® | Exch President WA TIMES, Thursday, December 28, 1967 Stock XC ange ce acer ee ied oe 4 a OFF THE FRIDG ee ° 4 | SO YOU CAN'T PEE EO A GD OO TG a HRS RN AH 9 EO 1 6G 8 ik Rp ew E <enin o WHILE IM oO} i conom . , . : ees a b | i J | " 'nie! m on the ws : : Pe i gotiations"|such projects as the da 0 a a oareet at ow ol fopttt-- jt =: ae | MONTREAL (CP) -- Keo, aunas tat wabe: Pree |Peace River in British Colum: 2 | | tivity in Cana wi 5 987. | e ' nomic activity in Canada : everal|bia and the earth dam on er te Dees e sprog oes | probably slacken during the) --The completion fe uli South Saskatchewan River = = -- first half of 1968, says Charles | huge government public would put more people on the Oo ' |" |B. Neapole, president of the! projects. » maricet a) | | ! ; stock The devaluation of the labor ma ' POTLIGHT | Montreal. and Canadian stoc ss i. d the in-| A more difficult time for Can- BU exchanges. pao Leigh Sion ada's export market also was 10:40 Net . f year, creased cos y. ae ont Tomebitieied wy cr. sa ee ae eee ° ° I te poe hes ti -- be| --Lagging wheat sales. Oe ae aoe ine plus 'pias "Gta Rican tec. we es aia sik ake ae © t t See S Hatahiata ts a the extent that "wel Unemployment is high and The sterling bahia je Cha + fons in ts unless marked $ i 13% 13% 13% | y ; a i rices nf ee Seana ert Ot Neher ae ee ee nti- O u 10n 1S iit t least hold our own," he|the recently-announced closing the increase in ste Seat Wave wigs, xw-Excwarranis, Net change Is) Avi, Weium 2 WS 2s ms will at least. 'ear-end mes-|of the Sydney, N.S., plant of the dian manufactured g é LUNCHEC from previews board-ioi closing sale. Via in oe ° a "Dominion Steel and Coal Corp.|and will bring about weibacnens TOC N Cont a OL ERIE EE. asa sage. , mee Fy , ability to meet competi- ymac m 5 450 +10 reais 5"? . its subsequent take-|in our a ' mn ; MINES Nomac | 5200 48) 4a as) +10 Poll ] tion Courses Among the "variables" which Ltd., hag conical govern- tion in the export market. an Ne ay op Tas i : ; Oo punt Auert: Ne ede me lee Tnlicates the seriousness Furthermore, the "productiv- Place G 3100 165160162 + : 1968 were: jmen gis ' analel ity. oan" veen United States Sales High Low a.m. Chige cas + . Gee 5 cnibin ts . ; | "M Y ity gap' between United § wae UR a oes Scurry Rn 30? Sain Sey '8 By ALLEN HUNTER nation of air and water by in-/ mined Me eraied er ieee ine --The curtailment of expendi-| of aid situation," Mr. Neapole ly te den manufacturing 3 oh 211 Ih n 2110 132 «128-131 + B . mR str aste we are deterr R Centennial projects) said, Bs 7 pont a ow | Fees ou ites ake 278 0 VANCOUVER (CP) -- Jergen a TSA 01 Al whole af ihe Gold River valley laa tee @ hs ote slain completion of had bots growing in the last = 12 2 I 4 ns See list below $ : : : b ' ; a 2 » ' : lseveral years. x 30 G Earee wl de ou 230 230 Vibe (Jack) Christensen, whose) moker is annoyed it the lax hea thy pl agers place VICE-PRESIDENT | -- -- _ mien Bigs ha Neanele predicted 'that S nn 3 ? : a erimary Bierbunion : Tales compas ony Sct 88 mountains BEL OSs tet eke a age os a wTuhsis pre George R Johnston of 3 con s u mer spending, which FQ s ms +5 Distribution of Treasury Shares ' 1 the pulp, harbor are obscured by smoke 0 nis weahepeee 2 ei! 5 pe 5 "rease di the i s been anti-pollution pattern in pulj ; han ae . é 3 : n e S ed an increase during Te ah i fatal pga haa eal aca Mauss called Wednesday for when he looks out the windows more 'than gsi wKben OL a het ae an T regal Ot IDA? eeculd: eontnile = have entered into underwriting and op a chair of pollution at the Uni- of his eight-floor office atop the Heeger iy at the $55.- Ri ilw vs haa been named at a high level well into 1968. 