Results 20---Real Estate for Sale Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD, REALTOR 40 King St. E. STOP DREAMING Of having a steady income -- we have just listed ¢ modern 5-plex of 2 bed. room apartments in top rento! location, Complete with pay- ed parking, stoves ond fridg- es, washer ond dryer, and your home could be the down payment, shown by appoint. ment only. 10 ACRES In the town of Bowmanville on main traffic route, with creek running through the property, terrific potential for development. $19,900. Immediate possession aycil. able for this spotless 3 be room home with attached gorage in new condition. |n. cluding refinished floor, on beoutiful north end lot 67 x 158 feet. This hos to be the best buy in Oshawa, | spect at your convenience, INCOME HOME 2 family dwelling on Oshowe Bivd., spotless from top to bottom. Private drive garage, an idea! investrne ot $15,900 OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 John Howson 725-9152 Joe Maga 725-9191 Mark Tomine 723-1206 Roy Yeo 725-2217 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B We list exclusive & MLS, JAX - SOUTHWOOD | "Park. 82 ight months old, yw, built-in range and oven. Car, aN H.A. carries for $131 monthly. "4 700 DOWN, $10,900. Brick, semi, é ily 2 kitchens, gas, heat. Toronte 13-7136 LARGE BEDROOMS with walkin losets, nd a huge dining owntown, vl oak stairway. All this and priceg nder $20,000. Call 723-5286, Guide Realty Imited 2--Lots f for r Sale ESIDENTIAL buliding tot lot on "Rossland load East with 62' frontage. Only $7,500, all yee Johnston, 728-1066, Schofield 13--Real Estate Wanted _ $23.7: three bedroom me large living room with fireplace room. Close to all chools and within walking distence of Centre hall pien with beaut. SELL | SELL ! Sek) We have customers wanting to buy residential and com- mercial properties in this oreo with substantial amounts of cash, Call: H. Keith Ltd. Realtor 576-0330 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent Immediate Occupancy Casa Manana 230 Nipigon St. Best rental value in the heart of town. impressive lobbies. Modern spacious sultes. Large balconies. Hi-Fi music in every suite. Lots of closet space. Free parking This Is your chance ACT NOW Call MRS. WERNER 25-0657 Weekdays 12-9 P.M, Set. & Sun, 12-6 P.M. or efter hours 1-625-1759 Move to Mala Glen Courts 835 Oxford St Building for comfortable |iv- ng, within walking distance of South GM plant. Controlled entrance doors Modern spacious suites Large baico Hi-Fi music ir Lots of closet Free parking Hydro included Extra powder and 3 every suite space room In 2 bedroom suites Call Today Mrs, Werner 725-0657 ai eeiscys 12-9 Sat. & S Controlled entrance door. FURNISHED housekeeping NOW RENTING More and more of Oshawa's nicest people are enjoying reasonobie rents at the ZZ<FrMNNODW WSnD> YAZMZADY VY PHONE 728- 9724 | © YOU want to sell your home? We ave Toronto purchasers with substan al down payments, looking for proper es In the Oshawa and Port Per rea, Please call pehione Tripp et 06. J. J. Lambert Real 10 Donway' West, Don Mills. | the Toronto Real Estate Board Choose an apartment with Cable TV Estate Ltd, Member HAVE A puyer with $4,000 cash for pwn paymi on older home. Please ent all ware Johnston, 728-1066, Schofield ker Ltd 4--Stores, Offices, Storage HREE PANELLED offices, $00 square et, store room adjoining, 1,000 square et. Simcoe South ares, Telephone 7a 62. 5--Houses for Rent AUNTON ROAD and $) rand new jonthly, pay own heat, ater, 723-0575 anytime. ERY COZY seven room brick home, n_with fireplace, three bedrooms, lots central, cupboards, garage, ol! heat, 35 monthly. 725: 2539. EWCASTLE, o one | m ven-room farm a ter 5 p.m., 987-4651 NO STOREY, ny house, dec beg ated throughout, oll heated, rd, cupboards in kitchen and porch, 0. Apply 121 Stacey Avenue. 