Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Dec 1967, p. 17

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It's the New Year, And it's Leap Year! So we're 'wice as glad to wish you a happy new 1968. METTE PLUMBING Company Limited 3 Celina St. 728-949 | JO'S SOARING above the snow- ¢ mantled northland among the glittering stars, was a new approach to Christmas Eve, The ant-like grubbings of mor- tal man were lost in the ser- ene majesty of earth and sky and all the trappings of the daily round fell away in the face of the eternal mystery, The solemnity was inter. rupted by the voice of the plane's captain, announcing altitude, speed, wind velocity and concluding "our radar screen has just picked up an unidentified flying. object cros- sing the Arctic circle. Merry Christmas." Heads turned questioningly and complexions paled. He might have added that the UFO was making Ho, Ho, Ho sounds. i MEANWHILE, down in Osh- awa, Mrs. T. H. Everson was celebrating her 100th birthday. The family had been gather- ing around her for days and afternoons and evenings were filled by friendly callers, i prepares dor's gigantic Churchill Falls, 4 $1.1 billion project whose potential 4.6 million kilowatts will make it the biggest single source of power on earth. JOURNAL BY JO ALDWINCKLE Women's Editor of The Times jon will mine potash, great- ly in demand as fertilizer and 11 more potash mines are in prospect, Far to the east, the Brit- sh Newfoundland Corporation to harness tabra- An RCA satellite commun- ications station at Liverpool and, near Halifax, two heavy- water plants that will concoct coolants for the atomic en- ergy generators are impressive achievements of Ontario in Nova Scotia. TORONTO reflects the new sense of vigor and individual- sm in Canadian arts and architecture with its daring, curved city hall, adorned with a massive bronze sculpture of Britain's Henry Moore. Mon- treal, French - speaking city in the world, remains Canada's most the second largest exciting metropolis; its sky- The object of all the af- jing altering almost as fast fection and good wishes took as that of New York, and the excitement in fine style. the tremendous accomplish- She received in a sapphire blue silk velvet gown which j; she told me with admiration, was a birthday present from a granddaughter. Among the many bouquets were orchids from Colonel R. S. McLaughlin which formed a beautiful centrepiece for the ment of Expo '67, a crown- ng achiévement and life-time memory. British Columbia's forests of Douglas. firs are a $1 billion a year resource that accounts for 11 per cent of Canada's exports to the United States, ' ; Under the Canada - U.S. Col- family dinner party. Honoring AS grein Canada's as well as theie umbia River treaty, three massive storage dams are great - grandmother's centen- ary, the youngest great granddaughters wore red vel- vet dresses and the older ones ¢ being built on the Columbia. Canada's centennial celebra- ion has been the most expen- wore long red velvet skirts 'ive birthday party any na- and white blouses. t ion ever had; as part of the Mrs. Everson blew out the Celebration 2,500 cities and hundred candles on her birth- towns have adopted civic pro- day cake and later told me Jects as a monument to the that she is going to start again with just one next year. "What of next year and the new century for Canada?" I asked her. Her answer was t comforting. "It's going to be all right," she said. has always been plenty of argument going on in the country, but you get a variety of opinions that way and I think it's good."' On the separ- ation of Quebec, she said: "Oh no, they won't separate. There are too many reason- able people on both sides to n we to fear? "There to crown their efforts by mak- ing Canada a leading nation in the century ahead. first verse of a prize - J. Montreal, who kept the copy- right instead of accepting the $50 prize. Thanks to the read- past and the future. If so few in such a vast land could achieve so much in one century, a speck on he face of time, what have Let us resolve THE FOLLOWING is the win- ing poem written in 1869 by D. Edgar, a barrister of i i "A Guid New Year Tae ye, I'm your first footer," says Brian Pollock, to Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan, Simcoe Street South. Ac- cording to the Scottish tra- | dition at new year or hog- Knox, RR 3, Oshawa included, Mrs. David Irwin, Mrs. Albert Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'A GUID NEW YEAR # monay, after midnight, friends call upon friends, or go first footing? It is con- sidered good luck to greet a dark haired person as the first visitor of the new year. The visitor must carry a HOLIDAY SOCIAL NOTES -- Christmas Day guests at the;Balm Beach, Ontario; Mr and|Mrs. {home of Mr. and Mrs. John A.