22 «rH COHAWA | TIMES Yomtey. December #6, wer Pay Christmas Bills With Times "Action" Classified Ads--Fast Results Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumbing ond oe TYPES repairs * Accountants Corpentry Certifies Gener Atl GORDON e DAY te 208 Quali ity 'Carpentry 5--Trailers Rug - Upholstery Service HOLIDAY sng Bre dBi 2 ie = TH ick ee 119---Male and Female | Help Wented Front Desk Clerk must know use of | beerd, NCR 52 Telephone 942-5580 |fi00 WEEKLY or more, full, part-time, jladies, men, Fuller territories, Whitby, | | Bowmanvil je, Oshawa, 728-4922. | |OUR FAST growing rurel properties de- | Sedaiorod rr eager men and woren south central Ontario, habe land aitnout experience. Enquire about! this exciting business now. Lots of help,| advertising and leads. Escalating com-) mission schedule ensures high earnings For confidential interview cai! Jim Lam-} bert now. J. J. Lambert oe Estate) Ltd. Donway West, Don lis. Phone} 18. Member of the Toreete Real/ switcn- 20--Real Estate for Sale a |20--Real Estate for Sole Sullivan 218 Dundos St. E. on No. 2 Hwy. Whitby, Ontario Whitby -- 668-8826 Toronto--364-6622 INVESTMENT Commercial with 3 apts., Brock St. on in Whitby' will 'also (are 'Martin 576-1200 URGENT We are not looking for 6 pool or loan shark, but just- en honest real estate salesman or saleslady, who enjoys mak- ng an honest dollar, and believe me it is here to be made, all replies confidential. J. OSBORNE, Mgr. 26--Apartments for | FANTASTIC RENTA COFFE THIS MONT ONLY Tower On The Gree , 2, and 3 bedro 1140 MARY ST yet. Nonquon Rd.) neor everything, chi welcomed, all modern f ties for your pleasure. Telephone 723-3037 576-3802 . " | or e : Estate Board. | take a trade. What have you? | 76: comp Rg ve Eg um n 3 NEED EXTRA MONEY? sarin Call office for particulars. sbglnes Mave t Serest N.. 725007. Res Dentistry : : r gos 2 72 RANCHER R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE e to : ~~ DR. G. ROBERT BROWN, Cental Sur - i ea 9 e = 'emcee | REALTOR very : : k J IAN AND WIFE fo do cleaning, eve- | Blueprinting avnoart da shag u gag pny Ti wan and MIFE 3 2 «nan ond. ex: | This executive home in Whit- | 172 King St, E., Suite 101 Mala Glen t DRAFTING sats tedossoaiubes ORE e : Enbries WAS SHOT ANTI roi dod [os lence. Apply Box 78307, Oshawa) by surrounded by comparable Bae Dressmaking @ Works stead a . y THROUGH STAAGHTS pis imes. | properties is a beauty, spaci- ONE MILLION DOLLAR Courts EXPERIENCED ORESSMAKING. ese bi a ton oll the | TE THROAT STALACTITES SHAPED LKE (20--Real Estate for Sale | ous master bedroom with bo h formals, ¢ nicren's wear. Pavternss, @ E - ee : ECK AND SHRUBS AND FLOWERS iderdial rve Tirepince: : 835 Oxford St. - EAR fet Te Nie ap eg APARTMENT e pt car gar- Building for comfortable - « $ Tu " PRES: e ond n ing, within walking dist th ¢ e, double ' coats, nto AGAIN AS Sinane e . a 100 x 200 of South GM plant zm " ATRIAL sec | AQUSE i EXPERT DRESSMAK NG, averations, CHESTERFIEL . =a. aT \ pect. @ Controlled entrance no Ae a anne : aoe V JUDGE POTATOES REAL ESTATE LTD. j ® Mod 4 . -- jodern spacious su ' nastier : : ONLY own by REALTOR penne @ Large balconies, ---- ' MS AVAILABLE yo Sitar 40 King St E OPEN HOUSE ve ie Psa 'ter @ Hi-Fi music in every : aie , n ; . Ww ° ' : IL -- rt r3 | ST ie : ' @ Lots of closet space neato' fh wai th ; | LDE RENTAL oi Gy eet alg | $19,900 ¥ ne sone building, all @ Free parking Gardening ond Supplies aa =f vs \ Immediate 'possession, avall- r a @ Hydro included ese st ny MN T--\Oshawa Uphoistering, 