9 JARVIS, $100 monthly, ie 2 kitchens, gas, heat, Toronto 63> moos Street, six-room plit-level, $160. hydre and Oshawa Rental Agency Superb apartment accommo. dation in all parts of Oshawa. VALIANT DEVELOPMENTS LTD. "CALL" 725-9934 -- 728-4283 723-6022 Regency Towers PREMIER 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. ica ee ent lab TWO ROOM apartment for rent. Fur-| Wace or unfurnished, cloge to bus and| shopping plaza, Gentleman oni |phone 66 668-3734 4:30, las |27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 | jEARes ROOM, very central, $8 weekly. Telephone 723-5: AVAILABLE NOW, furnished rooms or| partly furnished apartments for one or two reliable people. Cent 1 poe sone ral. Anytime, FURNISHED 1 ROOM, and ~bedaiting | jroom, kitchen privileges, in quiet home, | |sultable for ladies, five minute walk | from hospital, garage space jafter 5:30 723-2481. FURNISHED ROOM to let near south| ob alee Motors plant. Telephone 728-| FURNISHED SINGLE room for Close to south General Motors. phone 728-0467, | | | | | perking,| Telephone | rent. tae room cl all utilities, cloge to GM and hospital.| Apply 313 French Street or telephone | 468 28--Room and Board | ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen,| unches. packed. 6 day week. Parking. | Teleph hone n+ 9843. LARGE warm room, lunches packed, parking, Stop, gentleman. 728-4845, CLEAN ROOMS for reni, near north plant, General Motors. Apply 289 Arthur Street or telephone 725-9403. NEWLY DECORATED furnished, Tight | housekeeping room, private good = meals,| close to bus entrance. | Within walking distance of Oshawa Shop | ping Centre. Telephone 728- 3690, 29--Wanted to Rent _----| DESPERATELY{NEEDED for rellabi family 4 bedr6om home in Oshawa. Husband employed by Ontarlo Hydro} Nuclear Plant); Will pay up to $150. Write box 79146 Oshawa Times. FAMILY WOULD like to share home with elderly person, or Icok after home| as part payment on rent or will look after apartment building. (3 bedrooms). | Write Box 79147 Oshawa Times. | 30--Automob iles for ; Sole | Only $10 Down on the car of your choice, with up to 48 months to re- pay at Morley Stalker MOTORS 13% King West 723-6322 -- 723-8311 NICOLS MOTORS Ltd. | Your headquarters for American -- Rebel | Ambassador -- Javelin | WHITBY -- 668-3331 GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED R.R. No. 3, Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 '67 BISCAYNE, power steering, power brakes, V-8 automatic, radio. Six white wall tires, two snows. First owner. 15,- 000 miles $2,250 or best offer. 726-3037. 1966 AMERICAN Rambler with radio. Excellent condition. $1,500. Owner leav- ng for Europe. Box 79023, Oshawa es. CHEVROLET, sedan, 6 automatic, jnew tires, excellent condition, 61,000 jmiles, $325. also snow tires. 728-1195. 1963 CHEVROLET, four door sedan, six standard, low milage, good condition. Telephone 723-1385 anytime. 39 CHE standard, 61 V8 bored | '59 CHEV. tudor, jcam and sollds chrome. Best offer. [8490 after 5. | Bloor Street East. 723-2281. |36--Legal IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF MARION GRASS AND FRANK GRASS, TRADING AS CEDARS NUR- SING HOME, IN THE VIL- LAGE OF COLUMBUS, IN THE PROVINCE OF ONT- ARIO. Notice is hereby given that Marion Grass and Frank Grass, trading as Cedars Nursing Home, filed a pro- posal on the 14th day of October, 1960, with the Official Receiver in Toronto, Ontario, The proposal was vacated and set aside by Court order on the 14th day of December, 1967, and the Court further ordered that the said debtors were deemed to have made an assignment in bankruptcy on the 14th day of December, 1967, under Section 36 of the Bankruptcy Act. A meeting of creditors of the above bankrupts will be held on the 8th day of January, 1968, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon in the Alexander Room, West- bury Hotel, 4759 Yonge Street, in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario. Dated at Toronto this 27th day of December, 1967. Samuel B. Rose, C.A., Trustee, c/o Rose and Harrison Chartered Accountants 18 Grenville Street, Toronto 5, Ontario + NOTICE OF APPLICATION To Change Name IN THE MATTER OF The Change of Name Act, Revis- ed Statutes of Ontario, 1960. AND IN THE MATTER OF and application by Hubert Laveron Montgomery to Hu- bert Laveron Bauder; Mar- ina Gale - Montgomery to Marina Gale Bauder; Wayne Montgomery to Wayne Bau- der; Terry Montgomery to Terry Bauder; Linda Mont- gomery