|Mrs. V. Wishy, Montreal; Mr.!Mrs. TRE YE, I'M YOUR FIRST FOOTER' | | gift across the threshold, a piece of coal presented to the host also signifies luck. Brian a student at the Uni- versity of Waterloo, is the son of Mrs. David Pollock, | Stacey Avenue } | Bruce Affleck, Mr. and Mrs.| Russell Humphreys, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Johnston, Mr. and Gerald Deegan, Mr. and "Tke" Hildebrand, Mr. and jand Mrs. R. Monnaville, and| Mrs. Gerald Deegan, Mr, and Miss Jane, Monnaville, Stam-| Mrs. G. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. ford, Connecticut; Patrick Doh-|Terence Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. erty, Ottawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. J. M. Greer and the list is still] growing | male commissioners quit. Cit- | and hearings are to start in | April. | study on proposed legislation | to broaden abortion laws. | ber for Vancouver Kingsway, | tion.'"' She said this was mere | ly her personal feeling. Her | of becoming law without at- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, December 30, 1967 17 Controversial Canadian Women By JEAN SHARP CP Women's Editor For women in Canada, Cen- tennial Year may be remem- bered as the year of begin- nings. The first beginning was the February announcement by Prime Minister Pearson of a royal commission on the status of women. Mrs. John Bird was appointed chairman. A writer and broadcaster, Mrs. Bird is known profes- sionally as Anne Francis. Things have been quiet on > that front since, except that in November one of the two ing personal reasons, Donald Gordon of Waterloo Univer- sity pulled out, leaving Jac- ques Henripin of the Univer- sity of Montreal as the only man on the six-member com- mission, More is likely to be heard from the commission in 1968. Deadline for briefs is Feb. 29, A more spectacular begiri- ning was made Oct. 3 in the Commons health committee Author of one proposed bill, Grace MacInnis, NDP mem- started proceedings in an at- tention-getting manner. She told committee members abortion could be a factor in producing a '"'quality popula- proposed bill contained no such suggestion. | REPORT IN NEW YEAR In December the committee presented an interim report recommending that abortions be permitted '"'where a preg- nancy will seriously endanger the life or health of the moth- =; er."' This proposal was incor- porated in a bill, introduced in the Commons, amending the Criminal Code. Another social reform got part way through the process tracting much attention. A bill amending the Criminal Code to make distribution of birth control information and mate- rial legal has been approved in principle by the Senate but is yet to go before the Com- ANNE FRANCIS sumer and corporate affairs. Its job is to look out for the nterests of the purchaser. FEW WOMEN ELECTED In the political arena itself, | women fared poorly. In five | provincial elections, only three women won seats, Mar- garet joined Progressive Conserva- tive Ada Pritchard in the On- | Renwick of the NDP tario legislature, but 15 other women were defeated in Ontario voting. Mrs. Renwick and her husband James are now the country's only hus- JUDY LA MARSH CHARLOTTE WHITTON Women's Progressive Conser- vative Association, in October became the first woman elect- ed to that province's legisla- ture. During the party's national leadership convention in Toronto in September, Mary Sawka became the first woman to run for the top post, Mrs. Sawka, who operates a film company. in Toronto, got two votes. State Secretary Judy La- Marsh became the centre of a storm late in the year when she