'ROAR flon agreements which may result in rsitv of British Columbia East Asiatic Building clean measure: - o, ailways, s- mn : ee a "ies vais oat ha taal 2 248 s companies be. Tene tensen, Tahsis president In B.C., where pulp mills and 000,000 mill, working on a vice-president in charge ol ] d Position sumers will provide much ef : ' Abie and . determined anti pollution. pollution are almost synony- theory that the only effec MG the CN"s freight Bales, it n e hit a ance tha, a tis fat ontinued rg ist, said in an interview that mous, the 750-ton-a-day Tahsis way to curb pollution is to an was mane Pitan ia ' om iate ihe next venk MRA J 5 $5 --'° British Columbia needs at least kraft Pu ae n beanie ot pseeilaga gag of the - ; stint MONTREAL (CP) -- From,that are operating to eut back oti " e aris © r is an exe Ss a "4 | eased ' | 5 7 = os insite +} INDUSTRIALS 20 professional pollution xp rts ee done to improve waste thus caught is re-used,| an economic standpoint, Canada government spending toa more "ie said he hoped the govern ; k mow. ANSEAG. Ot | Ane Sule hea aust *s image and the in- only about $500,000 of the $3,-| is entering 1968 in a relatively, sustainable level. ment is resolute in its an- Abitib 1400 SRR i : necifi stry's z : i 900, " 8 : shall | . ga 0-1 'i 5 590 $90 o 'doing nee st but not specifi dividnabe elites 000,000 can be justified by eco- nsurance well-balanced position, William] Mr, Anderson said the most nounced plans to cut a. 7 ai Die Ome gue tee ae cally dedi ; hala be We are extremely aware of nomic returns. : M. Anderson, president of the/ urgent problems facing the ernment spending and that this 0 Race 3 a ae a ag Pollution experts she he the sports fishing potential of One. of the more costly devel- Canadian Chamber of Com- country in 1968 are in the finan- attitude will permeate provin- [== td trained at Bre Uy er ihe bape "Hiene and the waters opments is a 1,700-foot $600.000 Increases merce, said today. cial field and in the area oficial and municipal govern- a ec es eit al aad other BraTeRsl Oi of Muchalat Inlet at its mouth," tunnel that carries the mill's "The only sector running at costs and prices. ments. m I eQ We Wit ere Mr. Christense said in 1985 final waste stream deep into sea an unsustainably high level is "There is an obvious neces- 'However, in spite of these = : a * al engineers l: 'n plans for the new mill water away from the mouth of TORONTO (CP) -- Life INSUI the government sector." he said sity to break the strong infla- measures by the federal govern- He favors pollution laws "with when plan 4 as ; ! z "ill be high a ; + h them" to curb contami-| were announced. "We are deter- the Gold River ance in force in Canada rose In in his year-end message. But tionary trend without precipitat-| ment, expenditures re ig f = 'alte ad casa fa -- 7 The tunnel was planned in co- 1967 to $90.000,000,000 from there are 'pressures nolitical,|ing a financial crisis. This is a er than in 1967, since many pa | 2 i ok Ps operation with the federal de- eid Nt in ie ae financial and administrative, delicate and difficult tas'. 4 haa ge yi | ie ae 00 SBie Bin Ale . ; ri dian Life Insurance Association ' ae , backs, but a_ reduction J he Prgyond i. partment of fisheries and drilled peal "Canada is of course strongly ; a Sean rs ' y Canada Ad usts Prices through solid rock. Gold River estimates in a pre end wae influenced by developments In proposed expenditures. HEE deca RE ee 5 itself is a model all-electric ment Sl { Steel He Walted Sales ane ace del. GUY Hudon, chairman ot the + ; OM i ' s community with paved streets, Ordinary insurance ie a er pends on how. the inflationary ge ag bated goto that ce , T underground power, telephone $52,250,000.000, compared with : i ai Je tackled there." "iin his y ar- i Phidna ls ¢ iy + Me Of News rint 0 Britain and television cables and a $48 599,000.000. Group insurance problem is tac while the nolitical ee é i4 $200,000 secondary sewage made up the remainder. et ncome WITHDRAW MEDICARE both aang ey Ribibhgined ry nas , resi said may have caus . . P The Finan-| provided for a maximum $18.20 treatment plant. The rate of interest earned on The chamber president said We ay satiatic here hh Sees iE 4 oe a LONDON ( é He he increase in the per-ton price of worldwide assets of Canadian