to Linda Bauder; Sandra Montgomery to Sand- ra Bauder, TAKE NOTICE that on the Ist day of February, 1968, at the Court House, Whitby, On- tario, an application will be made to the Presiding Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario for an Order changing the name of: Hubert Laveron Mongom- ery, Marina Gale Montgom- ery Wayne Montgomery, Terry. Montgomery, Linda Montgomery and Sandra Montgomery all of 8 Kil- mours Avenue, Oshawa, On- tario. To: Hubert Loveron Bauder, Marina Gale Bauder, Wayne Bauder, Terry Baudre, Lindd Bauder and Sandra Bauder, AND TAKE NOTICE that ony person objecting to said opplication may appear at the aforementioned hearing and be heard DATED AT OSHAWA, this 13th day of December, 1967, JAMES A, MacDONALD Barrister & Solicitor, 286 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for the Appli cont i, ROBERT B. COCKBURN, of 109 Nas- 72$-|sau Street, Oshawa, will not be Haag | sible for amy debts contracted name by anyone, on or after 'his date, land son-in-law Fred, ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, redl-lnecember 29, 1967, without my written | jators, spindles for trallers, springs, 50?| ansent, (signed) -- Robert |1934 DODGE, four-door sedan Rcoyp hoy }1962 Morris 1000, good ond car, 1966 Corvair Monza Tastee: |hardtop, automatic, radio, new studded |gnow tires, 723-5814 25 cash or best |e "OLDSMOBILE, | offer, Telephone 728-2711 oe DODGE coach, motor and body In good condition. Reasonable, Apply 235 jEvlalie Avenue cdl call 728-1773. |31--Compact Cars for Sale! --~ | %& Volvo and Peugot | | * Mercedes Benz | | General Repair and Auto-Electric Service st, on Hwy. & Please phone 4 = roomt, Free hydro, porking, drapes stove, fridge 725-2227 REGENT ARMS Two bedroorn apartments. Quiet building, adults: only. ofter 6 p.m. 723-6944 or 723-6455 TTRACTIVE HOME for small family. ewiy decorated, broadioom, alr cond! ning, double garage. ssion. For inspection telephone 725-380, al OUSE FOR RENT, 4 rooms 4 rooms, Ichen, garage. Apply 149 Wilson Re NO-BEDROOM older home for rent, rge yard, reasonable rent to s reliable uple or couple with one child. Tele one 72 725-4659, . Two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, th, garage, TV. antenna, Avaliable Jan ry 8. Telephone 728-0429. 'and bath, USE FOR RENT, 6 rooms 17 Simcoe Street North, Avalon his ry 1. Telephone Omemee 799-539! 6--Apartments for Rent FANTASTIC THIS MONTH ONLY Tower On The Green 2, and 3 bedrooms 1140 MARY ST. tot Nonquon Rd.) near everything, children welcomed, all modern facilie ties for your pleasure, Telephone 723-3037 576-3802 |E-BEDROOM apartment. Apply land Avenue, Apartment 103 or tele ane 576-0668 LO ae VE ROOM apariment, close to Get | Motors, downtown and schools allable January i. Telephone Paid Immediate poe ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS 723-5111 380 GIBB STREET GRENFELL SQUARE ONE - BEDROOM apartment and bach- elor apartment, near erences. Telephone 728-2681. hospital. Ref-| GEORGIAN MANSIONS, bali Flat ve art. Park Road North, 1-2-3 - Harry O. Perry, m3 308 ments. CLEAN apartment. entrance, frigerator. second floor, Unfurnished, private television outlet, stove, Motors, bus, downtown. 723-8466. one - Lggubsull ront re| Cor Dealer and "Save", Parking, convenient location close to hospital, schools, north Genera | 449 Ritson Rd, South | 728-0921 | |. Jake and Bill's Garage i Oshawa | ZOLTAN rand NICK'S | Authorized Datsun Dealer Repair and Service 160 SIMCOE S. |____ 728-0051 1968 "VAUXHALL Viva, In (900d eondl- condl- tion, $400.. Telephone 728-3833 after § p.m. 32--Trucks for Sale | 1961 GMC I\4-ton Stake, new motor end tires, duals, excellent condition. Tele phone 728-0196. |33--Automobiles Wanted | CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New TED CAMPIN MOTORS THREE - BEDROOM apartment, second | near| |WANTED, cars and trucks for wrecking. Refer-/i5 charge for towing. Best prices pald. floor, private entrance and bath, hospitel. Immediate possession. ences. Telephone 728-2681. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 |Telephone 728-4549 anytime. -- Robert IN WHITBY, two - bedroom apartment, drapes rit glans stove, loom refrigerator, Included. Telephone 668-54! | Nicols. SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals WHITBY -- ray, Rabel Free 'ope: ery rivate |» Con venient location. $11 monthly, Telephone| 34---Automobile Repair 2. 3 basement BASEMENT APARTMENT, three plece bath, one or two aduits, furnished, consists of bedsitting room, kitchen and abstainers only, sult teleprone 263-2966. bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. FRED STONE | Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. E. ONE rtmen drapes, stove, Fae tisdid February 1. Also four private entrance, now. Also larger, ment on second floor, $80. monthly. 2900. THREE-BEDROOM modern apartment, unfurnished, In new Shopping Centre, Available now. Apply $74 Cartier upstairs, heated, duplex, close to Oshawa Ave. DUPLEX -- off Hillcroft, large refrigerator, parking. Adults only. 3026, " Available bedre apart- ment. Available now. Telephone 728-2256. WHITBY -- Small ground floor apart- ment, three rooms, unfurnished, heated, $60. monthly. Vacant one-bedroom att Iving room, bedroom, kitchen, dinette, ahs Automotive Machine Shop | REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND ENGINE PARTS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St, N., 728- 7339. Transmissions are Our Only Business--Repajrs, Ad- justments, . Exchanges. All work guaranteed. LARGE ONE bedroom apartment on Ra- vine Road, Modern buliding, stove, re- 35--Lost and Found trigerator, completely redecorated. Avall- Telephone 723-8296 af- able January Ist. ter 6 p.m. eerie AY PURNISHED TWO room apartmen drapes, hest end hydro Inciuded. Ava! abie Immediately. Apply 106 Sivest, Oshawa, Agnes|Persian kitten lost . erea, Telephone 728-61 LOST -- male, grey and } white cat, part persian, Braemor Garden area, answers to Smokey. Telephone 723-4170. LOST -- Three-month-old gray and white KINSMEN BINGO. 52 - 50 2 -- $200 JACKPOTS |One Must Go PLUS PLUS $10 PER LINE Both Games $25 Consolation $150 Jackpot Game 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20 Last 5 Games $30 Per Game Early Bird 7:15 Sharp $25 full card Guaranteed $5 a line TUESDAY Admission 50c COLMER TOURS FLORIDA March 14th -- April 7th PERSONALLY ESCORTED NO NIGHT DRIVING For reservation and complete INFORMATION Telephone 623-3265 or write COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Orchard View Blvd. BOWMANVILLE year, Mr, Wm. Diotte, of Ontario, also Dalkeitn, brothers and five sisters. Roy Goodfellow Funeral Home, . Interment Saturday at 11 @.m.) Cabe, dear father of Roger Jr., Yvon Paul, Maurice, Jerome, Mary-Ellen and son of Mrs. pe ga seven at the lestport, from St, Edward's Church, BEACH -- Walt and Miriam Kosten, Thanks to Drs. and fourth floor staff. BINGHAM -- Jack and Norma of a daughter on November 29, at Plummer Memortal Hospital, Marie, Sara. (nee) Skea) are happy to announce the birth| Suddenly -at memorial Hospital on Fri-| the|day, December 29, 1967, Sault Ste.| Bowmanville, beloved husband of Velma! Ont. A sister for John, Mary and | Swanson. Resting at the Northcutt Elliott! DIOTTE, Roger LYLE, Floreiie Y on * 2, Ate See on iae, Hosritel, en Bet- 1967, at Westport, Ontarlo, in his 43rd/d r 2, dant Mb she) Coste beloved husband of Therese Mc- beloved wife of the late Frederick ve (formerly of My' Ontario), In 89th year. Resting at the Robinson neral Chapel, Brooklin. Service in chapel on Tuesday, January 2, at 2 Albert. Visitors will be received et chapel on Sunday en from 74 p.m. | | MacDONALD, Florence WN, |Passed Into God's graciou: pre the Oshawa General Hosp! illness, Florence N, Jack: lington St. N., wicodetock, Friends will be received at (Mac) Smith Funeral lington St. N., Woodstock, funeraj service will where |Donationg to The Heart Foundation | suggested, SUTTON, Harry Home. funeral service Monday afternoon, St. Interment Bowmanvilie | Funeral } o'clock, | Church. |Rankin) wish to announce the birth of|day afternoon.) | RYERSB -- Dovgies end Carle ere! of al 10 ox8.,| at Oshawa! Linda,| thanks to Dr. | Their | With which we'll never part, Karen Elizabeth, 6 Ibs., 10% ozs., ony |December 28, 1967. A sister for John | Michael Thanks to Dr, Beckett. happy to announce the arrival daughter, Rebecca Jane, § ibs, on Wednesday, December 27, General Hospital. .A David and Pau!. Specia Miller and fourth floor staff sister for IN MEMORIAM DAVIDSON -- In loving memory of # BEAVIS -- In dear mother, Violet away January 1, luary 22, 1956. memory {sour | God has them In His keeping }--Lovingly | | | And never part again |--Ever remembered by husband Archi bald Black BLACK -- In loving memory of moth 6. Cockburn. | 38------Coming Events We have them in our hearts remembered by Emily and Violet, Rusty, grandchildren children. BLACK -- in loving memory ef e@ dear Isabella Black, who passed ewey | a4 wife, January 1, 1962, | Some day we hope to meet. you, Some day, we know not when We shall meet in a better land er, Isabella Biack, who pessed Januery 1, 1962. ° happy hour s we et enjoyed 4ow sweet their memor B it death has left a | The world can never fill. --Remembered by son John, ess John and James. BLACK -- In loving memory of e dear Isabella New Year's and grandmother, Mrs. passed away mother Black, who |Day, 1962. Dear mother, | Since you went away, But we always think of you Each day when we pray. j}--Ever In our memory, son |Black, jend granddaughter loving memory of 8 Louise, who passed|dear husband, Russel 1942, and a dear father. jJames G. Beavis, who passed away i | keepsahe | | daughters! sons-In-law Bob and end great-grand:| away daughter in-law Vivienne and grandchildren Joan, six years have passed Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Place id Monday evenings on day, December 28, 1967, aiver a wnat of 25 Snare M. D. heres 49 «(Wel- be held on ~gh (nee|day, December 30, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. RN) are delighted to announce|terment In the Oshawa Union Pe iottel| the arrival of our first born, David Ed-|TUesday, January 2, 1968, at 11:00 a.m. | ward, 7 Ibs. 3 ozs., December 26, 1967.|Floral tributes are gratefully declined, Beckett, Ross, Sanderson Harry Sutton of John's | Ceme | CLARKE -- Roy and Barbara (nee|fery (Masonic service 3:30 o'clock Sun her Fu- Ming et urs- are) 1: STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Declers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E., 668-355 | Whitby .Ont 2 who passed @ |December 31, . 1964. My heart aches with sadness, And secret fears stil! flow. What it meant to lose you No one will ever know When | am sad and lonely, And everything goes wrong ! seem to hear you whisper "Cheer up and carry on Each time | see your picture, You seem to smile and say Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, We'll meet again some day." wife Lilils DAVIES -- In loving memory of dear husband, Arthur Davies @d_away New Year's Eve, 1964. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf, --Missed by wife Edith lara May Drew, December 31, 1966 with passed away We treasure still Beautiful memories of one so deer. --Sadly missed by daughters Helen Ham and Joseph husband end Eunice, sons JOHNSTONE -- In dear husband and father stone, Who passed away 1959. ; Peter J December We cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see, But all's well that's done by Thee. --Ever remembered by son Jack, daugh- Robert ter-in-law lrene end grandsons Robert 8. and Ronald. daughter-in-law Gerry, grandsons | =Lovingly rei adit tag and sedly miss. who pass-) ing memory of @ dear love sincere Hiram, loving memory of way my wha WH john. 3, JOHNSTONE --in loving memory | @ dear husband and father who peieea| | BROWN -- In loving memory of Mom|away December 30, 1959. land Dad, at New Year's; Ethel Brown,| Gone from us but leaving memeries who passed away April 29, 26, 1966. | Treasure them Lord, In your garden of/--Ever remembered by wite LI | rest, 1950 an: Ernest Brown, who passed away October | nd| Death can never take away, Memories that will alway: While upon this earh we stay. jter Lily and son-in-law John. | For while on earth they were two of | _ the best |--Always remembered, Al and Polly. | COCKERTON -- In loving memory |dad, who passed awey December 30, land mother, 