said in a TV interview there is rotten management in the CBC. Despite considerable pressure she declined to turn over to the CBC the facts on which her charge was based. WON'T RUN AGAIN Miss LaMarsh also made news in April when she said she does not intend to run in. the next election. Another familiar political figure, Charlotte Whitton, was in the news. She was forced to resign as Ottawa alderman after launching a civil legal action against the 'tity, a situ- ation that was described by the Ontario Supreme Court as conflict of interest. Miss Whitton ran in a Dec. 16 byelection for the seat and won over three Opponents, then scolded for wasting taxpayer: by preventing her elec acclamation» Less well-known politicians achieved what was probably a first at the municipal level. In Tweed, Ont., a town of 2,000 near Belleville, the two male members of the five-member council resigned in mid-Sep- tember and were rep] by women, That made it an all- woman council for three months until one lost her seat in a December election. | | | | | | mons ee legislature combi- | j SHE a Ser nation. | A bill that obviously will af- Brenda Robertson, presi- | fect as many men as women 74 CELINA STREET FOR THE FINEST "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store" Custom and Ready Made DRAPES eB vied latest Shades and + see . Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 ------ Knox, Mrs. Winston Stevenson,|G_° Doherty, |Miss Shirley Know, Dixon Ben- pee fhooa, all of Toronto; Mr. and| Toronto guests that attended) Mr, and Mrs. Harry Middle- Mrs, Robert Knox, Mr, and Mrs.|the Contway - Marks wedding|ton, Grierson Street, had as John Poch, Miss Bonnie Pache, last evening were, Miss Marg-|their guests for Christmas their let that happen. To be a great country, Canada must be one country and I feel sure it will dent of the New Brunswick © er who sent me the poem which suggests itself as a na- tional anthem. "Let other tongues in other is the one to broaden grounds | for divorce, now confined pret- ty well to adultery. Marriage breakdown is the major new Se ~ - TV Ltd. aft, SHOULD BE. From lands ie a nin a oggas oe Probie aret Wright, Miss Gertrude Con-|Son a Were a ad element but of special interest I ewfoundland to the big sky i i ee ' * |tway, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sewais,|@"¢ Mrs. Lynn } 'he| (© Women are such new ¢ 723-5278 country of the open west, Can- oT sgdilhccced exch Miss Beverley A. Gibson,|Mr. and Mrs. P. Roberts, Me, | family of Bropklin, for 'he! grounds as wilful non-support, 1967-1968 < ada should surge into its sec- And hi ; |Guelph University, is spending|and Mrs. F. Welch, Mr. andjyuletide season, Mrs. Mid-| cruelty and conviction for sex ond century with pride, pros- And chant in triumph of 'the line holidhvs with her mother|Mrs. F. Boland, His Honor|@eton's sister, Mrs, Willis Craig} offences. The new law also perity and plenty to cheer Past ' ofp : Charles Henry and Mrs,/and Mr. Craig and family from) gives women equality of domi- | Mrs. F -e Gibson, Gladstone] Judge foe pialle z | Aveane ene "ibson, Gladstone tenry, Miss Madelene McCabe,| Norwood, Ontario. | |Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dunn, Mr.| 4 player with d ' Howard McGahey, Laval Uni-|and Mrs. John Rogers, Mr. and/.- t| she lives in. | i is| .|Generals, Joe Robertson, spen ' hee |versity, Montreal, Quebec, is|Mrs. W: S. Tomeson, Fran kK! Christmas with his sister at; Another bit of legislation of home for the holidays with his} Smith, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Horn-| betawawa and is going home to| Concern to the woman in her | cile so that a woman may sue Content to live in story. the Oshawa! f0F divorce in' the province Though boasting no baron- ial halls Nor ivy - crested towers What past can match the about. Prairie granaries hold the richest wheat crop in the nation's history. In Manitoba, the stillness of the wilderness is shattered by the hissing } h parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A./er, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Parke,|, ;- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rich-| Tole as shopper brought into and hammering of the world's glorious yout McGahey, Grierson Avenue,|Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cartan, Mr.