ee = Sang the government must take a peepee Canes beli th Pace Craton s cial Times says a company han $152.10 insurance companies rose to HAMILTON (CP) -- Slater gm 'hand on its spending pro- t'e reason to believe tha C © dling most of Canada's news $ Y followed last month's 14.3 5.95 per cent from 5.79 per cent Steel Industries Ltd. had consol- grams. There should be an in- eign investment will be cur- " "print shipments to Britain has, It i fat of the Brit an es as resident A. H, dated net income of $3,319,669 definite postponement of com. tailed. advised its customers of a price per-cent devaluation lent of ASSOCIAHIDN. FECAL ee ho OF $1.12 a share in the 12 pulsory universal medical care "With the current devaluation j * increase equal to that author- ish pound, to nie enue nt of Lemmon says that ect 0 months ended Oct. 31, compared BARE ox in sterling: some investment "ized by the British government $2.60 in Canadian ands. : recently have urged the cashing with $2,439,587. or 85 cents in the : E Ay. Well He: chukinellad to tie a's domestic newsprint produc "The Canadians have clearly anne in of government bonds, pension similar 1966 period For their part, management U.K. and Europe," he said : or elected to match the proposed plans, life insurance and other a4 ¢ . and labor must work together However, it "should not be ers new British price, rather than is ' Se dollar assets "have done a dis- This year's figures do not im-lon the cost problem. If wage loweve 7 : eRe @ TRE 1 The government authorization to implement the full effect of TORONTO (CP) -- nite _ service to the: public,' clude $262,475 equity in net capi- costs keep rising far ahead of "be pian He Sie Santen ' A ae 1s ¢ . ' Oh te Sainde fF ee ese 3 rom Canada : ticu: " ,' says The Finan- gram says changes are planne ae y 'spend 'al gains made by Salada Foods productivity gains, Canada 'rom ae 10:40 Net ity wing ; in Canadian a law to i gine ca Heol get Ltd., of which Slater owns one- eke te pee oe tele ones larly Quebec. : e GA Stock Sales High Low. a.m. Chige; [ie ni stnpte sir require United States compa- now an § : " quarter ss ate ; @ 9 They aimed to "retain their 1 7 ' laaaty for most 4 : out of markets and jobs. da . H ron sclose financial details would be disastrous : 5 ee PURO S ' Seat York share oy the Brish Aeon oe of wholly-owned wage-earners. . . . Slater's siege ee Turning to business prospects PRODUCE | REESE Seem ee 1$ Shell Inv p *" market." "ig Oa : x . : 'king Port says net sales declined in a ar, Mr. Anderson" said| : | are «+ The British International subsidiaries in Canada. To suggest that the working 1987 to $26,723,744 from g2g..\next year slackening} TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale 1 , Me F The newspaper says in an Ot- hould surrender these as- ; there has been some slackening 4 "*"* paper Co., described as in Lest IDM tal ee ae badi al ea hope that in the 734.691 and costs and operating|in the rate of capital spending '0 retail carton eggs average Ne vs charge of most newsprint ship- tawa-datelined story 9 jsets now in the hope tha 'to expenses, other than deprecia- by business. This reflects some Weighted prices quoted by the '0% + * ments to this country from Can-| would have to be filed with the future someone else is going fo tion, to $21,977,097 from $23.- lp ht ip of Brabuchve facili. department of agriculture as of IMA i ada, wrote during the Christmas federal aon wall helper ice nord a lai 648,930 Vties relative to abaiand | Wednesday: A large 46.2; A me- SOCIAL 2 ; et he information would be made. js irresponsible advice. rete : ; /ties i i . ldium 39.8: A small 99.5 ee ; 3% =~ holiday to its customers about t i itl. It shows Slater's equity in net, He said business had reason dium 39.8; i aaee MISFIT. s' "the price increase, which takes puss has not been decided, it income of Canadian Foundation to be cautious during 1967 be-| Eggs: A aig Lata ar F NOTHING | - 'ta (elfect Feb. 1. This also, may ve |eAys ately-owned companies in BONDS Co. I4td., another company con- cause of uncertainties raised by | country stations fibr Pe he 1 EVER TURNS | i I5% the date for the domestic pro- Priva w I slater creased in Ni i i ci .