27, 1948, There is a day of sunny rest | For every dark-and trewbled night, And grief may bide an evening font |°"° sons-In-law But joy shall come with morning | JOHNSON -- in loving memory |dear husband and father, Frank E. gs' who passed away January 1, weary. hours and days of pain His eat | Hig {rounied nights are past, who passed away January; And In our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last. |--Sadly missed by wife Cillian, |ters Loraine Joyce, my|--Ever remembered by daughter Nellie | | A daugh- | fy Rd Mer, daugh-| grendchlidren LING -- In loving memory of @ pond |husband and father, Harold J. Ling, who |passed away December 30, 1964. COCKERTON -- In loving memory of! Too dearly loved to ever be for: @ Dad and Mother, who passed eway |--Always remembered by wife December 30, 1947 and senders 27, 1948./and son B Those we love we never lose, For always they will be Loved, remembered, treasured, LIN@ -- In loving memory Always In our memory. --Fondly remembered by daughter Elize law George, grandchil-| |beth, son-- In - dren Vivian and Garry. e brother, Harold, who pessed away cember 30, 1964. Gone forever, forgotten and tamily COCKERTON -- In loving memory of ls dear father who passed sway Decem- who passed | dear |who pagsed away December 31, 1949. resting ef last, ber 30, 1947 and mother away January 27, 1948, | 4 recall sad memories Of my dear ones gone to | Is the one that loved them |--Ever remembered by son Bill. COCKERTON -- in loving memory of &!--Lovingly remer And the one who thinks oh Them today PURDIE ~ mother, Margaret Cross Peacefully sleeping, 'i, 5 ne --Lovingly remembered by Jack, Mona loving memory of @ Purdie, | The world's weary troubles and trials are past, | tn silence she suHered, In patience bore Till God called her more vbered by Lily |dear father, Alfred Cockerton, who pass-/and Flore jed_ away December 30, 1947. | They say time heals all sorrows, And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet God gave us strength to fight lt, And courage to bear the blow, But what If meant to lose you, No one will ever know |--Sadly missed by daughter Dolly, son- |In-law George, grandchildren and great- grandchildren. COCKERTON -- 8 dear father and grandfather, In loving memory ofjdear sister, Alfred |this ilfe December 31, 1965. SANDERS--In loving she home to suffer bid | Jack of Mom and Dad et New Year's; Ethel Sanders, | who passed away September 5, 1965 Norman Sanders, who passed sway cember 1, 1967. | May they find In God's garden, ipeley? and De-| | bewutitul The loys they missed slong life's way. ly. remembered, A! and Poll TUTTON -- In loving memory of |Cockerton, who passed eway December|--The Lymer Family. |30, 1947, | Sometimes It's hard to understand Why some things have to be, Beyond our powers to see Without farewell he left us ail. To be with us in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today. |_weui missed and ever remembered by| law dear sister, tdaughters Elsie, Dorothy, son = in - ~~ | Jimmy and grandson Dennis. | DAVIDSON -- In loving memory of 8) Russell | who passed away Deconiers 5 jdear father and grandfather, | Davidson, 131, 1964 } Deep in our hearts tles @ picture Of a loved one, laid to rest, Because he was one of the best. In-law Joyce, Janice, But In His wisdom God has planned A day of remembrance, sadly recalled, | In memory's frame we shell keep h,| grandchildren Ron end) TUTTON -- |dear sister, away two years ago December Always remembered, the in loving memory of TUTTON -- jn loving memory of Mary, who passed away cember 31, 1965. So many heartaches, so many silent! tears, Sut siways @ besutitul memory, Of the one we loved go dear. Al, Allan and Nell. TUTTON -- In loving memory of @ |dear mother, Mary Duilcia Tutton, --Sadly missed by son Lioyd, daughter- |passed away December 31, 1945. The depths of sorrow we cannot fell, @ loss of one we loved so well, of And While. she sleeps @ peaceful sieep Her memory we shall always keep. dear father and As you always were before. son-in-law Don, and grandehildren. DAVIDSON -- In loving m dear father and grandfather, In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, In