787 Dean Avenue SER VICE © Kg Faso fata fim, P96. Watt tie cna, able for this spotiess 3 bed- | Form @ syndicote and buy it ° as ah patie rbgatl ii . ti stim satan OURROCR SROREaS aR O AEE eee sa 2 CAIES room home with attached ga- | mow for the future. Owner an room suite This & That Hyer ncl t sell Coll 112-416-483 "ais i. 5 rage in new condition, inc must se! -483 Cali Toda eset ye 8--Articles for Sale 9A--Eggs & Poultry ing refinished f A 0721 Mrs Warner BIR . ° ® 2 Agta Posse sp og -- utiful north enc t 67 x z c ' ' NIA Sa f Thik hes to. be the ir ' 725-0657 HORSE TRAILERS FOR SALE "single. NOW 2 # rane buy in Watowe Inspect h ¢ garages Rodney A. Watt ' jouble, and bigger, with or without elec RVI : at Vour eer built in an area where ; Weekdays 12-9 P.M ' : Blips ape '10--Farmer' s s Colymn [SO you can be proud to call Industrial Realtor Sot, & Sun. 12-6 P.N vs at : V ------ | ) . me ft 1- - erg ie _ 6--Marine Equipment OR:-FASTER SER ICE DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock! $22,600 SUITE 1412 id bal ills aia 2epric ervice pty marawi Fur Farm,| buy now and save 88 REDPATH AVE. a lait ROOFING, ho! tar SEPTIC TANKS cleaned pt se ahaa lh alt till ane mortgage pay Immediate Occupa repairs, large and & ya Wes? 7 ' 7 ik -P aL this sparkling new NTO 7, ONT. i % a Rooting and Constructio T FOE oiboac Wadia sedlanta -- ets an ivestock -- --u bedroom Gane s arace, ry r repeirs. Roof EXTRAC & SERVIC ik oe | } i yeni ; + ALL TYPEL, bvicing ren, Roving Sven & SERVICE Gaiman suhag Sapa ok Boel levgble but ve -- 63% SPECULATIVE LAND lo al conveniences inaiea Casa Manar tet r rt whit 666-077 bone ary 7 Bice HMAN ees 5 AV essiona! trainin boarding 10 -- com t he Town of Whitby 'or a 5 | asonry. Gord Mey, Whitby, 74 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN BREAKS THE ces, Pint Show mare a el | ely decorated and Jandscap- more information ai . age $1,200 Pragati 4 beh shnagaly a older 230 Nipigon St ; a PR] R Shirt y-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662! eq. You'll never top this for | ¢ : Ue beth raving Iot,. Close ta scheain "one ntol RESULTS? Use Times COMPLE = Key H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND eyor =: BARRIER poting tor aot' sachshiond puppy | value. This is the last at this os sh ping. cist" orice bia tee kok 4 ' pach yi pal ta - OMPLE F Spiral r ooking for al and home for Christ- | < - Chuc e nd ¢ Cr SOs Action Want Ads E. 725-68 e rr fered, Telephone 138 12.5089, 7 | price and you can trade your SEE THIS BEAUTY Realtor, 068 :: eset wail oe. @ Impressive lobbies ction . ariel Serene home ly 2 nae ib etree C Ser h TV--Roadi i C BRAKE for tralctgs BABY | BUDGIES, ready a This lovely 3 bedroom brick, RANCHER in northwest, only 4 yeare @ Controlled entran --Radio Repairs / PECIAL. it talking strain. "Apply P ; eeneaite: tas i 4. Finish nee -- mit i : P SALE NOW ON ORE B _East, | STOP DREAMING tar ey A " sible gorda Fae A ylnteg barge pal hating @ Modern spacious sui - ost. poouler cos, hint OS me with many extra 29,900. Call i Quali rRoressioNst 998 THRVIGEZIE| ct having a steady, come | youre sue to ey, buitin [eeinestwr tg et © Large baler mas = ' boa we have just listed a stove and oven, attached gar- STEVENSON RD. N., \i-yearcid brick i-Fi music In every 1 23-11 BLACK A HIT 9 a modern S-plex of 2 bed age. Call now for an. appoint bungalow ree to schools churenen and @ Lots of closet space P ro portmen in top rent- ie {| shopping. equires B 4 "i , VERE Birstall ; P Me Se le oe a he ee ie me payments of si65 including taxes GR @ Free parking is POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing a! location. -- plete = witt ; : : Willard Johnston, 728-1066, Schofleld-Aker ; --$--$--$-- ____ 1 R | WHEEL BALANCE y priced. Telephone W paved parking. 