Profile This Weelc Meet John Roy 'Thanks for the summer' The communities of Terrace Bay and Schrei- ber have been playing host to a "student min- ister" this summer. John Roy arrived in the area on May ist and over the summer months has been play- ing a major role in working with both the United Church in Schrei- ber and the Community Church in Terrace Bay, under the direction of Rev. Brian Bigelow. John hails from Hali- fax, Nova Scotia and is in Terrace Bay on a four month summer field training programme. The programme is de- signed to give John practical experience in a community congrega- tional setting and to give him knowledge on the 'ins and outs' of dealing with church life in general. John has made him- self right at home since his arrival and has been involved with a wide variety of projects over the last four months. He has worked a great deal with the Cubs and Scouts in the area as well as the Corrections Committee. He was also responsible for organiz- ing the Vacational Bible School in Terrace Bay and Schreiber which was recently held in both communities. When asked if he learned anything about the organizational side of things, he replied, "Yes, I found out where my mistakes were made but also where and how to correct them."' Along with his many duties of assisting Rev. Bigelow, John has also been conducting wor- ship services at both THANK YOU | would like to thank my family and friends who helped me when | needed them most. | will always remember your kindness because you are all great people and loyal friends. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. May God bless you all. Velvet Moore love and support. THANK YOU To all those who helped the night of Sam's accident, both ambulance crews, Dr. Lau and the nurses. A special thanks to the fellows who helped at the accident, our family and friends for their God Blass, Robin, Pat and family help. God bless you all. THANK YOU _ Abig thank you to family and friends for all their cards, fruit, flowers, cakes and casseroles, etc. Special thanks to our three girls who travelled so far to Marg and John Spillane churches, plus visita- tions. Part of a minis- ter's duties include all the usual jobs of wed- dings, baptisms and deaths and John was called upon to conduct two funerals in Nipigon while their minister was on vacation. John was lucky to have a class mate of his in the area, by the name of Dave Lutes. Dave is currently on a similar summer field program- me in Marathon working under the direction of Rev. Anne Beatty and he and John have made it a point of getting to- gether several times ov- er the summer to com- pare notes and enjoy each other's friendship. © John has one and a- half years left before he can get out into the field of ministry on his own. When he leaves Ter- race Bay, he will head back to Halifax and back to his studies. John didn't plan on going into the ministry. While studying Urban Planning at St. Mary's University in Halifax he said that he stopped into his home church to have a few words with his minister there, and it was then that he spon- taneously decided to go into the ministry. After discussing his ideas with his minister, John en- rolled in the Atlantic School of Theology and commenced his studies. After his first year there, he decided to take two years off to 'get a taste of the world'. He then travelled across the country from St. John's, Newfoundland to Vic- toria, B.C. by car. For the next 12 years John worked in a re- evaluation centre for adolescent boys in Dart- mouth, N.S. as a coun- cillor. The homes hous- ed eight boys from ages ten to sixteen and the purpose for them being there was to 'settle down' and to have some- one work with them and their personal prob- lems. From there the boys were settled into the workforce or into stabilized foster homes. John was pleased that the success rate was pretty good with the boys and that he played a role in helping them straighten out their problems. From working as a councillor, John went back to his studies at the Atlantic School of Theology. John thoroughly en- joyed his stay in Ter- race Bay and Schreiber. "I thought the two towns were a good place for a student to learn because of the United Church setting in Schreiber and the Com- munity Church setting in Terrace Bay. Both churches are on the up- swing again in renewal terms, and they both have an air. of excite- ment about them. I think people in both communi- ties are enthusiastic, helpful and open and they all made me feel right at home."' "I would certainly come back here, given i \ <. quick snap shot. the opportunity." John would like to extend a personal thank you to Brian Bigelow, members of the church boards and both congre- John Roy takes a few minutes out of his busy schedule for a gations for a very profit: able and worthwhile summer experience. "God Bless you, one and all ... love John."' Cooking? Everything .. . from homemade soups to luscious homemade des- serts and homemade bread and pastries . . . specially prepared for you. Stop in! ASK FOR OUR DAILY SPECIALS. HAMMER LAKE LODGE 40 miles (60 km.) west of Wawa on Highway 17 __ sy | season, in the SCHREIBER TERRACE BAY INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY LEAGUE © There will be a general meeting for all those interested in playing Intermediate Hockey this Art Room at the Schreiber Recreation Complex, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1983 at 8:00 p.m. Anyone refereeing intermediate Hockey is also welcome to attend. interested in To ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR develop ways ENCOURAGE business opportunities along the North Shore. to STIMULATE TERRACE BAY CURLING CLUB LOUNGE September 9th, 1983. and Residents of Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport, Marathon and Manitouwadge are invited to participate. This seminar will be of benefit to all persons interested in economic development for communities along the North Shore. This will be a day long seminar with resource people from both levels of government (Federal and Provincial) explaining the resources avail- able to any person or persons interested in starting up or bringing industry to this area. Further information will be published in the next issue of the Terrace Bay Schreiber News. Inquiries will be welcome at the Terrace Bay Municipal Office, telephone 825-3315.