|ed by a committee of wholesale fa OUT RIGHT ' : bugil Canada, including wholly-owned BROS The Cana-| (rolled by Slater, "increased in/the Carter commission on taxa egg dealers: extra large 4% a T san", ducers' increase fnaldinnies of foreign firms,| TORONTO (CP) -- The ( pnp 1967 to $561,229 from $367,351./tion and the Kennedy Round Hate 37-39: mediums 32: small 5 " ¢ Canadian newsprint mills sup- ai are not required to file de- dian bond market was off 2 Dividends from Foundation of agreements on tariff reductions, | 51°F 97-30: C oe a Zz M4 9 « ply about one-quarter of Brit . '46 of their financial opera- Point in quiet trading Wednes- go-1 coq in oth years are includ-| While all the uncertainties| ¢ haitae Mie O hw die : s)4 deeds hey oigern a veel tions ued ed in these figures have not been dispelled, busi-| Dairy Clanialasion tenderable : ' BEE AROUE ODE Un Ee Oe The Telegram quotes a cabi- Long-term Canada and prov- Equity in earnings of Salada. ness welcomed the federal gov- carlots buying 39 score 42; buy- *, ance from Scandinavia z deci- net source as saying a specialjincials fell % with the 4q-per- including dividends of $332,898.|ernment's indication that tax re-| aldphaphict dy ailline h 'As yet, no new pricing ai task force of university econo-|cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue closing is shown as $797,882 compared| form would be made on the ex-| '"& 4 Score 63, selling 63. ' ** sion has been mare saheuite ! mists, appointed by the govern- at 793% bid and 795, asked. with $50,725 in 1966. The 1966 in- isting tax structure. FREE PEPSI jaaitin 3000 71 «21? the Scandinavian producers, ment a year ago to study for-| ghort-term Canada bonds fell come from Salada represents' Exports next year should be el eH sae im yi eh ) says The Minancial Tames eign investment in Canada, has\95 cents with the 544-per-cent! dividend payments only. : reasonably wel ! maintained, EPI'S Me Adam 3500 4 eo +t be SEEK AWARD taken a strong stand in favor of! Dec. 15, 1969, issue closing at Other investment income in Mr. Anderson said, but mee Merrill ion 1% 190 19 sa idee : \ group of Argentine writers, requiring financial disclosure by! 98.65 bid and 98.75 asked. 1967 fell to $89,376 from $255,501./ was some doubt about the firm- IZZA mardi 200 108. 108 {oe -- 1 Sales. to 11 a.m.: 735,000 vil "tors and newspaper foreign-owned subsidiaries. Day-to-day money traded at, The company's annual report/ness of external demand for| {PRINTED soaking a posthumous It says the source was confi-|5% per cent. : is expected to be sent to share-| wheat. Sterling devaluation, too, Simece $. 3, -- 728-0199 10 ou FEREION. TRACING Nobel Ponce Prize for Walt Dis-|dent the government will amend) Treasury bills remained holders in the middle of Janu- could restrict sales in somelf Simcoe St. % -- 720-9193 ' ca ty ee ie al ney the American creator of the Canada Corporations Act to| steady with 91-day bills closing ary. baad eae _-- el $ '| oenite | setae a ee as cartoon and nature movies who put the recommendation into . he per cent and 182-day bills) -- -- S " acer Dev S00 3.33 a . av at 6,10. Hun creck Na haguiar Testing} Se naar' Mc nak ate died last year law Fa a Saat Block -- | = Home A ' nnn tee _ 9 " cae | | Aren't you glad he cared Norpax 2 - Northea 2 idst ; " Norfhgat ; vi ° ca | more about coriander | Se 7) 7 oa ISSUE OF than everybody else? a | c=) | $500,000,000 S (OR THEREABOUTS) by » 9, Pa 4 NON-CALLABLE Let's face it. ] bd . 9 -- | OF CANADA BONDS ae inca en GOVERNMENT look like much. Even tin sin ¢ DATED JANUARY 15, 1968 to another coriander, fo Mg iy Re be ra ed ' re rh And maybe that's a ug arta Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions : yi : Sie tea 8 for a loan, to be issued for cash as follows: bigreason why English : . ; H be : --2 year 1 month 6% bonds due February 15, 1970 gin-makers in 1769 wa N44 Issue price: 99.60% neglected this funny S I Yielding about 6.20% to maturity looking herb so much. . Sand A 15 b | Interest payable February 1§ and August . 