5 stoves and | Marlow Hancock j Ltd This is your chance SECOND MORT : 2 fridges, washer' and dryer. |LOVELY suburban rench bungelow, be ACT NOW oleh Betis 2 C SPECIAL WELSH CORGI puppies, lovely compan-|- and your home could be tween Whitey and Oshewa on @ large lot MONEY ; f Rg sbi ss ing ie dren. Reserve) down payment, shown b Sean Witard nde 708-1060, Call MRS. WERNI p Rate 95 AQUARIUMS anippaired Sana bem, | Palntment only aed 25-0657 Ri | aI new and some eld style for salec| 3 LEFT 23--Real Estate Wanted Weekdoys 12-9 P.M , | TOWER |CLIP, groom, bath, ell breeds. § cice 10 acre lots wi S aes is eekcoys | 2- IV. TOWER ee A lotreaucary otar' 6 et SELL! Set. & Sun. 12-6 P.M $2 e 5 t gente odd 4,90 9 728-5] 43 cle $125 UNIROYAL Puppies" Gu TERED "poss, Ti iy Pegg on busy thoroughfare SELL ! or after hours 1-625-1 ional charge if net paid within & da 300 SE.6 n ae af ger breeds, $35- in the town Bowmanville aN ' IN MEMORIAMS The above exomples ore B n List 2 cb 25-2645, | » Terms available | SELL. 4 50 for th st 25 words end 6c nit se BRITTANY SPANIEL, fe! i ister-| | We hav Sach thereafter, piu 13¢ per_fine. of| ed on a 15-y ALSO CENTRES oa 4a Or ber eter Toepiine Seie.| OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE W | te bee) uated eee eee NOW RENTII verse; 25¢ addition! charge if not paid) Interest rate is culoted USED SNOWMOBILES ---- Dial 728-467 } , 0 Sy Ramee on. Serr within 8 days on the declining balance 7 V TOWERS AVAILABLE 12--Articles Wanted j dial 728-4678 | mercial properties in this ereq More and "Kd of Osho R Fe THA : Bay hte ie, Gate ; pbrrcocs ei kaa ED | with substontiel amounts of nicest people are enjc zie a words ond ? arranging fees - > ve have Snowmobiles Goop usED eae ali RA N K "A "K h L reasonable rents ct the eoch therectter wit c n - 0 " = ° cherge if net paid within 8 do | . eit } td. R A CA REALTY LTD \A rm Real Estate Ltd Realtor harwettee eat peter ee give o bette WILDE RENTAL REALTOR 576-0330 O R "a 728-1691 a | ' ish- pe Tae PEON EL ales and Service 'Coles son s o> * DO YOU WANT IT 2 oe | 5 Dundes St hed Sasaiathigay L.9 Bowmanvi I SERTION _MORTGAGES Dundas St. € s, Bridal |__ ceeheriet peace ~~ SOLD > ? HITE "imola Waite: | ----_---- : ves f mo F LTD. 668 3226 MRE lest s Neees s s, Mink Stoles. THOMAS J 623-3393 OR JUST LISTED ? L RD. E : rae) only $695 : | SARGEANT'S RENTALS | M shaw ist Business Is good. We are ' | idles onan Neptg Cn RAFT | |__ 463 Ritson Rd. S.; 725-3338 | | ec! r just about out of listings. N ° a SERVICE RTAINING? Fifty fo one hundred | If you have a home for sole, N ' Tennis Club OSHAWA please call at once ond osk _weadings Ow NEF R TRANS FERRED for George Twoites of Re ' n VNER \SKATE EXCHANGE. Over 1 C CHAIRS, nospital beds, waik-| 422 hitena St. N eohas ee ¥ SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED, h % pric a cing mach ines, sick room ° 100 = : vice ae Soo oe get rcs i ache ee | 576-1580 Erk DUAGAGNC MAGE Gaines 23-2265 or 723-2008 LC} AAE , 283 MOTORS from $100, 'ond up, "Vow 14--Business Opportunities | te SLE | Lay PHONE 728-9) STARCRAET ~land used auto par est HILLCROFT ST We have out of town purcha- ua eb sts ECT '. and generators, 117 IMMEDIATE SALE, excellent sma Ulrich Strahl, C bs ACRES sers with substantial amount tag ee UO J ELMER a ea : stab raed oh © x Be 2 _ | f cash looking for proper- and applian codet Hi ie acti 6 ROOM BUNGALOW ties in this orea. Oshawa Rent BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00 RENTA a pick-up. 263 omes in th syennnvilles neae ABT Ae 4 'sagt ese ITAL 7- ~Swap 'and Barter FIREWOOD, sirable area, Now is ii t eS hi Leela anh dielie | H. KEITH LTD. Agency 3 TOWERS (PRUE av. sco, mg isgrema vor end ase | ES. h tuner ge | REALTOR Supt eprient a eme $ s nS ees st 'aH8 "according tached garage. Electric heat 576-0330 dation In all parts of Osh s i rs é to your needs. 3 and 4 bed- 4 base Mi ' BEER My td i Bar AEE EO n ve ; parece fireslaces fairly me $37,900, {do You want to sell your home? We VALIANT -s Oe aici jhav T SWITCHBOARD re receptionist desires; rooms, double 'garages and |tial I down pavrrantne lesklng for, eroper 2 50/8 A i f aren --. Experienced; many other outstanding fea BUCKHORN LAKE |ties in the Oshawa and Port Perry DEVELOPMENTS . v b. 2.50 8--Articles for Sale Telephone) tures will be incorporated by ~ - Erg Rescjad ee Vag eA arb ng "CALL" ye BEAD an Wee ae , Is af i Spaeth 2 cottages with 4 lake ¢ ~ ambert Real Estate t osnavra. Ti enc 728-5623 oN NOWM icra OVINGT = Calarge Feame| member, cons ore to. {te Cottages have oll con- [ste aru Rah Woah Ber" 728956022 THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE ae ee 6-904 - ' ' FILTER @ able rates. Any odd jobs ¢ ith s more t nay es = RESPONSILE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- _ : MIN ION $ OBILES being ch UEEN Telephone co have your home custom built! veniences. All furniture, boat |! HAVE A buyer with $4,000 roe "for ~ Le TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE fs | BRA EAS i ie mas as Feel free to discuss your re on h.p. motor included down payne? on older home. Please Poel Ry Ne iar cis al veer toes ie TELEVISION ; vo Te 17--Femole Help Wanted | fc7iree,t9,dscms youre: | Sr's40,000, "terms. (ims same tb, bot Choose VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE - i egy ig i en ig tt ce. LADY REQUIRED to work | Or with any of our staff, with- C rv r mn PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN. as 9 om, to 9 pir T 'son to" Genesha Hele | out obligation of course! RESTAURANT, MOTEL, |25--Houses for Rent SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS : -- ee BUY AND SELL. Good used furniture. | GIFT SHOP & | THREE BEDROOM fib cthows Vineds vase a : pee @ an sates, guns. 72 RELIABLE WOMA | fo, pabysit tor two Th GAS PUMPS Bas hospital, $135 eae Pe tse4 an occording to its ag e a vite a ene 95 a --_ gt ousek eeping; cember 28. References. Tel T eo 6 ntl tn Telephone 728-0467} omas 7. Huzar Doing terrific business. 900' {728-268 oe aepils er of ¢ C AI AK e 'condi : : a ETN REALTOR x 250' lot on busy highway. {TWO - DROOM bungalow, Newion- apartment figs FALCON ae So Superb. food, quality. itty Ntsada™ gg aman se Gar myo soca tna tyes ern ~ fe Vat Beawhe | 576-1580 Must be sold ot once. Terrific | ase icra with a 4 ? gavectuis 206 223-879 > SiN s sion' s Hi See ire for cock anos. --| opportunity at $95,000." We |NEWCASTLE, one mile east, on Hwy, i > e but assumes 2 2% x Mac Donald Texaco mere Sere Wenete » between ayes ct hove severc! Restaurants to |seven-room {Fld fe a ge H : . a i eniare 0 : Jee M06 HAMMOND ORGAN, parities work. AOehy Ph | W. " MARTIN choose from. *Terms after 5 p.m, 987-4650, Cable TV e aired there y a 4 elephone 5 te Genosha. No phone cnoose tro IT'S EASY TO. PLACE A t end second mortgage 2 ses SKATES, ew and ie AE Call 623-3393, 728-7518 