Connaught Park 9, NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE DNIPRO HALL 9 P.M. = 2 A.M. Hats, favours, bar, buffet. Ample Parking $5. per person Excellent Orchestre. So peacefully free from pain, We could not wish you To suffer that again. DAVIDSON -- Davidson, 31, 1964. tg 'dad, you are not forgotten Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you with us In loving memory ot Rus-| DAVIDSON -- In loving memory of a|--Sadly missed by Dewey, reta or + Russell | gr: 'en who passed away Decembe: | TUTTON -- In loving memory dear wife, Mary Dulcle Tutton, jpassed away. December 31, 1965. | The world changes year to year, --Always remembered by daughter Jean,| And friends from day to dey, But never will the one f love From memory pags away. |--Always remembered by 2 | Dewey. Russell, who passed away December 31, 1964, TUTTON -- in tlovi denly December 31, 1965, No one knows the grief we bear, there. You left us suddenly, unknown, --Sadly missed by daughter Marion.) But you left us memories we are proud son-in-law Ralph and grandchildren Billy, to own. |Betty, Judy and Nancy. |~Lovingly remembered by her sister Anne, brother-in-law Tom. adiy missed and always remember of es who husband memory Mary DO. Tufton, bee pak awey When our family meets, and you're not your thoughts our Mary Tutton, who departed my Mary &. Tutton, who passed 3. Snowden my | De | | | i | who and oe. our dear father and December. 31, 1964. "Hello Dad', To sit with you and chat awhile, So you who have e father, him with care, Till you see his vacant chair. mcs. remembered by Florence, |sons Terry, Randy, rence, sel! Henry Davidson, who passed. away What we would give If we could say In the same old way, To hear your voice, see your smile, cherish For you'll never know the heartache daughter | son-in-law Percy and gran Jimmy and Caw- A LASTING TRIBUTE For permanence and dignity | we suggest MOUNT LAWN visit the Park Office. 723-2633 For courteous advice, please DEATHS | CONFUCIOUS SAYS, "Man who stops advertising to save money is like man who stops clock to save time." DID YOU KNOW? That a want ad is a printed message telling newspaper readers what is for sale, rent or exchange, what services are obtainable, what help is needed or who Is looking for work and what has been lost or found. These messages are conveniently classified and catalogued for easy reading and findng. While the classified secton may look about the same every day, it is never the same in content. There is joy, tradgedy, ambition, hope, success and failure. in the want ads on a single page. Want ads enjoy the highest readership in our daily newspaper. To keep this high readership we en- courage you the private Individual to advertise and earn yourself extra cash. Results and results alone build up a Want Ad section. Results are largely dependent upon the wording of your want ads and you can depend upon our Ad-visors assistance to your want ads good copy. Alone, want ads are small in size, collectively, they become giants. Not only are the Want Ads big business in count, they are bigger business in the value of sales and services to your particulars needs. Thousands of dollars worth of homes, businesses, farms, automobiles, machinery, furniture and other merchandise are offered daily for sale in the want ads column. Classified is the marketplace of the people for goods and services of all kinds, It is for rich and poor alike, young and old, all classés, al! faiths, from birth to death. sense, Want Ads are BIG BUSINESS. They are the public's favorite advertising medium. EOPLE'S CHOICE." In eve "THE WANT TO -- BUY - SELL-~RENT-~OR HIRE? THEN CALL 723-9492 TIMES CLASSIFIED RATES ARE: | FREQUENCY ADS ! copy i Excaliant for the progressive retailer. | } i j Le. | WORD ADS ! change cliowed only once per month | with @ 24 word minimum ioe... Be Te oovenes Se DO MAOMINE 65 os esses ccs. sae Ts Pan reer ro rir ge P| NZ MOMUE fc ices ce scus s BO00 BOOS sci sieccucs teens s re (by contract) TO PLAN YOUR BUSINESS MONTHLY OR YEARLY ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN TELEPHONE 725-9492