixed or Senior League, you are encour- aged to attend. New Fall Programs Personal Money Man- - agement (Anil Kripa- lani) This is a modification from last spring's class. Areas covered will be: Session I Savings, investment and budgeting. Invest- ment vs. speculation. Setting objectives. Session I Principles of financial management: 1) lever- age 2) risk and return 3) diversification Session Il Vehicles of invest- ment: 1) RHOSP 2) RRSP 3) IAAC 4) GIC 5) shares, bonds, etc. Session IV Planning RRSP Session V Building investment. Evaluation and planning. Session VI Tax planning. This course will start Tuesday Nov. 1 and end Nov. 29th. The time is from 7:00-9:30 p.m. and the fee is $18.00. Call the Recreation Office to register. Learn to Skate (Eli- zabeth Singleton) We will once again be offering a Learn to Skate program, for 3 and 4 year olds. The course will be held on Mondays continued on page 9 to ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John S. Chapman are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Brenda Ann Mir. Theodore Edward Weagle son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Weagle.