IMES ACTION WANT AD money available. Call John [KY gos : a ET RLIS En ROE cycle C 4 Bo 18--Male Help Wanted _ REALTOR or Toronto 923-9174 Cell Cienifieg Dine lik Grit, Real' Es. t Rien Base ZED DRAPES |guy-anp seus | 728-5103 Regency Tow 23-3492 ate Limite 2----Personal and appliances. One After 9 p.m. MR PREMIER ssalinnsicaiapccmnasane siiticecads siliniasiia 947.2210 sara pleat \ t Jo rno < i ee EGTROLYSIS OSHAWA PRODUCTION | Br ANE ae | ke Hockin, 603-8085 : 1 & 2 Bedroom Ap NDEX TO BRANC m REAL TY onerine taco 7 é or a t j oesesalén 3 Soliean Brick Pat Yeo Free hydro, parking, d emer aa aer ze | poREMAN | Eerie eres | MERCH Ae FIRST AND SECONC GOOD FURNITURE, : fenced ed drive, Mast : 7 725-2227 ving room and kit s Gilb 4 Drive or telephone | Required for Trim manufac- aioe Soe your down ages ln viene 983-5533 te | turing plant In sewing room, : ; oy Foster t 9--Market Basket | Minimum educotion grade 12 BETTER HOME! -- $19,400 | Orono 983-5801 ° REGENT ARI --_-- , + i + ' AV +o nicter | or equivolent experience. Ex- Best gt es crea-south Ves Mm ants Ors This Space Two bedroom apartrr ms cellent salory, company paid psig bedrooms recreation Garden Hill 797-2215 Quiet build dult: at % benefits. Telephor 942- room nice lot, Call for your Howard Fo rder : bd ih et biedbag none VACUUM REPAIRS, 4160 or send resume to | inspection of this 2 year old | Br 655-3853 Is Available after p.m. mac' C pallera es Chrysler Spring-Trim Limited, dandy. | Georae Beaton | 723-6944 Elem noun Savin 274 Mackenzie Ave., Alax. ag WEST -- Immacu- | Port Perry 985-2987 | F Yy. or 723.6455 vp aos = lote 3 bedroom quolity home SCE STE UNG AOE a adtcdudad SEO z PEWRITER $ ANDARD SRO Eas Teens ESBS a Only $15,800 -- See it! Buy or our plibh a Sted apie ' GOOD MAN OVER 40- | it! This one won't last in | | drapes yell pg pling fnel Mc ntos For short trips surrounding | __this desirable location. | Someone | Message $137.50. Two children allowed. ¢ Oshawa. Mon we want is | ss | THREE - ROOM apartment, | : worth up to $14,000 in yeor, BUYING or SELLING {| Wonts HYSTO, Bove. and Ferri geravor t we Py ) B h | plus regular cash bonus. Air | Contact | zie} $ er usne | R. Dickerson, Pres. | HAROLD SEGAL Your TWO-BEDR iment, (COM = --s apartment, thwestern Petroleum Corp., . | Business 725-3557 self-contained. Immediate p 34.N. Main St., Fort Worth, | Residence 725-1772 "Don't Wants" A Courteous eee al $75 month | exa | B | ae wate : \ | | w -- Thr rin A [ G O M A [ITALIAN SPEAKING "salesmen wanted | J meMullan | Ad W it bath. Newly dacoralec. Central ito sei! 2 ic ce, Electrolux, products. 0. PHONE riter Avaliable, January 1. $78. mont | Iphone F236 ' DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS 723-3492 SPACIOUS one-bed + WAITERS requlted tor coadall Tounge.|,.An average 300 million copies of 6,000 : i r ot court, ORCHARDS Ltd. [RATERS craved, tor costar esree atly "rewopepers "are "sclevovthon | Will Help a Pilg be Hotel. No phone calls oe we a give we vere ERG A will wood style kitchen and di TIRES Thickson Rd. N please pees Cae a in The Tinar Classified Becton geet Y, South end of city. 723-2977 : $8 King 3 sic fe fintead routes oe plata Ape? eopiis it's the one place Oo neip you OU. TWO; BEDROOM aa _fuple 5 pr -- senate 5 v rr rt-time work. Apply Mr. Cam ft lor your ad get. your | refrigerator, garage. Landscape etl ke ii" TELEVISION jen? condition. bell, H | . i i WED N Est DAY Facies vies, senior ncaa | Whitby peor loti "Geneshs. Ne phone call, jeter "petore 13,00 subscribe renders) | vacant Februery 1