|2"4 'Robertson of Windsor, Noval being a department of con- largest nickel mine and smel- Fair Canada of ours." | Oshawa. and Mrs. R. P. Gough, Mr. and) cnotia re the New Year week- ter. A $230 million processing Thus ends the journal for | M 4 Mrs. T Vail of Mrs. F. C. Dehahey, Mr. and andl plant in Alberta will soon be- Gentennial Year, 1967 ee anes Af holite * Bs Mrs. G. Neill, Thomas MacDon-| ©" S r gin tapping Athabasca's tar shat : ttawa were the holiday guests) ney), Mr, and Mrs. J. Will, Mrs.| Mrs. Stanley Z. Zverina will eason § sands, - an: oozing black oil- jof her Se ae Shea J. Will, Mr. and Mrs. John speak on and demonstrate the i i j man an ws ss erhtenad Bt th, Mr. and Mrs. P. Car-!ar ° petroleum se'ail'the worlds | BE Alert To Danger|rerry Vail's member of thelmeear Wat uals; Pioar art of copper enameling| §6©6Greetings | proven reserves. At Ester- . : Canadian National Hockey team) Richard Crosby, Mr. and Mrs.|ciyp and Women's Art Associa-| | hazy, Saskatchewan, a new And Risk Of Fire [has just returned from Europe.|p. 'wiley, Mr. and Mrs: J. Ser-ltion at its next meeting Jan. | : $60 million International Min- Bernard O'Brien, "Jr., is home| Vis, Miss Anne Servais, Bruce| yary 8. when Mrs. Lucas Pea-| . ".) of everything erals and Chemicals Corpora- At New Year Party from Guelph University, spend-|Keenan, Mrs. Anne | Webber, ogck will also show slides tak- aN ; | coming year? Planning a party guest list?/ing the holidays with his par- Pied ee dg oad puree oe en at the Parkwood tea last i i (| Don't Be Tempted Don't invite fire! This is the|ents Mr. and Mrs. Bernard i hat Me Be rity aR summer. | CS : ; Car icin thee Brien, Melrose Street. |The Reverend L. McGough, vr Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fog te 7" '| i j : a ,|. The Reverend William Comer-|Reverend William O'Brien andjand daughters, Susan, Peggy, | MALE Sa right with a grate- To Leave Children ot Raggi ae ford of Charlottetown, Prince|Monseigneur A. Barnett. {Nancy and Joanne of Woodville, | \ = | ands and stomers. . : P y F . "8 | edward Island, will be spend-| Ontario spent Christmas with} : Without A Sitter over 'small children. Keep cig- ing New Year's with his par-|, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce.|\s¢ Titlico's parents, Mr. and] 4 . ee cing ig ani en oe ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stariley Com-| Adelaide Avenue West, have asiys.<' James Charters, and son| | ar! The cheery gatherings as60-| 05, 'cheer open the door to fire|ertord, Burk Street. be Buests their daughter, Mrs./pi athol Street, Whitby | | ciated with this holiday season, /Wren A. Blair, Mr. Blair, Dan-} danger! d Jill of Edina, Minne- : may pose a deadly threat to the A | Miss Elizabeth Ruiter hasjny and Jill of Edina, Minn 5 } lives of small children, Fire| A Teliable baby sitter is the|peen home from Ottawa tolsota, Visiting for Christmas HOUSEHOLD HINT Chief E. R. Stacey warns mee oye ist ce spend a week with her parents,/were other members of the) To keep sink drains free | "Many activities at this time a ; ve Mr. and Mrs. William Ruiter,/family: Mr. and Mrs. Laurie/fowing, cover the drain open-| Wey 1568 bins den } Staff of of year may tempt parents t0|friends Never leave childven| Fisher Street. Barkwell, Coboconk; Mr. andling with baking soda and pourl} 4 world of hoppnesa : leave small children unat-/unattended at any time, and| Miss Linda MacRae, who is fb pel TP aaa) ze and vinegar over the soda | | ' tended. Even though the inten-/h. sure the baby sitter knows|teaching at Ridgeway Colleg-|1y,." Robert qaclac: Ae aud ; LTD ' tion may be to 'slip out' for only|the correct action to take if jate, Ridgeway, Ontario and/Mrs' Douglas Pearce, Mr anal us or | ; i sade may be needed to turn a| ie should strike Carl MacRae, a student at West-\nirs' Gerald Pearce, and their bid t onds may be needed to turn a) Tr fire should strike, first get|ern University, London, Ontario,|7®:,,¢ haw Money e Dry Goods & Draperies AD . happy holiday into family) every, 4 families, all of Oshawa. _ everyone out of the house. Then|are spending the holiday