3 4 {} | ' ga : } One month's interest payable February 15, 1968 | Except Alexander Bl ad y) ' ; ie ow Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 e BG Fes) eae: ee Gordon, a Highland © jojz || | | 43 |-! 3 | y | Scot. He had a hunch & | pl :): --3 year 11 month 6% bonds due December 15, 1971 . : a he BF: | tage 0% And it paid off. He dis. Issue price: 98.50% : Yielding about 6.44% to maturity | Interest pavable June 15 and December 15 ¢ months' interest avable June 1S, 1968 | is om natoak $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 covered that by treat. ing the very best co- ; . nee not dn whelh we te ice aus riander just right, it . | The Minister of Finance reserves the right to accept or reject in whole or in pa' ' = : Mod rate TSE Tradin subscription and to allot a total of $500,000,000 plus or minus up to 10%. would give gin a won- e g Bank of Canada has agreed to acquire a minimum of $100,000,000 of the new Bonds, derful new taste. That = open as to maturity. ' : C ld Oil eocseds of the offering will be used to redeem $303,000,000 of oe gin had never had be- z omina e y 0 ' l S 414°, Bonds due January 15, 1968 and idan - eee 7% Bonds fore, = ' due January 15, 1968 and for general purposes of the sovernment of Canada. : : ; TORONTO. (CP) -- Golds and/55 in wesiern oils: Canadian Su The new 6°, Bonds due December 15,197! are an addition to $85,000,000 of 6% Bonds - The rest is history. es oe Ghee cuts Her Oh a dive December 15, 1971, dated August, 1967. from that date. Principal 200 years later, Gordon's is now the ma Siro sioea Heeduenge | cies ica / / 15, 1968 and will bear interest from that date. Principa ° ca ae ee be ne ch ae awe ent ee of Pats Principal is payable at any Agency largest selling gin in the world. HEY, vie Wednesday andj . 5 \ " 1 j j oe Pee ose 6.70 points on es ot ' R : of Bank of Canada. epg @ eae nat oe igh se on re ea ea And still made exactly to the tale i ves W inde f 202 whi} estern n ndustrials B.( Morest pa 4 Definitive bonds wi ¢ availa é y 15, 1 ; : on cained 3.15 noints 0-210 3.| Products, Inco and Crush Inter | ae in pay Sng a form with coupons attached and fully registered ia he secret recipe. ea Analysis said the rise in ~iasins boone) gulch di r able by ch Bonds of both forms will be in the same denominations and fully % Z ¢ 29 | t 125 and 1 ! yectively | nterest payable by c eque. Bon 4 ; : : sesagen aa a eg Hee ee Deaiase si ed , to 81 and intershangels as to denomination and/or form without charge (subject to Government Nobody else see And its not re ul would ie ated by the Rio Algom 4% to 34%4 in base transfer requirements where sea t Act of the Parliament of Canada and both hard si understand -- : a Unit States from - $35 elals. Pine Point dipped '4 to ' Bonds are authorized pursuant to an / ct 0 y United State om ef od ad interest are a charge on the'Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada, How gid pe _ sae' know, LONDON z | err ison rose % to. 1849 Industrials rose 1.01 to 160.90 j : : gp! Bence 1% 10 '60 and Giant on index and base metals 1.98 to Subscriptions, subject to allotment, may be made to Bank of Canada, Ottawa, hii W ho real y -- about what appens ie ee ee ne 4 ee? i i any investment dealer eligible to act as a primary distributor or throngh any bank in | toa coriander? 8 golds. Kerr Addison, Dome an Volume at the close of trading Con Yelm a nd with 2.160.000 traded uecday sap per | DISTILLED IN CANADA BY TANQUERAY GORDON & Co, (CANADA) UTOy = the gold index of 12 stocks, and! with 2.169.000 traded Tuesday : ona ae Pe eeke | ' = are the most heavily weighted Advances. outnumbered de : : ; | 'Sak 4 he' erciic clines 299 10 136 while 213 Issues| Scurry-Rainbow gained 544 to/ were unchanged