sea; belgs san sae) Vel GRA MAIN AA A 74 Caline $¢., Osh tragedy. Trees, wrapping paper}-ai| 'the fire department. Al-|son with their parents, Mr. and) Among those who have ré-|Marvel graduate is only a start. Send elina St., Oshawa t and decorations bring an in-|ways remember that the first|/Mrs. Atwood MacRae, Lloydlserved tables for parties plan-/for our free brochure which describes en oe stant care ia exercised," saya| ut qiiite event of fire Is get|West, Oshawa, ning to attend the gala New|2ppcritniter you con sey ae «Mat 2 stant care ' out safely! oy lYear's Eve party under thelvel - trained professional hairstylist 9 the Chief. : | --, i sag So _ Te-| auspices of the Oshawa Gener-| Wii's or visit tT chet pints ou tat ga room coca ie t Jotm, New Rome AUS stow ee MARE BEAUTY SCHOOL » minal Code of Canada fl es rsd aha "lousel Inn are Dr. and Mrs.| | LIDAY : bids such negligence which may thsp. ier ge ah aire be a vpn het go Charles Mcllveen, Dr. and Mrs. Bay Gr aveting boutnee Granite tr] endenger the life or health offs tsp. lemon. juicd family Quebec Stace *4|william Shaw, Dr. and Mrs.|sil prinelpel ets. Esteblished over 40 s any "ies de _ age . % cup ketchup da : |Peter Zakarow, Mr. and Mrs.| ie years e further remi! oy ETING * parents that under certain con- ee Gs wee as a Hg ag oe The stroke of midnight is S (gnited by a single match to| CUP low-calorie salad drees-| wedding tact evening, included, WHY WE | four and a half hours leng DY 4 p ng Mr. rs. H. ' ef burn furiously. Trees should bel cups mixed cooked seafood,| Whitby: Mr. and Mrs. V. Brai- | in Ganada. ' bought green, and kept with)" (shrimps, lobster, crab,|ney, West Hill; Miss Deidre po NOT SELL y hope the N ; paged Pigg ahi pres rian Sip chicken or haddie) "| Doran, Lancaster; Mrs. Joseph | " e New water during their stay 1 or 9 ines: i : | Popping up will ¢ home. : beirate te first six ingredi- mae aad Miss K Belly, bork A ROOM FULL The New Year will move in slowly } is @ "Enjoy this happy season," /ents and toss with the mixed|/of London, Ontario; Mr. and OF FURNITURE! across our country, from Newfoundland | with sparkling A he says, "but make sure that|/seafood, which has been picked| Mrs. J. Sargeant, Fort William; to British Col bia. } you and your New Year cheer ig ~ ae over, freed of any bone, and Legg eb £ og ig Lay a careless attitude to fire/shredded. Line six comports| er, Ontario; Miss Donna Ridout, : 'ustomers deserve risks." with crisp lettuce, Pile mixture Did you know that you can | tn @ land so broad, 50 diverse, 50 full of in centre. Sprinkle with have better furniture, that dl ede at ser ic ts promise, let us strive to tackle our prob- : ing. imishing, s |, Ol :. Hy -- nail it desired.) QSHAWA TIMES looks better, lasts longer, Cudew. Wied siesta. on | lams with an understanding and a deter- (Serves 6). PICTU E and actually costs less over RESTWELL. For samples and free mination as big as the country itself. ag Sa R the years by letting our estimates, experience and training 723-5461 We may then, ourselves, match the "s CAREER SCHOOL RE-PRINTS help you properly select ' y es OF HAIRDRESSING 20% Discount on Orders your home furnishings. We oe: _aecerereresion ° staff wil greatness of the land in which we live, ~ 2 - a3 @rrange an eppointment at your wu Of 5 or More Pictures enjoy doing it, you will too! convenience. : } ng Are pleased to' announce the Call te-doy, it will be our pleasure | 3} opening of a New Branch in Available et ts Siva teu F : 8-08 . P= i a i ee || NU-WAY PHOTO | HENRY BIRKS AND'SONS LIMITED | y on vening asses are T ee taki intments, £ ll D. WIFE PRESERVER | cS || SERVIOE Botty Haydl (o. Ltd. \ Kestwe | by Tempt children's breakfast 251 King St. &., Oshewe o appetites by sprinkling hot] 145 KING ST. WEST -- Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings | -- UPHOLSTERING CO. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | & cereal with colored sugar (left- 58 8 x 10--1.50 each 9, g i : ; i Gee P h, al over from Christmas baking) "| 576 35 5 x 7--1.25 each 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 | eterborough, Ont j SELENE NET crushed hard gandy. A ".\ \ 4 r . ;

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